Chapter 8 - The Valentine's Dance

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February 14th, morning

Yesterday Lauren got her 20 bucks back and plus Cameron's 20 bucks since he lost the bet. He was really upset and I saw him arguing a bit with Shawn. But other than Shawn's friends and mine, nobody else knows that me and Shawn are going together. Not even Nosey Chloe. That's a nickname for her that Ally made. Chloe knows everyone in the school really well not in a good way and whenever she finds out a secret she would tell the whole school. Like this one time she found out that Nash kissed a girl so she told the whole school. And Nash's girlfriend broke up with him. But he told her the kiss was way before they even dated so they got back together. Basically Chloe is just trying to ruin everyone's lives. So The Magcon dudes (aka Shawn's friends) and us agreed that we would all shut our mouths on that topic.

I seriously can't wait for tonight. A lot of people are going to preform like Jack and Jack, Fifth Harmony and Shawn etc. I never told Shawn how the dress looks. I mean like, is he scared that I'll go to the dance in my pajamas or something?


Ok. I put my dress on and I braided my hair, then my makeup. All done! I looked at my watch. 6:37. Right. Still got 20 minutes. I asked Shawn to pick me up in 10. So I went through Instagram for a bit and Shawn came. "Hey Mila." He said with a gigantic smile, even his eyes were twinkling. Is he really that excited to go to the dance? He was never THIS excited before.

The first song that came up was Turn Down For What. We all danced to it and then it was Jack and Jack's turn to preform. They preformed their songs - Wild Life, California, Tides and went offstage. Then me and the girls went upstage to sing our songs such as Sledgehammer, Top Down, Bo$$. Shawn sang also three songs:
-Life of the Party
-IKWYDLS with me

He smiled like crazy during the 4 songs and kept looking my way. He looked at me so much it got kinda creepy. When he came offstage, he suddenly took my hand and said, "Come. I wanna show you something."

I was led outside into the chilly February air by his warm hand, and I saw a heart shape made by candles in front of me. Shawn's face came into my view and he spoke, "Camila, you are a cheerful girl who brought happiness and laughter into my life ever since we got moved into the same class. Will you be my girlfriend?"

"About time!" I lightly hit his right arm. He got a bit nervous and blushed, "S-Sorry." Aw. He's so adorable and innocent and awesome and cute and I could go on forever. "So, yes or no?"
"Hmm, let me think." He looked nervous again. God I'm so evil. I love seeing him nervous. Ok Camila stop. "My answer is y - "

Boom. Ok. What the heck was that. It was really loud and it came from the building. Then there's screaming people flooding out of it. What was happening? I ran the opposite direction from the people and see orange, bright flames. Oh no. I tried calling Lauren on my phone, no response. Dinah, nope. None of them answered my calls. I pushed the people trying to find at least one of them but there was about 200 people so it was impossible. After a short amount of time the ambulance came along with the firetruck. They told me and Shawn to get out of the way. Shawn only found Taylor in the crowd.


Taylor! He went to the dance with Lauren! "Taylor, have you seen Lauren and the other girls?" I said breathlessly. "No to both of the questions. Lauren went to the toilet and I just kept on partying and then people started running to the exit. The impact was huge so was kind of pushed out." I took a good look of Taylor.. No major injuries. Still includes some scratches and some light wounds. This got me thinking of the girls. They can get some serious injuries. For now, I'll just pray and hope everyone's ok.

A/n - fact: the original chapter was published on 1st of January, 2016 - nearly one year ago!

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