Zayn Fight
"Hi babe!!" You cheered once he walked through the door and he groaned.
"Hi." He said harshly and you furrowed your eyebrows but shrugged it off.
"I dyed my tips again." You said, pushing your ponytail to your shoulder so that Zayn could see but he only looked at your hair with disgust.
"That's ugly." He said before walking into the kitchen, leaving you with your 'ugly' hair.
"Ok, I will just wash it out in the shower tonight." You sighed and walked into the kitchen where Zayn was drinking a bottle of beer. "Do you really need to drink again?" You said and Zayn glared at you.
"I've had a rough day, I'm gonna fucking drink." He hissed and you chuckled.
"Drinking won't help ANYTHING, you know that." You said and Zayn sighed in annoyance.
"Get off my fucking case." He said before walking into the living room, making you sigh.
"You can't run away from your problems Zayn." You said while crossing your arms and he grunted loudly.
"Stop being a pain in my ASS Y/N." He yelled and you froze at his harsh, loud yell. "I just want to come home to relax but I haven't been able to since you moved in!!" He shouted and your heart squeezed tightly. "Just leave me alone." He said before turning on the TV. You silently started to cry but you didn't want Zayn to see so you ran upstairs to your shared room.
"I guess I should just leave, make him happy." You whispered and started to pack your suitcase. You opened your closet slowly before grabbing and folding your stuff into your case. One by one, you packed your suitcase until it was full so you then grabbed another for the rest of your clothing and shoes. Once you finished, you grabbed all of your makeup, hair styling tools, and your tooth brush before you sat on his bed that you used to share and cried into his pillow. "I'm sorry for being a bitch." You sobbed before your mind drifted and you fell asleep.
*Waking Up*
Your eyes slowly opened and adjusted to the light that the sun provided. You shifted slightly, noticing that you were in someone's arms and you sighed lightly. You heard a sniffle and when you turned around, you saw Zayn sleeping with red eyes and moist cheeks. You looked around, noticing that your bags were all put away and it looked like nothing had happened. You sat up slowly, carefully getting out of Zayn's arms and you were about to get up but Zayn wrapped his arms around your waist tightly.
"Please don't leave me, I didn't mean anything I said." He sobbed into your waist and you pulled him into a hug. "I love you so much, my life has been incredible since you came into my life." He sobbed and you just sat there, hugging him as tight as you could. "Please stay with me." He whispered and you nodded your head after a while of silence.
"I just thought that you didn't want me here." You said and he shook his head, pulling away from you slightly.
"You are the best thing that has and will ever happen to me, I NEVER wanna lose you." Zayn said and you smiled softly at him.
"I love you." You said before connecting both of your lips together. His hands were on the back of your head while yours were on his chest.
"I love you too." He said into the kiss and he lightly pulled you on top of him.
Here's the Zayn fight preference :)
Very short...
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One Direction Preferences =P
FanficRequests are open :) Preferences written by xLexiGurlx