15) He Forgets Your Birthday (Part One)

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He Forgets Your Birthday (Part One)

Louis- You groaned and turned the alarm off when you checked your phone and saw fifteen new messages from your family and friends telling you happy birthday. You smiled and sent them all a thank you messages then sat up and stretched. You looked next to you and saw that Louis wasn't there. 'Maybe he has a special breakfast?' You thought and smiled. You got dressed then walked downstairs, hoping to see your boyfriend but only found a note on the counter. You frowned and picked up the note- hey babe the guys and I wen to the studio so I probably won't see you til tonight :) please have dinner ready babe!! Love ya, Lou xxxx
You started to cry when the realization hit you. He forgot your birthday. You called your friend and asked if you could spend the night and she said yes. You packed a small bag and rushed out the door with your purse and keys to your car and then drove to your friends house.

Harry- Pulling a box of cereal down, you felt Harrys arms wrap around your waist and felt him kiss your neck. "Please tell me what happened babe," he whispered into your ear and you continued to silence him. Yesterday was your birthday and Harry completely forgot about it so you were giving him the silent treatment. You walked over to the cabinet and pulled out a bowl and grabbed the milk and a spoon. You poured yourself some cereal and sat at the table and ate your cereal with Harry still kissing your neck. When you finished, you put your bowl and spoon in the dishwasher and turned it on. "Please baby, I can't stand not hearing your beautiful voice. Please just give me a hint." He whispered into your ear and the phone rang and Harry sighed then went to answer it and you sighed. Harry walked back in and walked over to you and hugged you. "Yesterday was your birthday wasn't it?"

Niall- You woke up with a pair of arms wrapped around you and smiled. You got out of Niall's grasp and walked downstairs and sat on the couch and watched TV. You felt your phone vibrate and saw ten messages from family with them saying happy birthday. You smiled and walked into the kitchen to make some pancakes and bacon for you and Niall to eat together. After you finished, you saw Niall sitting at the counter with a hunger look in his eyes. You giggled and gave him some food and he devoured his food and soon asked for more so you gave him what was left and you sat down the eat yours. "Any plans today Ni?" You asked and he shrugged.
"Was planning on going to a game today and then going to Nando's with the guys." He said and your heart dropped. "What about you princess? Any plans?" You felt sick and ran out of the room and up to your shared room and slammed the door. You cried into your pillow and heard Niall run up to your room and he started knocking. "Princess?? Please answer me!" He said and he continued to knock.
"Leave me alone Horan, go to your game and I'll just celebrate my birthday in here!!" You shouted and climbed under the duvet and cried yourself to sleep.

Liam- You sat on the couch and turned the TV on to Ellen. Liam sat down next to you and you just ignore it. "Hey babe, guess what?" Liam asked and you ignored him. "Babe?" You focused on the TV and acted unfazed from his presence. The microwave beeped and you got up to get your popcorn and Liam was close behind. "What's wrong babe? What happened?" He asked scared and upset and you just poured your popcorn into a bowl and walked back out to the living room and sat down. The phone rang and you picked it up since it was next to you. "Hello?" You said.
"Hi sweetie!!" Your mom chirped into the phone and you smiled.
"Hi mom! How was your day?" You smiled and walked into the other room.
"Good I just wanted to know how your birthday was yesterday," your mom said and you sighed.
"Good but the love of my life forgot," you said quietly and you heard a beep. "Mom?" You asked.
"Yes sweetie?" She said and you frowned.
"Never mind, listen mom can I call you back?" You asked and you heard her sigh.
"Alright, call me after you have dinner, love you baby." She said and you smiled.
"Love you mom." You hung up the phone and returned to your popcorn and walked out to see Liam looking at his hands. "You listened in didn't you?" You whispered and he nodded.

Zayn- All day, you have been getting cards, texts, phone calls, even Skype's from your parents who are in New York. Zayn had yet noticed anything that indicated that it was your birthday and you at first thought it was a plan but after seven cards and multiple calls and texts, nothing. You were sitting on your sofa, responding to DMs from fans who said happy birthday when Zayn came down, pulling his coat on and ran over and pecked your forehead. "I'm going to the studio until late so have dinner yourself and I will see you at ten or eleven because after we are going to a club to party." He rushed and before he walked out you whispered ''What is wrong with you?" and he turned around.
"What?" You scoffed and showed him one of your cards and his eyes widened.
"When is your birthday?" He asked and you felt your heart crush.
"It's today Zayn... Today is my 19th birthday." His eyes widened and you stood up and pushed him towards the door. "Go to the studio, go clubbing, see if I give a shit Zayn. Have fun and just don't even bother." You said and locked the door behind him.

A/N: I'M BACK!!!! I missed writing these sooooo much so here ya go!! Thank you for over 600 reads, that is amazing!! I never even thought that I would get two but ya!! Thank you and I will try and post part two either tomorrow or Sunday!!
Hope you enjoyed, vote if you did and I will update soon!!!

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