Chapter 31 - An Accident

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As I walked away from Jacob's presence, I heard a loud halt of a car behind me.

What was that?

I immediately rushed over to the noise. The black vehicle was surrounded by a lot of people. Eventually, I squeezed my way in front of the people. I saw Jacob on the ground, his head and hair all stained by blood. I looked at the driver.

And you won't believe it.

She had her hands covering her mouth, and trust me, I would never forget that eyeliner pattern.


She hit Jacob.

Hailee caught my glimpse rather quickly, but looked away immediately, since I'm still Jacob's girlfriend to the Internet. The ambulance arrived rather quickly (I mean, there is a hospital near here) and it allowed only two people on. Hailee got on of course, she hit Jacob. And the man was asking for one more person, and just when he was about to drive away, I stepped up, "I'll go." Instant whispers followed my speech. "You are..?" The man asked. Without thinking, Hailee answered for me, "She's the injured guy's girlfriend."

Me and Haillee were sitting opposite each other, with Jacob lying down on the bed in between us. "I'm so sorry." She said to me. "I'm not the best driver, I mean, I already got my license ages ago, but I don't really drive a lot." I smiled. "So why are you driving today?"

She looked at me sharply, "I guess it was Shawn. The thought of him was just...getting to me a little too easily these days, I don't know why." She paused, wondering if I understand it. "Or it might be you."

Me? Why? Without second thought, I accidentally said that with audible sounds. "Because you're the one he loves. And I've always wanted to be that person."

Jacob turned out all fine, but just needed a few week's rest, or as Jacob described, "observation" on him to see if he was fine. Me and Hailee went in Jacob's room, and saw him alive and well. "Hey Hailee, and hey...Mila." He looked less cheerful when he saw me beside Hailee. "Hey Jacob. Are you ok?" Jacob only nodded because things are still really awkward between us. Suddenly, my phone in my left jean pocket and I took it out to see who it was.

Shawn Mendes
Accept | Decline

Oh no. "Hey Camila, who's that?" Hailee asked curiously. Not thinking about what I should do, I clicked on the red button. "Um, I think they got the wrong number." I said, while giving a somewhat convincing grin.

I got out of the room, and my phone rang once again. It was Shawn. "Hello?"

"Mila why did you decline me call?" He asked with a sign of annoyance. "It was Jacob-"
"Of course. Your boyfriend." He exaggerate on the word 'boyfriend'. I could almost see him rolling his eyes. "Look Shawn, I can't meet up with you because he-"

"Because he's more important. I get it." Shawn finished my sentence not quite how I wanted it. Just when I was about to talk back, he ended the call. I grunted in annoyance, and I slipped my phone back into my pocket.

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