Chapter 12 - Taylor?

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I walk to school and see Shawn skipping towards me. He never does that except when he's in a super good mood. "Hi Camiiiila!!" He waves at me. "Sup Shawn. You're so happy today." I'm so glad he's back to normal again. He was acting like a baby. "Yeah cause I cleared things up with Cam." Hm. "Cleared" things up with Cameron huh. Well, I just hope that they did it in a mature way. "Cool." I said nothing more on that topic and walked with Shawn to our first class.

Ok. Let me get things straight. I have a crush on Camila. There I said it! I want to tell her but I never get the chance. I like her a lot. So much that I think it's love. I want to let everyone know that I love her. I want to be a person that she can trust. But I didn't even tell her yet.

Carter came back to school after one week of "Horrible food, horrible time and no gaming." That place must be hell according to any guy. "Sounds horrible." I say. "Yes it was horrible. you have no idea. All you do is lie on the bed and do nothing." The week passed by really quickly and I wasn't complaining. Friday came and just when I was closing my locker, Lauren spoke. "Mila I need to talk to you." Ok... I guess it must be something urgent because she wasn't as chillaxed as normal. "Right. So my house?"


I need to talk to Camila right now. I talked to the other girls about this but they all say I'm over thinking too much, which I'm sure I'm not. Why won't people believe me? They're so annoying. Especially Dinah. She thinks I'm mental for saying those things. We got into her room and she collapsed onto her bed. "So what is it you wanna talk about?"


Lauren took a deep breath, "You know what happened that night at the Valentine's dance, right?"
"Yeah." I think the whole school knows what happened, Laur.
"Did you hear it from people like Normani?"
"Well, it's most likely that they didn't know what exactly happened. This is only my theory, ok?" I nodded. "Well, what do you know?"

I re-winded what I heard from Normani, "Um I only know that there was like a fight going on at he stage, and Taylor was involved in it or something, and then boom the whole place was on fire." I finished. "Ok. You don't know much. Lemme fill ya in."

"That night Taylor and Carter were arguing about something, and that led to a fight on the stage. Taylor walked away from the stage and seconds after the stage was on fire. And Taylor just somehow had a lighter in his hand that time. Now, tell me I'm sane." She put her hands together and sighed. "Y-You think Taylor did it?" Lauren nodded slowly. "Think about the evidence. He has the lighter, he walked off the stage seconds before the fire started. He has every single evidence pointed towards him."

I can't believe this. How much more did I miss that night? I mean, Taylor is annoying but he would never do such a thing. Oh my god. "Does anyone else know? Does Taylor's friends know?" Does Shawn know? I need to tell him now, it's his friends after all. "I've told the girls, but they think I'm insane. Mila, please don't say the same because this theory could be true." This theory can, or is actually true. Why would people with common sense like Ally think Lauren's crazy? "I think you could be right. Are you going to tell him?"
"I'm planning to, but every time I try he always changes the subject. I can't do this alone." She explained. "Should I tell Shawn?" She nodded almost the second I said that. So I found his contact in my favorites, and clicked on it. "Yo this is Shawn, I'm probably busy right now so just leave a message and I'll get back to you asap. Bye!" Ugh. Stupid voicemail!! Who even came up with the idea. "It went to voicemail. I'm gonna text him."

Me - Shawn I need to talk to you now (sent 17:25)

Shawn - ok ok I was eating muffins that's why I didn't pick up the phone (17:31)

Me - k meet me at da park right now. I'll explain

Me and Lauren jogged to the park and Shawn arrived one minute later. "Oh hey Lauren." He greeted Lauren. "Shawn so you remember on Valentine's night about the party?"
"Yeah. The one that got lit up right?" Lauren chuckled at his attempt trying to make a joke. "Right. And Lauren said she saw everything. She said Taylor and Carter were fighting and he had a lighter, he walked off the stage and seconds later boom there was fire." He looked shocked. Well, who wouldn't? "So you guys are saying that Taylor started the fire?" He confirmed. "Yep."
"You know what, that actually makes sense. Have you guys told Nash and Cameron and other people?"
"I've told Cameron, the Jacks and Matt but they think I was drunk, which I clearly wasn't." Lauren crossed her arms and complained.

We went home later that night, all chattering about the criminal. And also trying to come up with a plan to reveal the truth.

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