Chapter 29 - By The River

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We spent the rainy day in the park, just taking a walk, catching up with everything. He tried to hold my hand but I reminded him that I still have a boyfriend by taking away my hand. "Taylor really set the fire, huh." Shawn said. "Yeah... Oh and-" I cut myself off. My mind suddenly remembered that I wasn't supposed to tell ANYONE that Taylor had escaped jail. I did pretty well, I hid it from everyone I knew. Jacob, Mani, Dinah, even my own family. Me and Taylor are not exactly friends, but since he's Lauren's boyfriend I would do that for Lauren.

"Oh yeah, ad do you wanna get coffee?" I asked, hiding my uneasiness. "Yeah, but we're in town. "Not scared of paparazzi's?" He asked with a smirk. "Nope."

I grinned like a child. The rain finally stopped after a long time, and Shawn was sitting opposite me, sipping on his latte. I myself ordered a cappuccino because it's great. I sat down with Shawn and suddenly, I sensed a camera flicker. My head turned to the direction it came from, but it seemed that the person ran away.

On Monday, I walked to the school gates, catching Shawn's glimpse in the hallway. He raised his eyebrows, hm, looked like he was checking me out. Well, I don't blame him. I'm wearing this mini-skirt today, and I know he likes it.

My first class started and when the teacher took attendance I realized something: Jacob was not here. If he's sick he'll always tell me, but he didn't. What happened?

He hasn't appeared throughout the whole day, and that worries me. So after school, without even saying bye to my friends, I rushed to the one place I know he'll be.

By the river.

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