Chapter 27 - Tomato Pasta

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Shawn and Hailee left before we did, which was good because I'm not really a fan of Shawn staring at me. I stared at my unfinished tomato pasta, and remembered that time I was out with Shawn:

"Hello miss, can I take your order?" The waiter asked me. "Um, yeah I think I'll take a tomato pasta." I smiled at him. Shawn's eyes then widened, "Tomato pasta? You know I don't like it! Not even the SIGHT of it." He crossed his arms and pretended to look mad. I grinned innocently, "But I like tomatoes."
"Ugh fine. I'll get cheese pasta then." He told the waiter. He then left us alone to bicker away. "I thought you're okay with tomato sauce?" I questioned. "Yes I am, but the tomato pasta is with ACTUAL tomatoes! Do you know how DISGUSTING that is?"
"Shawn, tomatoes are good for you. It's very nutritious." I told him. "Yeah right. It's horrible, it might even be poisonous." He said quietly, trying to scare me or some sort.

We waited awhile, then I saw a plate of tomatoes and pasta coming our way. "Here you go." He set down my food in front of me, and Shawn's in front of him and left. "Bon appetite." I said. "How am I suppose to enjoy my meal when there's a plate of tomatoes in front of me?" He said as he lifted up his fork.

I sat there on my chair with Jacob, looking like an idiot. Suddenly I felt water forming in my eyes, so I quickly wiped it away before it drops down. "Mila what's wrong?" Jacob asked. I shook my head, "Nothing." You can't tell your boyfriend that you were thinking about your ex, right? He would be pissed.

We finished eating and he gave me a kiss after he drove me home. I thanked him and then checked my watch.


It's pretty late so I just went to bed. I could sleep in because the next day class starts later. Hell yeah.

The next morning I still had some time so I watched some YouTube, and this popped up in my recommendation page:

Shawn Mendes and Haillee Steinfield BROKE UP?

Now there's something worth clicking on.

The video showed Hailee's tweet from last night, it said:

"I can't believe this kind of people exist. Those who are willing to give up the better for the worse."

"Not only did Hailee tweet about this break-up, Shawn also posted something on Instagram:"

The picture was a broken heart, and he captioned it with one simple word.


That couldn't be. They only started dating a month ago. They looked fine, but then again, I'm not a stalker so yeah.

The next day I went to school, everybody was silent around those two. The whole day Hailee was staring at me like a creep, and I was seriously really creeped out. Then after school, I heard a voice calling me from behind.

"Camila! Camila I need to talk to you!" The voice was so recognizable I don't even need to think about it. The way he says my name was all too familiar. I looked at Jacob, and he nodded in agreement. "Go. You know I'm not type of guy. I don't get angry when you talk to other guys." He seriously is too nice. What I'm most worried right now for Jacob is that he'll get hurt one day. He let go of my hand, and I walked towards Shawn.

"What?" I asked harshly. I know I'm a little too mean to him, but he's the one that didn't listen. So why should I do the same?

"Well, I actually have a question for you." It's starting to get awkward here. I can sense it.


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