Sitting on the couch, you decided to watch some Family Guy while you wait for Louis to get home from his interviews. You were in the middle of an episode when the door opened and slammed. You flinched and saw Louis glaring at you from the doorstep.
"How could you?" He shouts and you raised your eyebrows."What?" You asked and he threw a magazine on the floor next to the couch. You pause the TV then pick up the magazine and see a picture of you and your cousin that you haven't seen in five years.
"You are a fucking cheating bitch and I want you out of this house now!!! I don't ever want to see you again." He snarled and your eyes started to water.
"Lou, tha-" you start but he cuts you off.
"Now!!!" He yells and you lowered you head and walked out of the door. 'Why even try when he says that?' You thought and walked to the closest hotel to stay at. You reach one and paid for a room and walked to your new 'home'. You feel onto the bed and cried into your pillow until you went to sleep.
You sat up and looked around and remembered what happened last night. You picked up your purse and pulled out your phone to see thirty messages that were all from Louis. You opened a voicemail and listened.
"Y/N!! Please forgive me!! Your cousin called and said how much of a great time you had, please call me back baby. I'm sososososo sorry that I called you a bitch. I had no right to and I wish I could have a second chance....please at least tell me you are safe. I love you...." Then the voice mail ended. You walked over to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. You took your purse and took out your comb, mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow, and lipgloss and got ready. You looked in the mirror and smiled at how good you looked. You looked down and noticed you were still in your work clothes from last night. You looked at the time and noticed you had to go work so you left your hotel room and walked out of the hotel to work. You pushed open the door and walked over to the counter and set up then opened up the bakery. You grabbed your apron and sat on the stool. You pulled out your phone and looked through Louis' messages and smiled at them. You heard the bell go off and saw the boys minus Louis. They saw you and gasped and Liam rushed over to you.
"Thank god you're ok!! Louis told us what happened and we decided to look for you." He said and you smiled but then frowned.
"Where is he?" You asked and Niall sighed.
"In bed, with your pillow." He whispered and your heart broke.
"I have to go see him." You whispered and told another worker to cover your shift until you got back and she agreed to. You pulled off your apron and rushed to your shared flat with Liam behind you. You turned around and he sighed.
"I'm coming with you to make sure he's ok, he wasn't in the best condition when we left." He said and you nodded and walked with Liam. You reached the flat and rushed in an up to your room to find Louis in the fetal position crying and your heart broke again.
"Baby," you whispered and he jumped up and saw you. You looked in his hands and saw his phone in one hand and a picture of you in the other. You ran over to him and he dropped them both to hug back. "I love you Lou, I'm not leaving ever again." You whispered and he cries into your shoulder and you pull back and see his bloodshot eyes.
"I'm so sorry love." He whispered and you wiped his tears and smiled.
"It's ok Lou, I love you." You say and he kisses you with hunger and passion. After a minute of snogging, he presses his forehead to your's and smiles.
"I love you too boo." He said back at you.

One Direction Preferences =P
FanfictionRequests are open :) Preferences written by xLexiGurlx