17) He Forgets Your Birthday (Part Two-Harry)

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Harry- You nodded slowly and you felt tears start to pour out of your eyes and onto his shirt. "I am so sorry baby, I... I can't believe I forgot when my baby was born." You continued to cry until you felt as if you were about to pass out so you feel slightly against Harry and you felt him pick you up bridal style and you felt the vibrations of his body and you knew he was crying too so you pretended to sleep against him and wrapped your arms around his neck and you felt him lay you on your bed and then tuck you in. "I love you babe, I promise you I will make this up to you and I swear on my life I will never forget again. I promise." He whispered and then walked out and you ended up crying yourself to sleep.

-Later in the day-

You rubbed your eyes and slowly sat up and then walked out to the living room and saw that Harry wasn't there and you saw a note on the couch.
~Baby, go to the balcony.~ it said and you walked out to the balcony and saw that Harry was pacing back and forth and you slid the door close and he looked at you with a small smile. "Hi beautiful, I thought that I would make you a candlelight meal and then we can go for a walk and just talk." He said and you smiled and walked over and kissed him passionately and he immediately kissed back. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he pulled you close and wrapped his arms around your waist. You felt his tongue explore your mouth and you felt his hand on the back of your neck, pushing you mouth more onto his. You felt his other arm wrap around your waist and he pulled one of you legs up and you wrapped both legs around his waist and you felt him carry you back into the house and into your shared room and lay you down on your bed. You felt him kissed your neck and then moaned and he continued to suck and nibble there and then pulled away and he rested his head against your and you both panted. "I love you baby."
"I love you too Harry." You said and then you both slowly stood up and walked out to the balcony and enjoyed a beautiful meal that Harry prepared. After eating, you and Harry walked downstairs and he grabbed your hand and you both walked outside. "So, did I do good?" He asked and you smiled at him.
"Yeah Harry, you did amazing." He smiled and you both walked and you felt Harry vibrate and you looked over and he was silently laughing and you got confused. "What?" You asked and he smiled.
"I gave you a very noticeable hickey baby." He said and you sighed.
"Whatever, it just proves that I am taken." You smiled and he grinned at you.
"That's why I love you, your just perfect." He said and you smiled at him.
"I can't be perfect, no ones perfect." You stated and he kissed your cheek.
"I love you so much babe." He said and you kissed his cheek back.
"I love you more Haz." You smiled and he stopped and put his hand on his hip.
"Impossible, I love you more" he sasses and you mad a note to thank Louis for rubbing his sass off on Harry.
"Wrong I love you more than the universe." You said.
"I love you more than life." He said and your night consisted of who loved who more. After five minutes you gave up and Harry smiled. "It's ok, I just have more love." You smiled and scuffed and looked at him.
"Is that why you forgot my birthday my love?" You said and his smile dropped but then quickly came back.
"I made up for it good though," he said and you sighed.
"Indeed you did."

Hello again!!! Here's part two of part two!!!!

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