He Makes You Feel Insecure
Louis- You quickly changed into your jogging clothes and slipped on your running sneakers. Today, instead of doing an indoor workout, you've decided to jog around your's and Louis's neighborhood. "Lou, I'm going to go for a jog. Love you." You said to Louis through the bathroom door since he was taking a shower and you heard a faint "Love you too". You grabbed your iPod and headphones before heading out for your jog. You jogged around your neighborhood five times before you started to become weak so you decided to stop and go back home. You walked the whole way, lucky to do that, and once you reached your flat, you noticed Harry's car outside your garage. You shrugged it off and quickly went inside. You saw Louis and Harry in the kitchen joking around with each other so you decided to not disturb them and just head straight upstairs. You made it halfway upstairs before you heard Harry say your name. "So how's Y/N doing?" Harry asked and you sat on the stairs, listening closely. "She's ok, but.." Louis trailed off and you froze. "What Lou? You can tell me." Harry said and Louis sighed. "She's gaining weight Haz, its getting to become unattractive." He said and your heart shattered. "I don't wanna hurt her and tell her though." Louis added and you looked down at your belly and felt fifty times fatter. You pinched your stomach and saw a small roll form. You stood up and walked towards the kitchen, making Louis's face flash with fear. "Hey babe, back from your jog?" He asked and you started to fill your water bottle. "Not for long, I'm going to run again." You stated unemotionally and Louis looked at you with confusion. "Why? You've been gone for a hour." He said with worry and you scoffed. "I don't wanna become even more unattractive." You spat at him, emphasizing 'unattractive' before grabbing your water bottle and quickly opening and slamming the door shut, continuing your jog with pained legs and a pained heart.
Harry- "Take-out?" He asked you and you nodded your head, too tired to make something. "Hmm..Chinese?" He suggested and you nodded your head again. "Same as always, right?" Harry added and you nodded your head for the third time. "Ok then." He sighed and went downstairs to grab the phone to place the order. You quickly reached under your bed and grabbed your photo album that had pictures of your little brother and you. You remember the exact time, place, and date of when you found out that your brother, Cody, has a brain tumor and that he has only a 13% chance of living. "30 minutes baby." Harry shouted from downstairs and you whipped the tear that fell from your eyes away quickly. You decided to go tell Harry about Cody, since he didn't know, but you heard him talking to someone on the phone. "Hey Li, I need to talk to you about something." He said and you decided to listen in. "I think that Y/N is cheating on me. She's been distant." Harry said and your heart shattered. He listened to what Liam said and then laughed. "You're right Li, I'm not sure she's got the body to get another guy anyway. Those rolls on her stomach." Harry said and you cried into your hands. "Shit, I've gotta go." He rushed and you felt him pull you into his chest. "I'm so sorry for what I said, I was just kidding." He explained and you shook your head, pushing him away before running to your room and locking the door.
Niall- Today, Niall was taking you to the beach and you were psyched. You slipped your bikini on and put a pair of shorts and a crop top over it so you were covered. You braided your hair and tied it up into a braided ponytail. You slipped your phone in your back pocket just before Niall walked into the room. "Ready princess?" Niall asked, not looking up from his phone and you nodded. "Yup." You said and Niall smiled at you after looking up from his phone. "Lets go then." He said and you both went to the car. You played the radio and sang along to the songs the bet you could but you were interrupted by Niall's laughter. "You sound like a dying pig." He said jokingly but you took it serious. "Please never sing again." He chuckled and you forced a laugh. "I'll try." You said and Niall rested his hand on your knee. "Thanks." He said and you paid attention to the road, your heart pained from his harsh comment. "Lets go now." He said as he parked the car and you grabbed the towels and sunscreen, putting your sunglasses on. He slipped his hand in yours and you both walked to the sandy beach scenery. "I'm just gonna tan baby, have fun." You said with a fake smile and he smiled back. "Alright princess, join me in the water when you want to." He said and you nodded your head, watching him run for the water. After five minutes of tanning, you noticed Sophia and Liam walking down the beach. "Hey you two." You called out to them and they both smiled brightly at you. "Hey Y/N!! Where's Niall?" Liam asked and you pointed to Niall who was having fun in the water. "You go Li, I'll hang out with Y/N. We don't get much girl time anyway." Sophia fake pouted and you giggled, sitting up slowly. Liam ran towards Niall who was grinning at Liam. "So, how's your relationship?" Sophia asked and you sighed. "Not at its best." You said honestly and Sophia looked you with confusion. "Whats wrong hun?" Sophia asked and you sighed, not wanting to remember the incident more.
Liam- You've been awake for fourteen hours, waiting for Liam to get home most of the time. You closed your eyes slowly, sleep running through you, and curled into a ball on the couch. You woke abruptly, Liam's giggled running through the house. You heard someone shush him but his laugh just got louder. "Your girlfriend is trying to sleep dumbass." Niall said and you heard someone groan. "He's so fucking heavy." Louis groaned and you opened your eyes, seeing Niall, Liam, Louis, Harry, and Zayn at your door. "Why are all of you here?" You giggled and they sighed in sync. "He's heavy." Zayn admitted and you giggled again. "Liam, c'mon, we can talk tomorrow. Lets just get you to bed." You said slowly so he could understand an the boys were snickering. "No thank you love, I'm engaged." He slurred and you giggled. "Yup, so am I Li. Let me help you to bed." You said and he shook his head. "Nope, you are too fat and ugly to cheat with." He said and you sighed. "Li, please just let me help you." You whispered, your heart hurt, and the boys looked at you with sympathetically, knowing it must've hurt you. "Fuck you." He slurred and he fell to the floor. You felt a tear glide down your cheek and Niall hugged you tightly. "Shh, its ok princess." He soothed you and you cried into his chest, your heart pained. You saw Louis and Harry struggle to bring him up the stairs while Zayn joined you and Niall. "He's as drunk as a skunk, don't take it harsh." Zayn said and you sniffled. "You know what they say, when your drunk, you tell the truth." You sobbed and they both hugged you tightly, wishing they could take the pain away. "You guys can go, its fine." You sniffled and Niall shook his head. "Zayn, take Larry home. I've got Y/N." Niall said and you giggled. "Lets lay down princess." Niall said and you both laid on the couch, you cuddled into Niall's chest and slowly slumbered.
Zayn- "H-Hey Perrie." You stuttered as you saw Zayn's ex at your door. "Is Z here?" She asked and you shook your head. "He's at the studio." You answered and she sighed. "May I wait for him?" She asked and you thought about it before nodding your head. "Thank you so much Y/N." Perrie said and she went and sat in your kitchen on one of the stools. "So, I don't wanna be rude, but why are you here?" You asked and Perrie giggled. "It seems bad but I just need him to watch our dog for the weekend, I'm visiting my family before our tour." Perrie explained and you smiled. "Ok. So, you thirsty?" You asked and she smiled. "Really am actually. Do you have Pepsi or Coke?" She asked and you grabbed a glass cup, filling it with ice and Pepsi. You guys talked for a while, joking with each other and you realized that Perrie was the nicest girl you've met. "You're so nice Perrie." You complimented and she blushed. "Back at ya Y/N, your really nice too." She said and you blushed to. "Oh, wanna meet mine and Zayn's hamster?" You asked and she nodded excitingly. "Alright, sit on the couch and I will get him." You said and you went upstairs to get your hamster, Felix. "This is Fe-Oh, hey Zayn." You said with a smile and Zayn glared at you. "You let Perrie stay here, on the couch, the whole time?!" Zayn shouted and Perrie looked at him with a funny look. "No, Zayn she-" "Don't protect her Per, she's always been a bitch." Zayn spat at you and your heart broke. "Zayn, go to a club or something." Perrie yelled at him and Zayn stormed out. "I'm so sorry hun, he-" "Am I really a bitch?" You asked and she shook her head rapidly. "No hun, he's the bitch. You're amazing, so thoughtful, hopefully one of my best friends if you would let me call you that, and I can't think of anyone else whose nicer." Perrie complimented and you cried into her shoulder, your heart pained at Zayn's harsh words.
Here's part one!! I wrote this while my parents were being pissed about how our car is 'a piece of shit'.
Hope you enjoyed, leave a vote if you did, comment, PLEASE request, add to your lists, and I will see you guys with part two!!!!

One Direction Preferences =P
FanfictionRequests are open :) Preferences written by xLexiGurlx