71) He Makes You Feel Insecure -Part Two-

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He Makes You Feel Insecure

Louis- After three hours, your legs were on fire and you knew you couldn't go further so you slowly started home. Halfway there, your legs have out so a fan rushed over to you. "Are you ok Y/N?!" The girl panicked and you panted. "I-I can't walk, I'm so tired." You admitted and she took a deep breath to calm herself. "Where's your phone? I can call Louis." She said and you have her your phone, Louis's name popping up immediately. "Louis, your girlfriend just crashed. I'm guessing she is exhausted from running.....Yeah, the nearby park...ok.....you're welcome." The girl explained and she hung up soon after. "He's on his way, he told me to keep you hydrated. Drink this water, I just bought it." She said and you took a bug gulp of the water. You sighed in relief and laid on the grass. You saw other fans come over but the girl kept them away from you. You laid on the ground with sore legs and a sore body. "Baby." Louis breathed out when he saw your laid figure and he rushed over to you. "I'm so sorry for what I said, you're perfect. Please don't ever do this again." He pleaded and he picked you up bridal style. "Can we go home?" You asked and he nodded quickly, thanking the fan before going to the car. From then on, Louis treated you like a princess and never made you feel like crap.

Harry- "Baby, please open the door. I am so sorry for what I said." Harry pleaded and you ignored him, your sobs growing stronger. You had never felt more sad and hurt ever in your whole life, your brother is most likely gonna die and your boyfriend just called you fat to one of his mates. "Please just let me in Y/N, I'm sorry." Harry pleaded and your phone rang. You struggled to get up but you quickly answered when you saw the hospitals number. "How is he doctor?" You asked quickly and he sighed. "During the surgery, his heart stopped and we weren't prepared. I'm sorry Y/N, he died on the operating table." The doctor said and you broke completely. You hung up the phone with a massive struggle and threw your phone against the wall. "Baby?!?!" Harry panicked and you fell to the ground in sobs. You heard Harry bang against the door twice before it broke open. He quickly went over to you, ignoring the giant mess he just made and held you in his chest tightly. "Shhh, its ok baby." He cooed and your sobs were loud and harsh. "Calm down baby." He whispered and you took deep breaths, listening to Harry. "Its been seven whole days, seven whole days, since I heard your voice." Harry sang softly and you started calm at his voice. "Its been seven whole days, without your embrace. I wanna see your face, I've got some things to say. Its just a week ago, you said I love you girl. I said I love you more, a breath a pause, you said if you say so." He sang and your sobs decreased slowly. He rocked you slowly in his chest until you stopped sobbing. Your eyes were heavy and you wanted to sleep but you couldn't let yourself. "What happened baby?" Harry asked after a long period of silence. "C-Cody had a brain tumor and he died on t-the operating table." You said quietly and Harrys face fell. "I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry." He said and you sniffled. "Its not your fault." You said and Harry sighed. "But me joking about your weight wasn't helpful." He said and you remained silent. "I forgive you." You whispered and he shook his head. "I'm can't jus-" "Can we please not talk about it?" You interrupted and he nodded. "Lets lay down baby, I bet you are tired from crying." Harry said after another period of silence and you nodded your head slowly, already falling asleep in his arms. He picked you up bridal style and laid you on the bed, joining you quickly. You curled into his chest comfortably while his arm pulled you closer into his chest. "We will get through this together baby, I promise." He whispered and it was the last thing you heard before you fell asleep.

Niall- "Niall basically said he hated my voice." You told Sophia as you watched the two boys chase each other. "What?! Seriously?" She said with shock and you nodded your head. "I was singing along with the radio and he started to laugh at me, asking me to never sing again." You explained and she sighed. "I'm sorry hun, I'd beat his ass but I'm too small for someone like Ni. I can ask Liam to." Sophia said and you giggled. "Its fine, it just hurt badly. He basically said he hated my voice!" You said and you couldn't see Niall anymore. "I hurt you?" Niall said and you gasped loudly, not expecting to see him behind you. "Damn it Niall, you scared me." You said and Sophia chuckled. Liam was standing next to Niall with his arms crossed and you raised your eyebrow at him. "Princess, I'm sorry if I hurt you. I was joking, I love your voice!! Your voice is the only thing that makes me smile because its unique like you. I have no excuse for what I said, I was just a dick." Niall said and he kneeled next to you. "I'm really sorry baby girl." He apologized and he tucked your hair behind your ear. He kissed your lips lightly, you kissing back soon after and the kiss got more and more passionate. His hand rested on your cheek while his other one was supporting him and your hand was on his cheek too. You heard a snap and you realized Liam took a picture of you two kissing. "I'm sorry love." Niall said again and you smiled at him. "Its ok Ni, you've mad up for it." You said and Liam and Sophia awed at you both when you rested your forehead against his. "Lets go for a dip baby." He said and he grabbed your hand, practically dragging you to the water with Liam and Sophia.

Liam- You rubbed your eyes lightly and saw Niall sleeping with his arms around you. You sighed when you remembered what Liam said and you decided to try and go back to sleep since it was only 5:00 in the morning. You closed your eyes and Niall pulled you closer into his chest, kissing the top of your head lightly. You looked up at his sleepy figure and smiled at him. "Thanks for everything Ni, you're amazing." You said, clearly exhausted from your fourteen hour day and he sighed softly. "No problem princess, you are like my sister. I love helping you." Niall said groggily and you snuggled back into his arms, his arm around you.
*Waking Up*
"What.The.Fuck." Liam said, his figure towering your sleepy figures and you felt something on your waist. You looked down and saw Nialls leg on yours with his hand rested on your waist. "Hey drunky." Niall joked but he didn't move. "Why Niall? Out of everybody in the world, why would you cheat with my best friend?" Liam asked with hurt in his voice and you sighed. You turned your body to face Liam and Niall then rested his leg back on yours and wrapped his arm around your waist, his face buried in your neck. "Li, you insulted me last night so Niall helped me by staying here." You explained and Liam looked confused. "What did I say?" Liam whispered and you felt tears prickle your eyes. "Fat and ugly." You whispered and he kneeled in front of your cuddled figure. "I'm so sorry baby girl, I was drunk and clearly dumb. Can you forgive me?" Liam said and you smiled softly at him. "Of course Li." You said and he smiled, kissing your lips softly. Niall yawned behind you and rubbed his eyes. "You two can chill here, I'm going to bed." Niall said and he tried to get out for the inside but he ended up straddling you. "This is comfortable." Niall joked and you groaned. "Off Niall, she's mine." Liam said and Niall got off of you, rubbing his clothes before walking towards the door. "You hurt her again Liam and I will put you in the hospital." Niall warned him and Liam nodded his head with a smile. "I won't Niall, no worries. See you later at Lou's house." Liam said and Niall walked out. "I'm really sorry baby." Liam said and you stood up, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Its fine Li, I forgive you." You said and you pulled him in for a loving kiss. "Don't you have a hangover though?" You asked and he pushed you against a near wall, his figure towering yours. "Not when I'm with you baby." He whispered and he connected his lips with yours, passion and lust in the kiss.

Zayn- After Perrie left, you laid on the couch and waited for Zayn to come home from wherever he went. You sat in silence while waiting, replaying his words in your head. "Hey Y/N." Zayn whispered as he walked in your flat and you stayed silent. "Perrie found me and told me what happened." Zayn continued and you stayed silent. "I'm sorry babe." He said and you scoffed, sitting up quickly. "Really Zayn?! You think its gonna be that easy? You called me a bitch!!" You shouted at him and he sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "I know I was a dick but I didn't know." Zayn said and you chuckled darkly. "Exactly!! You called me a bitch without any knowledge of what happened. That's what hurts the most." You said, getting quieter as you spoke. Zayn walked over to you and wiped tears that you didn't know you had. "I'm sorry Y/N, you have no idea how guilty I feel for saying what I did. I was a dick who judged you too quickly. I swear, nothing like that will ever happen again." Zayn whispered to you and you hugged him tightly, his arms around your small frame. "You promise?" You said while crying and he nodded his head. "I promise you." He said and you pulled away from his chest and looked him in the eyes. You both stared at each other for a while before you both leaned in and kissed each other. His hand was on the back of your neck while his other one was on your lower back. "I love you." He said into the kiss and you smiled. "I love you too." You said and his lips move to your neck while your hands slid under his shirt and traced his abs. You felt him pick you up bridal style and carried you up to your shared room, his lips never leaving your neck.



I know its not my best writing, I know. I'm sorry I haven't updated as much as I should've but I've been busy babysitting and writing my PewDiePie FanFiction that also isn't going as I hoped but I'm really trying. I'm gonna stick with my schedule that was in my rant on 100K and I will update tomorrow and probably Monday too since I have it off.
Hope you enjoyed, leave a vote if you did, comment, PLEASE request, add to your lists, and I will see you guys tomorrow with another preference!!

If you don't know the schedule, this is it:

Monday-No Update (Except this Monday)
Tuesday-No Update
Wednesday-No Update
Thursday- Possible Update
Friday- Update
Saturday- Update

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