You Break Up
Louis- You unlocked your flat door that you shared with your boyfriend, Louis. After your stressful day, all you wanted was to spend time with your loving boyfriend. "Lou!! I'm home!!" You shouted as you walked in and you got no response. You heard something from upstairs so you decided to go up and see what was happening. You heard groans and moans from your shared room so you hesitantly walked up to the door and placed your ear against it. "Oh fuck Lou." Someone moaned and you slowly cracked open the door. You saw Louis pinning a girl against the wall with her bare legs wrapped around his figure. You gasped loudly which made them both turn to look at you, Louis's face dropping quickly. "I-I-Is that-" "Hey Y/N." Eleanor said awkwardly and you started to cry. "Y/N, I-I'm so sorry." Louis stuttered and you started towards the front door. Louis raced after you and grabbed your arm lightly, not wanting to hurt you. "Please don't leave, lets just talk about it." Louis pleaded and you laughed lightly through your tears. "There's nothing to talk about Louis, its over." You said and Louis's face dropped again, this time his eyes had tears flooded in them. "W-What?! N-No, you can't leave me!!" Louis yelled and a sob erupted from your throat. "I don't want to Lou but I have to, for your sake." You said and Louis shook his head, his arms tightly around your small delicate frame. "N-No, we can work it out baby. You can't give up." Louis sobbed into your shoulder and you pulled away abruptly. "You think I have up?! You cheated on me with your ex!!!" You shouted and Louis started to cry harder. "I-Im so sorry bab-" "My name is Y/N, not baby." You said and Louis fell to his knees. "Please just give me one more chance Y/N." Louis pleaded and you shook your head, tears falling faster. "Bye Louis." You whispered and he quickly stood up, his hand on the back of your head and he kissed you hard. You wanted to push away and leave but you both needed this before you went your separate ways. His tongue slipped into your mouth while your hands rested on his chest. After a minute of kissing with lust and passion, you pushed his chest lightly, a whimper falling from his lips. "I will always love you Y/N." Louis whimpered and you kissed his lips lightly before you walked towards the door. "I will always love you too Louis but please move on. Be happy, be with-" "Im only happy when I'm with you though." Louis said and you wiped your fallen tears away. "I'll come back for my things." You whispered and Louis sat on the couch. "I will be waiting Y/N, I'm never giving up on us." Louis said and you chuckled softly before shutting the door behind you, the last thing you heard was Louis's sobs fill his living room.
Harry- The boys had asked you an Harry if you both wanted to go to a club with them and you both agreed. You wore a cute black dress that went to your mid thighs and it fit you perfectly. "Very sexy." Harry whispered and he pulled you to his chest where you smiled up at him. "I'm so lucky to have you." He said and he kissed your lips lightly. You kissed back quickly and the kiss became more and more heated to the point where you were against the wall. "Guys!!! You can fuck later but we wanna go." Niall whined and he pulled back from the kiss slowly. "Maybe we will." Harry whispered to you and you let out a giggle. "Lets go boys." You said and you all piled into the van. Once you arrived at the club, Harry's hand held yours tightly and you all walked in together. "Lets get some drinks." Harry cheered and you all went to sit at the bar. "Margarita please." You ordered and the cute bar boy got you your drink quickly. "Beer." Harry ordered and served him just as quick. You both tapped glasses and drank at the same time. You talked to each other for a while before you noticed that Niall was completely wasted, dancing with Liam. You set your second drink down and stood up. "Imma go use the loo." You said and Harry nodded his head with a smile. You quickly went into the bathroom and did your business before washing your hands and going back to where you and Harry were. You saw him talking to the new bar person and she had her tits practically hanging out of her crop top that had the bar's logo on it. "So, where's your girl?" The girl asked and Harry chuckled. "In the loo. So, you were a stripper?" Harry slurred as he drank more beer and you chuckled. "Yup, want me to show you?" She said seductively and he bit his lip, looking at her with hunger and lust. "Sure, let me just finish this beer." He slurred and he gulped down the whole beer before she dragged him away from your shocked figure. You followed them quickly but Niall stepped in front of you. "Hey beautiful, wanna go dance?" He slurred and you giggled. "Sorry lad, she's taken." Liam chuckled and he apologized to you. "Its fine Li, he's obviously drunk beyond belief. I feel bad for you." You responded and Liam chuckled. "He might be drunk but he still is my best friend and I've gotta take good care of him." Liam said and you smiled, patting his back lightly. "You're a really good friend Li, Niall is lucky." You said and Liam chuckled but quickly left when Niall walked into a table. You giggled at the sight and then you decided to go to where the slut took Harry. You heard loud moans from the men's bathroom and when you opened the door, you saw the girl sliding up and down on the wall while Harry slammed quickly into her. "Fuck you Harry!! We're done!!!" You screamed at him, flipping him off before running away from the scene. You bumped into Louis and you noticed he was sober. "Love? Whats wrong?" Louis asked with concern and you sighed roughly. "Harry is fucking a slut in the bathroom. I'm done with him. Can you please take me somewhere thats not here?" You pleaded and he nodded his head quickly, his hand grasping yours before leading you out of the club and away from Harry.

One Direction Preferences =P
FanfictionRequests are open :) Preferences written by xLexiGurlx