Song Preference-Amnesia by 5SOS (Part Two)
Here's the long awaited part two of the Song Preference of Amnesia by 5SOS. I'm sorry that Niall's preference is shorter but I think it's still good and I hope you agree. Hope you enjoy!!
Louis- The car ride over was excruciatingly long and Louis felt like he was losing his mind. "Is there anyway you could drive faster?" Louis asked, showing how little his patience was right now and Liam chuckled as he drove. "I'm going the speed limit Lou, I can't go any faster without risking getting pulled over and taking more time." Liam explained and Louis sighed as he sat against the seat. He kept thinking about your journal entry and it made him feel hope that you would take him back and he smiled while staring out the window.
*At your apartment*
You sat back on the couch as Mike yelled at you even more. Lately, Mike has shown how little his patience was with you and your fights turned into him emotionally abusing you. Your will to fight was gone long ago and your fights with him were just him yelling insults at you. "No wonder Lou ended things with you, you fucking whore." Like spat at you and you just watched him glare at you. "You can't do anything right, can you? Worthless bitch." He grabbed your wrist and pulled you up but you didn't have strength to fight back and he threw you to the nearest wall and you yelped and fell to the ground with a thud. "HEY!" You heard someone scream and you looked up through your tears eyes and saw Louis charge at Mike and tackle him to the ground before attaching him. Punch after punch, Louis kept beating him up until Liam pulled him off of Mike. "Don't you EVER touch her again!" Louis screamed and Mike ran out of the apartment. "Little bitch." Louis muttered and his attention went towards you as a sob erupted from your throat. He rushed over and pulled you into his arms, your hands clenching his shirt as you say in his lap. "He's gone baby, please don't cry." Louis begged but you shook your head and continued to sob into his shirt. "I will leave you two alone." Liam said and he left your apartment quietly as Louis rocked you in his lap. You both sat on the ground for five minutes until you spoke up. "Thank you." You whispered as your tears slowed and Louis kissed your head. "I'd do anything for you." He whispered and you looked up at him and kissed his lips. He held you close and kissed back with passion and you pulled away after a few seconds. "How long has this been happening?" He asked and you bit your lip to hold back more tears. "Ever since we started dating." You whispered and you noticed that Louis had started to cry. You wiped his tears away and he leaned against your hand as you both stared into each other's eyes. "I'm never letting this happen again." He said and you kissed him again, finally feeling safe for the first time since your break up with Louis.
Harry- After he stopped crying, the boys had brought him to the tour bus to get some rest. Once he laid down, sobs racked through his body as he couldn't get his mind off of you. He cried himself to sleep that night, just like the other nights. "We have to do something." Louis said after he made sure that Harry was asleep. "But what? Y/N broke up with him because of the tour. We can't expect her to get back together with him and be ok." Liam said and Louis thought of something. "What if we bring her?" He said and the others looked confused but Louis ignored their looks and quickly called management. After a lengthy conversation that included many threats, he hung up and smiled. "They agreed to let her come with us for the rest of the tour." He said and the others looked shocked but cheered quietly as Louis called you. You were laying in bed crying when Louis called and you were tempted to ignore it but answered. "Yes?" You croaked and Louis's smile dropped at the sound of your voice. It sounded broken which made him feel awful for you. "We were wondering if you'd consider getting back together with Harry." Louis asked and you felt your heart clench at the sound of his name. "I broke up with him because of the distance Lou, that hasn't changed." You said and Louis felt a smile slowly form on his lips. "Management agreed to let you come on with us." Louis said and you sat up quickly. "What?!" You shouted and Louis chuckled at your excitement. "I talked to them and they said yes." He explained and you felt tears glide down your red cheeks. "Thank you Lou! This is..." You said but trailed off. "Does Harry want me there?" You asked and Louis laughed which confused you. "Y/N, you honestly think Harry doesn't miss you?" Louis asked and you ran your fingers through your hair. Louis sighed on the other end at your silence. "Harry has been a train wreck. It's been...heartbreaking to see him like this and it can't continue like this." Louis said and you agreed to come out there. "I'll be there at your concert tomorrow." You said and Louis cheered loudly and the boys quickly shut him up as he remembered that Harry was sleeping. Harry rolled over and got up which made Louis curse at himself. "I've gotta go love, call me when you get here." Louis said and he hung up after you said goodbye. "What was all the yelling?" Harry asked and Louis looked everywhere but Harry. "I beat my high score in Mario Kart." He said casually and Harry raised his eyebrow. "The game isn't o-" "Well I'm tired. Night boys." Louis said and he quickly went to his bunk. "What the f-" "I'm tired too, night." Niall said and Liam followed him. "Z?" Harry asked and Zayn opened his mouth but shut it and left the room. "I have weird band mates." Harry mumbled to himself and he went back to his bunk. He sighed as he laid there, staring at the top of his bunk as he thought of you until he fell asleep.

One Direction Preferences =P
FanfictionRequests are open :) Preferences written by xLexiGurlx