Chapter 15 - Who's Tristen?

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There's one thing really weird that's happening lately: Cameron is acting very creepy. He comes to our table almost every lunch time and he offers to help with my worst subject physics. I think I'm going to ask him. "Hey Cam!" I called out in the hallway. "Wait up!" He stopped and turned around, "Yeah?"
"I wanna ask you something."
"Oh wait it's my phone. Got to go bye!" He ran away not even picking up his phone. There's DEFINITELY something up with him. Meanwhile,I got a text from Lauren:

Lauren - Mila where r u? I can't find u in the cafeteria

Me - I'm coming what's the hurry laur

Lauren - I'll tell you ok

I arrived at the cafeteria and went to our usual table but didn't find Lauren there. Oh I forgot, she's not talking to the girls because of the Taylor thing. "Mila over here!" Lauren's voice called me from behind. "Hey." I placed my bag on a chair beside mine and sat down. "Is it about Taylor?"
"Yes. He finally came to school."
"That's nice." I got a small glare from her and spoke again, "So um yeah you were saying?"

"He STILL won't talk to me, but I was spying them-" I cut her off, "Isn't that like stalking?"
"Shush, so I was following Taylor and I found him arguing with Carter about this guy called Tristen-" I cut her off again. "Who's that?" I asked. "Mila stop interrupting! I don't know! Taylor said that it was something like a revenge, I have no idea what that was about though." Hmm, Tristen. Feels like I've heard this name before...

I almost had it and someone sat down beside me, "Hey what's up Camila!"

Cameron. Ugh the recently-became-creepy-dude. "Yes Cameron?" I replied to him tiredly. "So um, I'm just letting you know that we're nearly done with our history project, and you can come to my house this Saturday to finish it off." I agreed instantly. "Cool. See you later!" He went back to his table with the guys. I glanced over. Carter and Taylor were sitting opposite each other, and Matt and Aaron were making a vine, Shawn and the Jacks were playing a video game, and Nash and Cam were on their phones. Carter and Taylor were glaring at each other. Other than that, just plainly eating.

I wonder who Tristen is.

While Carter was just plainly staring at my face, I was thinking back to that day when I decided that I cannot call Carter Reynolds my friend.

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