104) He Is Crying

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He Is Crying

Louis- He always to hide his tears but you always notice them, a frown on your face. "Babe, what's wrong?" You ask softly and he sighs, letting his tears fall in front of you. You quickly walk over to him and hug him while he cries on your shoulder. "Shh, it's ok Lou. I'm here." You whisper and once his tears slow, he talks about what's been bothering him and you try your hardest to fix the problem.

Harry- Seeing Harry cry makes your heart break because he looks broken when he cries. You go to his side and rub his back while he rests his head against your shoulder. "It's ok, Haz. It's gonna be ok, I'm here." You whisper and he continues to cry against your shoulder. You turn and usually kiss his nose which helps him calm down and you wipe away his tears. He slowly clams down and explains why he was crying and you help him through whatever is happening that caused him to cry.

Niall- When you come home, Niall quickly runs into your arms and sobs into your shoulder. You act quickly and wrap your arms around him while closing the door with your foot. You stand in each other's arms for a long time until Niall pulls away after he clams down. "Hey, handsome." You smile at him while wiping tears away and he smiles, leaning against your hand. "What happened, babe?" You whisper and he tells you what happened that led him to cry.

Liam- Liam never likes crying in front of you because he doesn't want to show a weak side of him in front of you. When you find him crying, you go to his side and make him look in your eyes. "Li, what happened?" You ask with your voice cracking because you cry when Liam cries. He pulls you close to his chest and both of you cry in each other's arms. "Li, I'm sorry for whatever happened but please know I'm here for you. Forever and always." You whisper and he kisses you, his tears slowing because he knows you're here for him and will help him.

Zayn- When Zayn is crying, he tries to find you because you always make him feel better and smile. You usually are playing a game on the couch and when he sees you, he starts crying more. "Babe?" He croaks out and your head immediately turns to him and you gaze softens. You quickly get up and hug him, stroking his hair. "Shh Z, I'm here." You whisper as your fingers glide through his hair slowly. This small action calms him down and once he stops crying, you lead him to the couch. You hold his hands while he explains what made him cry and you listen, not interrupting him.


Here's the opposite version of the previous preference :)

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