Louis- The smile on his face must've hurt as he saw you walk down the aisle with your beautiful white dress. His eyes watered slightly and when you got up to him, you wipe a fallen tear and he did the same to you.
Harry- You heard the door open while you were playing with Lux and Theo and you saw Harry walk in. He saw the two and his smile widened, his cute dimples evident. He sat down next to you and took Lux from you while you played with Theo.
Niall- You were making dinner when Niall came in and wrapped his arms around your waist. He pressed his nose against your neck and moved it around softly until he saw what you were making. "My favorite!!" He cheered and you giggled at his enthusiasm and at how cute his smile was.
Liam- You started playing guitar when the boys left for their Take Me Home tour and you've gotten better and better each day. Today, Niall was over and he wanted to play with you so you grabbed your guitar and sat next to him. You both started strumming Little Things and you both softly sang while Liam was watching you both with a grin.
Zayn- The nurse laid your baby in your arms and you started to cry. You pulled the blanket down so you could see the baby's mouth and her lips were parted slightly. You looked at Zayn and he had a grin on his face while his own tears fell.
This was just terrible, I apologize to everyone who reads it.....
I would say that I'm gonna upload the song preference soon but that would be a lie. Writing song preferences are HARD and I'm struggling a lot. If you have any good songs you like, comment and I will check them out and possibly write a preference for ya :)
Hope you found slight interest in this preference, vote if you did, comment, request, add to your lists, follow if you'd like, and I will see you guys with a WAY better preference later!!!!!

One Direction Preferences =P
FanfictionRequests are open :) Preferences written by xLexiGurlx