Two Years...
Louis- ...since your dog was taken away and put down. You remember finding out after yours and Louis's first date and you were so crushed that you canceled your second date with Louis to grieve but luckily, he helped you through it all. You have his ashes in your shared room with Louis, on a bookshelf, and everyday you would look at his white urn and your heart would break slightly. Today was like any other day, you had his license on a necklace chain and you wore it and you looked at his urn with sad eyes. "I miss you baby." You whispered before crying into your hand. "Why didn't I stop you? I could've done something." You cried angrily. "You could've done anything hon." Louis said as he sat next to you on the bed. "You were on a date with me, you could've done anything else." Louis said and he rested his hand on your leg while you cried into your hand. You chocked back a sob and hugged Louis tightly. "I miss him so much Lou." You sobbed into his neck and he pulled you onto his lap. "I bet honey, I'm sorry." He said and you continued to sob into his neck, wanting your dog next to you.
Harry- ...since your dad left to Iraq. He had been serving in war for a while but he got relocated to Iraq. You were scared and depressed but your dad have you his favorite necklace that he wore which was your initial on a chain. You wore it everyday, proud to have a father as amazing and as strong as him. "Babe, your mom is on the phone!!" Harry shouted from downstairs so you picked up the other phone. "Hey mom." You said with your American accent and you heard Harry hang up the other phone. "Hey princess, can I come over today?" She asked and you furrowed your eyebrows. "Of course, may I ask why?" You asked. "I'd rather tell you in person." She said and you got worried. "Ok, see you soon. Love you mom." You said and then hung up. Ten minutes later, you heard her car pull into your garage so you quickly ran downstairs to greet her. You opened the door, expecting to see her, but instead, you saw your father in his army outfit with a shaved head but his army cap was covering it. "D-Dad?" You asked quietly and he smiled brightly. "Hey princess." He said and you screamed slightly before hugging him tightly. "I've missed you so much!!" You said and he chuckled, wrapping his arms around you. "I've missed you more princess." He said and you started to cry. "Why are you crying?" He asked with laughing and you sniffled. "I missed you daddy." You said and he hugged you again. "I'm home for good now princess, don't worry." He reassured you and you laughed into his chest with joy. "I see you still have that necklace." He said and you pulled away, grabbing the initial lightly with a smile. "Of course dad, its a reminder of you." You said and you invited them in, bonding with your family with Harry.
Niall- ...since your first kiss with Niall. In your opinion, your anniversary that you care about is your first date but you still celebrated both since it meant more time with Niall and because you love him. "You know what today is?" You asked Niall casually and he shrugged. "No, what?" He asked and you sighed. "Our first-you know what, nothing." You said, deciding to just forget it. "Whats today?" He asked and you giggled. "Just forget I said anything babe, its nothing." You said before walking out of the kitchen but he followed you. "It was important enough for you to tell me, whats going on?" He asked and you stopped walking and faced Niall. "Its just the two year anniversary of our first kiss but its fine Ni." You said casually and he grabbed your hand when you tried to walk away. "I'm a shitty boyfriend, I'm sorry I forgot." He apologized and you giggled, placing your hand on his chest. "Its fine Ni, no need to apologize." You said and Niall wrapped his arms around your waist with a chuckle. "No no, we are celebrating. Lets go out for lunch and dinner, and them we can have some fun tonight." He winked and you blushed slightly, pushing his chest lightly. "You dick." You joked and he fake gasped before chasing you around the house.
Liam- ...since you both decided to spilt up. You both couldn't handle the long distance relationship that you both had so you both agreed to spilt up but still stay close friends. You both texted and Skyped everyday, acting like nothing happened but you were still hurting inside. Today, the boys were having a celebration on their upcoming tour and they invited you to come over. You got dressed in high waist pants, a crop top that said 'Sweet' on it, a leather jacket, and a pair of white TOMS. You hailed a cab and told them an address that was a block away from Louis's flat so that you wouldn't let his address out. Walking down the street, you felt your phone vibrate so you grabbed it out of your pick and saw that Liam texted you saying: "Heeeyyyy hope ur on ur waaaayyy. Its sooooo boring right now xx" You sighed lightly and responded: "I see the flat now, see you in a sec Li :) xo" You opened the gate door and slipped in before shutting it lightly. You knocked lightly on Louis's door and he was in front of you, drunk, with a beer in his hand. "Hey Y/N." Louis slurred and you walked in slowly while laughing. "Drunk already?" You said and Louis slammed the door shut. "Yup." He said, popping the 'P' lightly before burping softly. "Your lover is on the couch." Louis slurred before he stumbled over to Harry and Niall who were both drunk too. "Its only the five of you and more than half are drunk?" You joked to Liam and he sighed lightly with a chuckle. "Yeah, it's actually all of them." He said and you saw Zayn trip over Louis's shoe. "Why did you trip me?" Zayn slurred and you and Liam both laughed hysterically. You kept laughing at Zayn's mad expression so you never realized that you were laying in Liam's lap. You both calm down and noticed your position but when you tried to move, Liam grabbed your face and slammed his lips against yours. You instantly kissed back and rested your hands on his chest, his hands moved to your waist which made you straddle him. "I missed you so much. I promise I will get you on tour with me, please don't ever leave me again." He whispered after your make out session and you smiled brightly at him. "I'd never dream of leaving you again, it hurt too much. I love you Li." You whispered back and you saw that the boys never noticed you two. "I love you too baby." He said before connecting his lips to yours again.
Zayn- ...since your daughter, Sophia, was kidnapped. Each and everyday, you called the police for updates but it was always the same. You slammed the phone down after they told you nothing and you stormed out of your house. She was 16 when she was kidnapped and today was her 18th birthday and all you wanted was her with you and Zayn but it wouldn't happen. You muttered curses as you stormed through the park and sat next to a blonde girl. "Sorry ma'am, didn't mean to disturb you." You said to the girl and she looked around paranoidingly but then sighed in relief. "Its fine." She said and you froze, recognizing the voice. "Whats your name sweetie?" You asked to test it. "Sophia Malik." She said and you gasped in shock. "Sophia?" You asked and she turned to look you in the eyes. "Mom." She gasped and you hugged her tightly. "My baby girl." You cried and she started to sob into your shoulder. "I miss you and dad so much." She sobbed and you ushered her to follow you. You had your arm around her while her head rested on your shoulder. You opened your homes door and saw Zayn crying into a pillow with the boys comforting him. "Daddy." She sobbed out and Zayn shot up, all of the boys gasping loudly. "Sophia?" He croaked out and they ran into each others arms. "Oh thank god." He said and they cried into each others arms. Zayn looked at you and opened his arm so you ran over and hugged both of them. The boys all hugged you three so that it was a group hug and you three stood there, sobbing in joy at the fact that your daughter was alive.
Can't stop listening to Louis's cover of Crawl right now, I'm in love ❤
So sorry that I haven't updated in while, I have NO ideas right now so I came up with this.
Vote, comment, PLEASE request, add to your lists, and I will see you guys soon!!!
You guys are the best people in the world. I have almost 80,000 reads with almost 700 votes with 63 comments. I cried once I saw that I had 70,000 reads and I don't want to imagine how I will react to 100,000 when I reach it, if I reach it. You guys are my true inspiration to be writing and to be becoming a better writer. I love you guys so much❤P.S.
If you didn't already know, Louis did four covers when he was 16 and they are amazing. His YouTube channel is louistomlinson07 so I DEFINITELY recommend listening to them.

One Direction Preferences =P
FanfictionRequests are open :) Preferences written by xLexiGurlx