You Are In A Band
Louis- "Ready girls?" You asked and Sophia and Maddie cheered. "Lets do it." You smiled and you all got your microphones before jogging to your positions. You and your band, Magic Infinite, were opening for Demi Lovato for her second half of her Neon Lights Tour. "You say you know me, but you don't. You say you want me, but you don't. You s-s-say you need me, but you don't, O-Oh no you don't." You sang before the music started. You all had tons of fun an then your last song started. "For our last song, we will be singing Crawl." You announced and the crowd went wild, screaming all of your names and screaming nice things. The music started and the crowd went quiet. "Everybody sees its you, I'm the one that lost the view." Maddie sang perfectly and then Sophia's part came up. "Everybody says we're through, I hope you haven't said it too." She sang perfectly like Maddie and your part came up. "So where, do we go from here? With all this fear in your eyes. And where, can life take us now? We've been so far down, we can still touch the sky." You sang and the song continued. Your band waved with you at the crowd before you all raced off stage. "I'm so proud of you!!" Louis cheered and he hugged you tightly. "You did the song better." You chuckled and he shook his head. "Nope, you sounded WAY better than me." He said with a stubborn tone so you knew there was no point in arguing with him. "Thanks Lou." You said and he kissed your lips lightly. "Shower?" He asked lustfully and you chuckled. "Sure, go get it warm." You said and you slapped his bum as he jogged away. "You two are psychos." Maddie joked and you all laughed. "You're right. I'm a psycho who's in love." You said childishly and you turned away, walking in the direction Louis went in and you could hear Maddie and Sophia laughing at your tone.
Harry- "Please welcome, LITTLE MIX!!" Ellen cheered and the crowd all screamed and chanted 'Little Mix'. The five of you went out from backstage and each of you hugged Ellen. "Welcome ladies, its my pleasure to have you on the show." Ellen said and you all thank'd her. "So, how was the tour with Demi?" She asked and Jesy answered her. "Its was incredible, one of my favorite experiences." She said and we all agreed with her. "Yeah, it was amazing to spend time with an amazing person like Demi." You said and the girls agreed. "I'm glad to hear it. So, anything special happen over the portion of her tour?" Ellen asked and the other girls talked about their experiences. "Anything happen with you, Y/N?" Ellen asked and the girls snickered. "Um, hmmm... Well, Harry came to visit us." You said and the girls giggled. "What happened while Harry came?" Ellen asked with a laugh and you blushed. "We watched some movies, went on a date, and that's pretty much it." You said and Jesy commented, "They had sex twice." The girls burst out laughing and the crowd joined them while you hid your face in your hands. "Wow, go Y/N." Ellen joked and you chuckled. "Any words to describe it?" Ellen asked and you blushed again. "Amazingly pleasurable." You answered honestly and the girls laughed again. "We actually have a certain two someone's here today and since they are in the same band, it was easy. Here's Harry Styles and Zayn Malik." She said and they appeared from backstage. "Z!!" Perrie screamed and she hugged him while you hugged Harry. "Nice to know you enjoyed it." He whispered into your ear and you slapped his chest. "Actually, lets invite the whole band out. Everyone, here's Louis! Niall! And Liam!!" Ellen cheered and the rest of the boys came out. "We will be right back with another couch." Ellen chuckled and they went to commercial break.
Niall- "Can you ever find it in your heart to forgive me?" You sang softly and the piano played quietly to add suspense. "I always thought we'd end a different way, but I guess I was wrong." Sam sang and you both appeared from the dark part of the stage with lights on you both. "I need you here with me, I never wanna be alone." Natalie sang and a spotlight appeared on her. "The fight we had was so harsh, I didn't mean the words I said. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?" Carly sang and the last spotlight hit her. "I never wanted to lose you." You all sang together and you stepped in front of them all. "Can you find it in your heart to forgive meeeee?" You sang powerfully and the song continued. When it ended, you all bowed and jogged off stage quickly. "You all were incredible!!" Niall cheered and Natalie's boyfriend, Alex, agreed with him. "I'm so proud of you." Niall whispered into your ear and you smiled at him. "Thanks Ni. We've got another song to do so I will see you after my quick change." You said quickly and your band jogged to the dressing station. You all quickly changed, had your makeup touched up, and then jogged over to the two boys. "Love you Ni." You said and you all ran onto the stage.
Liam- "Give it up for The Gates" the announcer cheers. You, Rachel, Emily and Sophia run onstage and get to your positions. You start playing the intro on your bass guitar as Sophie starts playing the melody on her guitar. Emily starts playing the drums on her cue and Rachel starts playing her keyboard. All four of you start singing the song "I am, I'm me" that's originally by Twisted Sister. You step in the front and sing "Who are you to look down at what I believe. Like the living dead. Then the truth it hit me, knocked me on my knees. I am, I'm me". After the song is over all four of you go offstage. After all the other contestants go, the judges discuss quietly.
"The judges have decided. The winner is... The Gates!"Zayn- You always loved the thrill of preforming onstage, so you formed a band called The Inks. You came up with the name. You had been brainstorming names for the band and Zayn was trying to help you and you decided on The Inks because of all the inky tattoos Zayn has.
"Put your hands together for my girlfriend's band: The Inks" Zayn announces. Your band is One Direction's opening act for their latest tour. The drummer starts pounding out the melody and the guitarists start picking the strings, starting the song. You wink at Zayn before starting to sing.
"Who is the real me?
Why can't I see myself like others do? But I'm me, myself and I. And that's who I'm glad I am. Nobody can make me feel inferior, only make me happier that I'm me, myself and I. I'm me, myself and I, not anybody else. But I'm glad that I'm me, myself and I, not anybody else. I'm me-me-me, my-my-myself, and I-I-I-I-I-I"******************************
Hey guys!!! This preference was written by Geri_F and me so we both hope you enjoyed it!!!!
I still am in pain but I wanted to upload this :)
Vote if you enjoyed, comment, request, add to your lists, follow if you'd like, and I will see you guys soon!!!!!!

One Direction Preferences =P
FanficRequests are open :) Preferences written by xLexiGurlx