31) You're A Cover Artist (Liam and Zayn)

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You're A Cover Artist

Liam- You have been a cover artist ever since you were 17 and you were now 20. You do small shows for cancer kids and you just love the feeling of seeing kids smile. Liam had just left to go do a performance so you thought that you could do the same so you called the hospital and told them that you will be there in five minutes. Over the phone, you heard the nurse tell the kids and you heard cheering which made you smile. "Ok, I will be there soon!!!" You said excitingly to yourself and you grabbed you guitar and left. When you reached the hospital, you signed in and grabbed a visitors pass and walked over to the kids' room. You walked in and saw some nurses caring for the kids and when they saw you they both smiled brightly. "Kids, look who's here!!" One of the nurses said and you saw the kids look at you with bright eyes. "Hey guys, today I wanted to song a personal favorite to you guys. Is that ok?" You asked and you heard them cheer so you smiled and grabbed your guitar and started strumming along to your favorite Little Mix song.

We are friends for life
Hold that deep inside
Let this be your drive
To survive
And just stand high and tall
Make sure you give your all
And if you ever fall
Know that I'm right here
We'll always be together
Don't you worry, oh
I'll always be by your side
Don't you worry
Don't worry, no no no
The circle will never end
Just know that we'll meet again
And we'll always be together
Forever always, oh
I am here
Find me in the sky
Dancing with the moon and night
Your heartbeat is disguised as my
Be happy and know that I'm
Watching you travel far and wide
Waiting for us to meet again
We'll always be together
Don't you worry
Don't you worry
I'll always be by your side
Don't you worry
Don't you worry
The circle will never end
It'll never ends
Just know that we'll meet again
We'll meet again
And we'll always be together
Forever always
I am here
If you need me, yeah
I'm in the wind
Look for me friend
I'm in the stars
When you need me
The heavens will send
A message within
Straight to your heart
We'll always be together
Don't you worry
Don't you worry, no.
I'll always be by your side
Don't you worry
Never worry about a thing, no no no no no no no
The circle will never end
It'll never end
Just know that we'll meet again
We'll meet again
And we'll always be together
Forever always
Don't you worry
I am here
I am here
I am here
I am here

You strummed the last note and you heard applause so you smiled and when you heard some more applause behind you, you turned around and saw the boys clapping. "How did you-" you started but Liam chuckled and smiled. "We finished our recording so we all agreed to visit these kids again so we came and heard someone singing Zayn's girlfriends bands song so we followed the music and found you. Why didn't you tell us about you singing?" He said and you sighed. "I only didn't tell you because I knew that you would make me do something extreme, like sign up for The Voice or the X-Factor and I wasn't ready." You said and Liam sighed and pulled you in for a hug. "You are probably right, I might've but only if you agreed with me Y/N. I would never force you to do something that makes you uncomfortable." Liam said into your head and you smiled and turned to the kids again. "Who wants to hear a One Direction song?!" You cheered and the kids cheered with you and the boys smiled at each other and you gave your guitar to Niall so that they could do Little Things. The whole day consisted of you guys singing for the cancer kids and it was the best day of your life.

Zayn- It all started when you were just singing with Megan Nicole and the next thing to know, you and her are singing together on a regular basis. You two were like sisters and you just loved the fact that she offered you to go on her tour with her and One Direction. You were very hesitant since you and Zayn weren't dating anymore but after a while of consideration, you accepted and you two had decided to go to the mall and find some clothes. After shopping for an hour, you both were hungry so you went to a Subway in the mall and since you both weren't starving, you both split a foot long. You sat at a table with her and set your bags in the ground. "So, what songs are we doing?" You asked and Megan shrugged. "I don't know, but I do know that we can only do three songs as the max amount. So, I was thinking that since we only have a week til the tour starts, we could go shopping for most of those days, and then we could work on recording on the other days." Megan said and you smiled and agreed to that schedule. "Do you wanna do two separate songs and then one together or all three together?" You asked. "We should do them together so that if either one of us forgets the lyrics, we could just help the other out." Megan said and you nodded and took a sip of your Spite. "Do you wanna sing My Immortal? It was our strongest song together." You said and Megan smiled and nodded. "Oh, we could do Roar and Demons too!!" Megan cheered and you giggled and nodded. "Alright, we have our first nights songs and possibly our last nights songs." Megan said and you nodded and you both continued to eat until you both finished. You grabbed the tray and went to dump it in the trash when you heard someone's giggle and froze. You heard Megan grab your guys stuff and rushed over to you. "Lets go babe, just ignore them." Megan said and you nodded and dumped your tray and speed walked away when you heard someone calling you name. You ran into the closest store and hid behind a clothing rack. You heard the voice come into the store and you saw him run up to the counter and talk to the owner. You took the opportunity to run out and found Megan looking at a shirt in Forever 21 and you heard him shouting your name so you hid behind another shelf. Megan followed quickly after you and his next to you as you both sat on the ground. "Why are we running from Zayn again?" Megan whispered because she knew that he was in the store looking. "He broke my heart more than I could ever imagine Megan, he basically tore my heart out of my chest just because he claimed that I was flirting with Louis." You whispered back and you heard footsteps come closer so you looked through the clothing and saw Zayn walking towards where you two were so you ushered Megan to follow you to another clothing rack. You heard Zayn sigh in frustration and you thought he left when your phone rang really loudly and you cursed and made a break for it out of the store with Megan. "Y/N!! Wait for me!!" Megan shouted from closely behind you. You ran away from her and into another store where you gave up and burst into tears. You wrapped your arms around your legs and rocked yourself back and forth, waiting for yourself to finish when you felt someone wrap their arms around you. You knew who it was but you didn't protest, only wrapped your arms around his neck and cried into it. "I am so so so sorry Y/N, please take me back. I promise I will trust you, I need you back, please." He begged and you nodded and he pulled away and crushed his lips into yours. You started to stop crying when he kissed you and you pulled his head closer to yours. You both pulled away and he smiled at you. "I love you Y/N." He whispered and you smiled. "I love you too Zayn."



Hey guys!! I'm sorry that it took so long but I had a really long day on Friday and I was busy packing yesterday so I could update :'( Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this preference, leave a vote if you did, comment if you want and I will see you guys soon!!


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