You're Pregnant And You Fall Down The Stairs (Request)
Louis- "Darling, please come down stairs!!" Louis shouted and you sighed, putting down your book that you were reading. You wobbled to the stairs and once you stepped down the stairs, you noticed that you were dizzy but before anything happened, you blacked out, not missing the pain of your shoulder slamming into the stairs hard.
*Waking Up*
You rubbed your eyes lightly once you woke up and shifted your body up on the bed. "Slow down baby." Louis said, his voice cracking slightly and you focused your eyes on him. "Am I ok?" You asked him and he started to cry into his hands. "Louis, whats-" you started before you gasped. "Is Delilah ok?" You asked and Louis sobbed into your hospital bed. "She died from t-the imp-pact." He sobbed out and you froze, staring at the white walls. Shock ran through you, Louis sobbing hysterically into the bed. After a while, Louis stopped and finally took notice of your shocked figure. "Hun?" He asked quietly and you shook your head. "Baby say something." He pleaded and you started to cry lightly. "We had everything ready, everything, and me with my unbalanced self killed her." You said and Louis shook his head rapidly. "No no no, honey, its not your fault. You weren't hydrated enough so it was an accident." He reassured you and you sobbed into his shoulder. "I want my baby back." You cried and he held you tightly, his tears spilling onto your shoulder and neck. "I'm sorry." He cried into you and you sat there balling your eyes out, the only thing that could help you was if you had your baby. But that won't happen.
Harry- You were visiting your mom for the weekend since Harry was across the street at his moms house. "Y/N!! Dinners ready!!" Your mom yelled and you chuckled. "Coming!!" You shouted before you slowly stood up from your rocking chair, wobbling to the stairs. "Gosh mom, no need to-AHH!!" You screamed as you tumbled down the stairs and your first reaction was to curl into a ball. Once you reached the bottom, your mind was clouded, your vision was blurred and your mom was at your side. "Y/N, baby I- WHAT HAPPENED?!" Harry shouted as him and Anne walked through the door. "She fell down the stairs." Your mom rushed out the words and Harry picked you up bridal style. "Are you ok?" He whispered to you and you started to slowly shake your head but then everything went black.
*Waking Up*
You heard the doctor talking to Harry but your eyes were strained so you kept them closed. "She's got a sprained wrist but besides that, everything is fine. The baby is ok, she protected her stomach by going into the ball shape so she did amazing. She will wake up soon and then you can take her home. Tell me when she wakes up." The doctor said and you heard the door close but then quickly open, the sound of multiple footsteps entering your hospital room. "Did she wake up yet?" Louis asked and you heard Harry take a shaky breath. "Not yet, but she will." Harry said and it went silent. "She has to, I love her." Harry said with a shaky voice and you smiled slightly. "I love you too Hazza." You said quietly as you opened your eyes, everybody looking at you. "I heard everything guys, get the doctor so that I can leave." You said, shifting up your bed as Niall went to get the doctor.
Niall- "Niall!! Dinners ready!!" You shouted from the kitchen and you heard Niall run down the stairs, walking into the kitchen with a smile. "Chicken? You know me so well." Niall said with a girly voice and you giggled. "I know." You chuckled before sitting down on your chair. After a half hour of eating and messing around, you both finished and did the dishes together. You got soap and water all over you so you decided to take a shower to get everything off but after you were at the top of the stairs, you realized you left your phone on the table. You jogged halfway down the stairs before you slipped, tumbling down seven stairs. "Baby? Baby, say something." Niall pleaded as your head rested in his lap and you rubbed your head. "I'm fine, I fell on my back and not my stomach." You said and Niall sighed in relief. "Lets quickly get you checked out though, I don't want you to be hurt. Or our baby." He said and you both went to the hospital. The doctor told you that you had bruised your tailbone and that you needed to be on bed rest with an ice pack for one week. Your baby was fine, like you predicted, so you both went home and relaxed in bed, happy that your baby was ok.
Liam- "I'll pack the things." Liam whispered once you both entered the house and you nodded your head slowly, tears streaming down your face. You sat on the couch, regretting ever wearing heels in the first place.
"I'm gonna grab my purse." You told Liam and he nodded with a smile. You were both going out for dinner to celebrate that you had just turned eight months pregnant and you got all dressed up in heels and a dress that showed off your bump perfectly. You grabbed your purse and phone and proceeded to where Liam was. You took a step onto the stairs and your ankle twisted so you went tumbling down the stairs, blacking out once your head hit the stairs.
*Flashback Over*You rubbed your cast lightly, feeling the pain in your ankle decrease slightly from the medication finally kicking in. "Its done." Liam said as he sat next to you and you rested your head against his shoulder, both of you staring at nothing. "One more month and we would've had a baby Li, but I made a stupid choice and killed her." You said plainly and Liam moved your head so that you were looking at him in the eyes. "Its not your fault, you didn't know that you would break your ankle like that babe. Please don't blame yourself." Liam said quietly and you nodded your head. "I just feel guilty." You said before you burst into tears. Liam held you tightly, some of his tears shedding while you sobbed into his shoulder. "I love you." He said and you nodded your head into his neck. "I love you too." You cried out and you both sat there crying into each others arms, only wanting to have a baby.
Zayn- "Call an ambulance!!" Louis shouted as him and Zayn were at your pained side. "C'mon baby, stay up and you'll be fine. So will Jess." Zayn said and you stared at the stairs that were behind Louis, the ones that you tumbled down after you heard your name called by Zayn. "Jessie." You whispered and you started to fade out. "Stay awake." Zayn pleaded and you turned to look at him, blackness fading your vision slowly. "I love you guys." You said before you blacked out.
"I'm sorry Mr.Malik, your wife hit her head in the fragile part. She has a 80% chance of not waking up." The doctor told Zayn and he burst into tears. "My baby." He sobbed and the boys comforted Zayn. "I-I-I-I," he stuttered before he moved his chair over to you. "Please wake up." He whispered, his hand in yours while he squeezed it lightly . "Please." He pleaded and you didn't move at all.
*Three Weeks Later*
You've been in a coma for three weeks with an empty stomach and Zayn never left your side unless he had to shower, eat, or go to the bathroom. Your heart was pounding normally and after a while of struggling to wake up, you felt yourself start to come back to reality. You fluttered your eyelids open slowly, your eyes adjusting to the light and you saw Zayn next to your bed. "Baby." You whispered and Zayn's head shot up. "Oh my god." He whispered before he slammed his lips on yours. "I missed you so much." He cried out and you smiled. "I missed you too." You said and Zayn smiled. It was silent for a while before you looked into Zayn's eyes "I know we won't have Jess but we're trying again." You said and Zayn nodded his head in agreement. "I love you." He said and you squeezed his hand. "I love you too."
Thanks to LaurenWilcox for requesting this, I really liked writing it.
Sorry it took so long, I've been busy studying for next week because I have a test or quiz each day next week so its hectic.
Vote if you enjoyed, comment, PLEASE request, add to your lists, and I will see you guys in the next preference!!

One Direction Preferences =P
FanfictionRequests are open :) Preferences written by xLexiGurlx