One Direction Preferences #101
BSM-You're Dating A Band Member but Something Goes Wrong (Part 2/5 for Part Two)
RECAP- "Hey Z, can we go upstairs for a second? I've got something for you." You said and Zayn followed you upstairs and into your bedroom. You pulled your present out from under your bed and handed it to him. He grinned and took the present, quickly opening it and finding the art supplies he had wanted for so long. "Thank you so much babe!! What's the special occasion?" He smiled and your face dropped. "I-It's our six month anniversary Zayn. Did you seriously forget?!" You said, your voice raising with each word. "Babe, calm down please." He said and you scoffed. "I'm not gonna calm down because you forgot our anniversary!!" You screamed at him and he scoffed back at you. "It's only six months Y/N, it's not like fifty years!!" He screamed back and you rolled your eyes. "It doesn't matter if it had been a week, it's still our anniversary and you shouldn't have forgotten!!" You shouted and he growled, his hand going across your face. A yelp fell from your lips and you held your stinging cheek.
Harry-(Zayn) Louis lifted you onto the counter and then went to the fridge to grab an ice pack for your beet red cheek. Harry jumped up next to you and wrapped his arm around your shoulders while resting his head on yours.
"He's not getting away with this." He said and you nodded, knowing that he shouldn't get away with it.
"Are you breaking up with him?" Louis asked as he wrapped the ice pack on a small towel and gently applied it to your face. You shrugged and winced at the cold that you could still feel through the thin towel. After your cheek became used to the cold, you rested your head on Harry's shoulder and grabbed the ice pack from Louis.
"Don't I have to?" You said and Harry nodded while Louis shook his head.
"You think she should stay with him?" Harry asked in shock and Louis sighed.
"I'm just saying..If you still love him, you need to take time and evaluate and not make this kind of decision when you're emotional." Louis said calmly and you didn't respond, you just stared straight ahead. Louis made a good point so you stood up from the counter and grabbed an extra ice pack and wrapped it before going upstairs. You knocked on your bedroom door and slowly opened it, seeing a beaten up Zayn who was getting help from Niall and Liam. Zayn saw you and a small smile appeared on his face but it dropped when he saw you holding an ice pack against your face.
"Hey Y/N." Liam said as he applied a washcloth with alcohol on it to Zayn's face.
"I brought in an ice pack." You said and you went to Zayn's left side and sat next to him, applying it to his black eye. He put his hand on yours and closed his eyes. Liam and Niall noticed that you two needed a moment alone so they both stood up which caused you to look over at them.
"We will be outside the door if you need us." Liam said and they both left, leaving you with your boyfriend who looked like he had been used as a personal punching bag.
"I'm sorry." He whispered and he opened his eyes to look into yours. "You were right, I shouldn't have forgotten because six months ago..." Zayn slowly sat up and placed his hand on your cheek that had not been hit. "I realized that I had found the woman who changed my life forever." His thumb wiped a tear that had fallen from your eye and you got up from the bed.
"W-We need to take a break." You said with a shaky voice and Zayn stood up too, looking confused and lost.
"What?! Why?" He asked and you pulled your ice pack away and pointed at your cheek.
"That's why, you dumb fuck. You can't expect me to just forgive you and run back into your arms." Your eyes started to feel glassy and Zayn tried to comfort you but you held your hand out and shook your head. "I can't trust you anymore Zayn and I cant be in a relationship with someone I don't trust. Maybe someday things will be different but until then, I think we should just be friends." You saw his face change to a hurt face but before he said anything, he stopped himself and nodded.
"You're right." He said and he avoided eye contact with you. You walked over and pressed one of the ice packs against his face and he locked his gaze with yours.
"Don't you dare try avoiding me or some shit, because then we are never getting back together." You whispered and he nodded, his eyes filling with tears. "Here, let me give you something to fight for." You said and he looked slightly confused but then you slowly leaned in and connected your lips with his. He placed a hand on your hip and he pulled you close, never wanting to let you go. Your tongues battled for dominance but before things got carried away, you slowly pulled away. "Don't give up on us." You whispered and Zayn pecked your lips once more and you smiled.
"I needed one more to get me through this." He said and you both laughed lightly before you pulled him in for a hug. You hugged him as tightly as he was hugging you and you both stood there in each other's embrace until Harry came in with the others behind him. You pulled away and smiled at Zayn and he smiled back. You both looked at them and took a deep breath before telling the boys.
"We are breaking up." You said and they all looked slightly confused.
"Then why were you guys just smiling at each other?" Niall asked and you smiled at him.
"Because we are still going to be friends." You said and everyone looked awkward so you broke the silence. "Can we go out to eat? My belly is torturing me right now." You said and they all left in agreement while you and Zayn walked slowly behind them. "Are you ok to go out? Your face is pretty fucked up." You said and Zayn wrapped his arm around you.
"Liam and Niall did a good job at cleaning out my wounds so I'll be fine." He said casually and you rested your head against him. He kissed your head and you wrapped your arm around his waist.
"We will get through this." You said and Zayn smiled down at you.
"Damn right we will." He said and you chuckled before opening the door for you two. He went ahead to talk with Liam and you locked the door, sighing.
"We will get through this."
Hi :)
How's everyone doing? I hope you had/are having a fantastic day right now :)
This is part two of five for part two and I hope you all liked it! I'm sorry it wasn't as long as the other one but I'm considering writing a part three for this one. Let me know in the comments if you would be interested in a part three or if this is a good ending.
And now....OUTRO TIME!!
Vote if you enjoyed, comment, request, add to your lists, follow if you'd like, and I will see you guys soon!!!
QOTD-What's your favorite TV show?
AOTD-I don't really watch TV, I just watch PewDiePie videos :3

One Direction Preferences =P
FanficRequests are open :) Preferences written by xLexiGurlx