96) He Cheats On You While You're Pregnant

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He Cheats On You While You're Pregnant

Louis- "Y/N?!?!" Louis panicked when he saw you packing your bags but you ignored him and continued packing. "Why the-" he started before you pushed the magazine into his chest. He grunted, pushing back lightly before he read the article. On the fourth page, it was a picture of Eleanor and Louis making out with her legs on his waist. "Baby, I-" "Save it Lou, I don't wanna hear it." You snapped and he pulled your suitcase away from you. "Can I please just explain?" He asked and you shook your head stubbornly, grabbing your suitcase from him and continued to pack. "Babe, that's photoshopped, I swear!! All we did was kiss, not snog!!" He defended and you chuckled angrily. "Maybe it was photoshopped but you still cheated on me." You said with hurt in your voice and Louis sighed frustratingly. "I swear, I felt nothing!! She forced me to kiss her!!" He said and you ignored him and continued to pack. "Baby, please just listen to me. I swear I didn't want to kiss her!!" He panicked and you stopped packing to face him with a sigh. "Lou, I don't know what to believe right now. I'm just gonna go stay with my sister to clear my head." You said and he started to cry. "No, please don't leave me." He pleaded and you zipped your bag. "I didn't say I was gonna leave you, its a possibility since you obviously still love her, I'm just staying with my sister. Just give me time." You said and Louis started to sob. "I don't love her though, I love you and our baby." He sobbed and you sighed. "Bye Lou." You whispered but he grabbed your hand before you left the room. "Please." He pleaded and you tore your hand away, walking out the door.

Harry- "Are Harry and Y/N over? Rumor has it that Taylor Swift and Harry Styles were caught kissing and Harry even went back to her apartment!! Its not clear if it really happened or not, but this picture proves it did." The lady from E! said and it was a picture of Harry with his hands on Taylor's bum while her hands were in his hair. "Why would Harry cheat on his pregnant girlfriend? We don't know, but we have our guesses after the break." The commercials started while you sat there, frozen with pain and fear. You turned off the TV and you heard Harry walk in through the door with the boys. "Hi baby." Harry said and he kissed your cheek. "You okay?" He asked and he kneeled in front of your shocked figure. "Babe?" He asked nervously and you felt a tear glide down your cheek but he wiped it away. "Whats wrong hun?" He whispered and the boys were staring at you two with worry. "We're done." You said and he froze. "What." He said and you slowly stood up with a slight struggle because of your big, eight month pregnant belly. "How could you do that to me?! We have a child!!" You shouted and Harry looked at you with confusion while the boys looked just as confused. "You all knew didn't you?" You said to them and they all looked even more confused. "What did I do?!" Harry yelled and you stormed upstairs. He beat you upstairs and blocked the door to your room. "What. Did. I. Do." He said and you started to cry. "You fucking cheated on me." You cried out and he looked at you with guilt. "Y/N, I was drunk. I swear I wouldn't have done it if I wasn't drunk." He explained with guilt in his voice and a sob erupted from your throat. "You have a baby Haz, how could you?" You sobbed and Harry hugged you tightly. You pushed back with all of your strength and ran downstairs. You grabbed Louis by his shirt and dragged him outside with you. "You knew?" You sobbed and Louis's eyes widened. "What are you-" "Harry cheated." You interrupted and he gasped. "Y/N, I had no idea. I swear on my life." Louis said and you hugged him tightly, sobbing into his shirt. "Take me to your place, please." You pleaded and he pulled you to his car quickly.

Niall- Niall left last weekend to visit his family before the tour so you were stuck at home with nothing to do. You already did your nails, already cleaned the whole house, you did laundry.....you did everything basically. Before you died of boredom, your laptop dinged and you smiled when you saw Niall's name pop up. "Hi baby!" You cheered when his screen appeared on your screen. "How was it at your family's house?" You asked but his eyes are still in his lap. "Ni?" You asked, your smile slowly fading and he sniffled, his red eyes standing out when you saw his face for the first time. "What's wrong?" You asked and his hands rubbed his face before he sighed. "Baby, please don't hate me." He pleaded and you nodded your head. "You promise?" He asked and your brow's furrowed. "I promise baby." You said with a small smile that was used to reassure him but it just made him look at you with pure guilt. "A-Amy came over the other day." He said and you rolled your eyes. "S-She asked me something and I-I agreed." He added and your heart clenched at the thought of his ex near him. "I cheated on you." He started sobbing harshly into his arms while you sat there, your heart broken but you didn't show it. After five minutes, Niall calmed down slightly and he saw your unemotional face. "Please don't hate me." He begged and you sighed, your hand laying on you small bump. "I'm pregnant." You said quietly while looking at your bump. He let out a heartbreaking sob that made you cringe. "I'm so so sorry baby." He sobbed and your eyes closed slowly while you took a deep breath. "I can't lose you Ni, I-I just can't...but I can't forgive you." You said softly and his face fell to his hands once again. "I'm gonna stay with Cher for a while, clear my head." You said and he didn't respond. "Bye Niall." You whispered and once you ended the call, you stood up slowly and went upstairs to pack, tears flowing freely.

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