1) Playing Hide and Seek

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Louis: Your back pressed against the closet wall and you lowered your whole body to the floor. You steadied your breathing since you had just sprinted upstairs and jumped into the closet. You heard Louis yell, "Ready or not, here I come!" You tucked your knees to your chest and slowed your breathing. The bedroom door opens and you hear the door hit the wall and stop your breathing. You hear footsteps come close to you but then fade away. You pulled a jacket over you and stayed in your ball position. The closet door ripped open and he pulled the jacket off of you. You shrieked and fought back as he tried to pull you out of your shared closet. "Stay away, I don't want to find you!!" You laughed as he fake gasp but then he pulled you out and you fell on the bed. He fell on top of you and kissed you softly before jumping off of you and yelling, "Start counting!"

Liam: "5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Here I come!" You said and started your search. You looked behind the couch and didn't find him. You walked into the kitchen and searched everywhere and he wasn't there. You walked upstairs and checked your bedroom. You looked under your bed, in your closet, behind your curtains, nothing. Your gazed then fell on the bathroom door where you just heard a noise. You heard someone mumble 'shit' and you smiled and walked over to the bathroom. You opened the door and saw that your tooth brush had fallen and then you looked around and saw a figure in the shower. You ripped open the curtain and it revealed a sad Liam. You giggled and hopped in with him. "Found ya," you said before kissing on the lips. You hop out and scream "My turn!"

Harry: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10!! Here I come!" You say and start your hunt for Harry. "I will find ya Styles. You know it and I know it!" You yell and walk upstairs. You open the bathroom door, nothing. You close the door and hear a crash from your room. You run in there and see the lamp is knocked over that was on your side of the bed. You smirk and say "Oh no! A ghost!" You smirk and fall to the ground and lift up the blanket revealing Harry with a frown on his face. "Told ya I'd find ya," you said. "My turn." You whisper before pecking his lips then left the room.

Zayn: You rush into your kitchen and opened your food pantry quietly and rushed in and closed the door slowly and quietly. You looked around and found a place to the left of the door and pressed your body against it. You heard Zayn say "Ready or not here I come!" In a singsong way and you rolled your eyes to his reference to the song. You looked around to see if you could find a better spot and found one in your cabinet. It was empty because Niall ate all of the food which was no surprise. You closed the doors and since it was a big cabinet, you could lay across one of the shelves which you did. You heard Zayn shuffle around in the kitchen then you heard the door open. You froze and stopped breathing until the door was closed. The doors creaked closed and you shuffled through the cabinet and opened the doors to the pantry and closed them softly and snuck to the other side of the kitchen. You saw Zayn looking through the living room and you took advantage and shuffled behind the couch. He looked around some more and ran upstairs. You smiled and walked back into the kitchen. You looked around for another spot and before you could continue the fun, you felt strong arms wrap around you and saw Zayn. "Nice try love, but I knew where you were the whole time." You pecked his lips and sighed. "Fine, go hide." And with that, he scurried out of the kitchen.

Niall: You covered your eyes and counted to ten then yelled "Ready or not, here I come!" You looked around the bedroom and checked the closet, nothing. You figured he won't be that dumb as to of hid in the room that you were counting in. You walked downstairs and checked the living room closet, behind the love seat, behind the TV and the results were all the same and that was nothing. You walked into the kitchen and checked the pantry and found him eating chocolate and cookies. You laughed and pulled out your phone and tweeted it saying "@NiallOffical I shouldn't be surprised about this scene,"

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