54) You Get Hurt While On Tour With Them (Requested by NikkiP3)

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You Get Hurt While On Tour With Them (Requested by NikkiP3)

This is during the TMH Tour :)

Louis- Louis invited you to one of their concerts and since you were best friends, you agreed immediately. After one concert, you went to another and another and another until Louis invited you on tour with them. You were sitting in Louis's dressing room, messing around with him for a while. "C'mon, have a bucket of water dropped onto your head can't be that bad." Louis said and you giggled. "Whatever, you haven't had it done to you." You chuckled and Louis smiled. "Maybe I have, maybe I haven't." Louis said and before you could talk about anything else, Paul walked in and told Louis that he had to go to the stage. "C'mon, stand backstage." Louis said and he intertwined your fingers, your cheeks heating up, and brought you to the backstage area. "Alright guys, lets do this." Harry said and they all cheered, jogging below stage but before Louis did, he kissed your cheek and ran to the boys. You saw them go up on stage and "Kiss You" started playing. Halfway through the concert, you were having so much fun until you heard people yelling behind you. You heard a gun shot and felt pain strike your stomach. Everybody screamed and the boys all ducked down, looking around and Niall was the first to see you fall onto your stomach. "Y/N!!" Niall screamed and Louis's head snapped up. "NO!!" Louis screamed loudly and he ran over to you. He placed your head in his lap and applied pressure onto your wound. "Stay awake love, please don't die on me." Louis pleaded and you coughed up some blood. "Oh god, it feels like I'm on my period." You moaned out and Louis chuckled. "Not exactly the same." Louis said and you smiled. "How would you know, are you a girl?" You croaked out and Louis smiled lightly at you. "Maybe. Please stay awake." He pleaded and you could hear ambulance sirens nearby. "I love you so much Louis. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier." You whispered and Louis started to cry. "I love you too." He said and his bloody hands were on your cheeks, his lips pushed hard on yours.


You slowly opened your eyes, adjusting to the light and you saw the boys spread out in the room. Louis was next to you with his head resting on your hospital bed and his hand was holding yours lightly. "I love you." You whispered to him and his eyes opened. "I love you too." He said and the boys slowly woke up, all of you talking about what happened until the doctor came in and talked about everything you and the boys covered.

Harry- You and Harry were walking around New York together, hand-in-hand, exploring the streets. Fans found you quickly, even though you both were wearing scarfs, beanies, sunglasses, and Harry was covering all of his tattoos. "Oh my gosh, its Harry from 1D!!!!" You heard a fan screamed and you looked at Harry, seeing him leaning down to grab his beanie that got knocked off by the wind. "Damn." He whispered but he still put on his signature smile. "Can we have pictures?!" The fans all asked and Harry chuckled while nodding. "Of course. Y/N, I will be right back." Harry said and he started taking pictures with fans. "You're such a bitch." A group of fans said as they were around you and you furrowed your eyebrows. "That's not for you to decide now is it?" You said and they all laughed. "You're such a slut, gosh, I wonder what Harry sees in you." One of the girls said and before you could say anything, you were slapped across the face. "Lets get her." They allagreed and you looked toward Harry and saw his back to you. They kicked, punched, slapped, shoved, until you were worn out completely, your breath hitched. "Bitch." They all spat on you before walking over to Harry with innocent faces. "Are you ok Y/N?" One of Harrys fans asked you and you coughed up a little blood. "Harry." You croaked out and the fan ran over to Harry.

*Harrys POV*

I was taking a picture with one of my fans when one of them shook my arm viciously. "Hey, that's not nice." I said sternly and the fan scoffed. "I'm here for a pic, not a lecture." She said and I looked at her like she was crazy. "You're the bitch that hurt Y/N, aren't you?" One of my fans said and I got confused. "So what." She spat at my fan and the one that mentioned Y/N looked at me. "Y/N is crying behind the bench in extreme pain." She explained and I rushed over to the bench. "Baby, please wake up." I whispered at her fragile figure and she moved slightly. "I love you." She whispered and I picked her up gently. "Lets get you to the hospital." I whispered and ran to the car.

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