10) Fight-Niall

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"I'm off to the gym babe!! See you in a bit!" Niall shout and you frowned. That was the fifth time this week that he went to the gym. You shrugged it off and called Perrie to see if she wanted to hang out.

"Hey Per, wanna hang out?" You asked.

"Sure!! Meet me at Starbucks in ten?" Perrie said and you smiled.

"Sure, see you in a bit!" You ended the call and ran upstairs to get dressed. You did your makeup and grabbed my purse then left to walk to Starbucks. You walked through the door and saw Perrie sitting down at a table next to the door. You smiled and walked over to her and sat across from her.

"Hey Perrie," You said wit a smile. You two started talking together for a while when you heard a familiar laugh. You looked turned around and saw Niall walk in with your best friend. You gasped and saw Niall look at you with wide eyes and ran over to you.

"Princess, its not what it looks like," he said calmly and you scoffed.
"Really? Cause it looks like you're cheating with my BEST FRIEND." You said and walked out of Starbucks.

"Princess, please it's not like that!" He shouted after you and you rolled your eyes. You pulled out your cell phone and texted Perrie to apologize when you felt someone grab your arm. You turned around and saw Niall with tear filled eyes. "It's not what you think Y/N, please let me explain." He whispered and you yanked your arm out of his grasp.

"Don't you ever talk to me ever again Niall," you whispered and walked away. You wiped your eyes and flagged down a cab. You turned around and saw Niall looking at you with tears running down his face. You stepped into the cab and started to cry.

"Where to?" The cab driver said and you sighed.

"The nearest hotel please," you said and he nodded, driving away. You rested your head against the window and cried. You paid the driver and walked into the hotel with your head low. You walked up to the desk and paid a room then grabbed your key. Opening your door, you walked in and sunk into the couch and cried your eyes out until you fell asleep.


You woke up with a yawn and slowly sat up from your position on the couch. You pulled out your phone and saw two texts: one from Perrie and one from Louis. You opened the one from Perrie- Hey Y/N hope u r ok, txt me when u can. You sighed and opened the one from Louis- hey Y/N Per told me what happened at Starbucks and I wanted to let you know I am here for ya :) if you need anything, just tell me.' You smiled slightly and stood up to stretch then walked into the bathroom to take a shower. You took your shower and changed back into your clothes from yesterday and decided to get your stuff from your shared place with Niall. You flagged down a cab and told them your address. You paid the cab driver and walked up to your flat and sighed. You pulled out your key and opened your door to find an empty flat. You sighed in relief and walked upstairs and packed your stuff into three suitcases. You finished and downstairs and looked around one last time and walked out of Niall's flat. You returned to your hotel room and set your stuff on your bed and decided to unpack later. After putting your suitcases onto the ground, you pulled out your phone and texted Perrie your new address and told her to come over. After waiting ten minutes, you heard a knock on the door and saw Niall and your eyes widened.

"Perrie told me..." He said and you frowned. "Can I please explain what happened yesterday?" He asked and you steeped aside to let him in. He walked in and sat next to you on the couch. "Me and Y/B/F were just talking, I swear nothing else happened. When you stormed out, I thought I lost you so I followed you and you know the rest. After you left in the cab, I didn't think I would see you again and when I came home from rehearsal with the boys and saw your stuff gone, I panicked and then Perrie texted me so, ya." He finished and you kept a straight face then looked over at him.

"I love you so much Niall, please promise me you will never scare me like that again." You said and he nodded and pulled you in for a hug.

"Oh my god, I missed you so much princess. You have no idea.." He said and pulled away slowly and looked into your eyes. You smiled at him and pulled him for a passionate kiss which lasted for several minutes. He pushed you down onto the couch and rested his hands on your waist. He moved down to your neck and you moaned when he found your weak spot. He pulled away and rested his forehead against yours, panting.
"Wanna continue this on the bed?" He asked and you nodded.

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