One Direction Preferences
Personal Imagine
Request From:SelenaLuvsSPN67
Request: Can I have an imagine with Liam where I am Harry's younger sister (2 years) and we fancy each other, but don't tell each other until Harry, Louis, and Niall (they know about us fancying each other) lock us in a room together and we kiss?Background: Before you read, here's a quick background so things aren't confusing. You live with Harry in is house in London and the other boys live nearby so they are close. Since I am following the request, I am not including Zayn Malik and it will just be the four boys :)
Hope you enjoy!
Your body slowly started waking itself up as you heard your bedroom door open but you kept your eyes closed since you had a long night. You felt someone sit next to you on your bed and you slowly opened your eyes and saw Harry with a smile on his face.
"I know you came in late last night but the boys are coming over soon if you want to hang out with them. If not, they'll understand and we will try to be quiet." He whispered, being cautious in case you had a headache from a possible hangover and your lips curved into a small smile.
"I'd love to hang out with you guys. I just need time to get up and ready." You mumbled, still slightly tired. Harry grinned and nodded his head. He stood up from your bed and went to the door.
"I will tell for you when they get here." He said from the doorway and he closed the door slowly behind. You rolled onto your side and grabbed your phone from your side table. You saw Twitter notifications from people and also saw messages from Liam and Niall. You opened the message and read Liam's first.
'Hey Y/N, we will be over soon so I hope to see you :) Xx' Liam wrote and you smiled as you read it. You replied, 'Of course you'll see me! Why would I miss an opportunity to see your lovely self? Xx' You sent it and looked at Niall's message.
'Hey girl, we are coming over so I hope you grew the balls to finally talk to Liam ;)' You blushed at the message and replied, 'Shut up.' You slowly sat up and ran through your hair with a sigh. You have had a crush on that stupid brunette and unfortunately, everyone except Liam knew so they would constantly push you to ask him out. You've asked others out before, that wasn't the problem. The problem was that you've never felt this way about someone and you were scared of rejection because it would be hard to recover from that. His stupid hair, his stupid eyes, his stupid smile, his stupid everything was all you thought about when you would be with him and you knew today was no exception. You got up and stretched your arms behind your head with a quiet groan. You went to your closet and opened the door to find a nice outfit to wear. You didn't know if you guys were leaving so you went to your door and opened it to shout to Harry.
"Haz!" You shouted from your door and you saw him come up the stairs a couple seconds later. "Are we going out today or is it a day at home?" You asked.
"Lazy day." He said and you smiled at him.
"Thank you Haz." You said sweetly and he smiled back before jogging back downstairs. You shut your door behind you and went back to your closet to find a comfortable outfit for today. You grabbed a pair of gray leggings and a purple sweater and quickly changed into them. You grabbed a pair of gray socks and slipped them on before going into your bathroom to fix your hair. You decided to go with a ponytail so you brushed your hair back except for your bangs and put your hair up with a hair tie. You applied cover up and added a touch of black eye shadow along with eyeliner. You just put some Chapstick on and grabbed your phone before you went downstairs to hang out with Harry until the boys got here. You shut your door and quickly went downstairs and noticed that the boys were already here.

One Direction Preferences =P
FanfictionRequests are open :) Preferences written by xLexiGurlx