*This will only make sense if you read the first one!! Maybe.... I guess you don't HAVE to read it but I encourage it!!! Actually, many people don't care...... some might. Whatever, just read.Unless you don't wanna. Wait, why are you here if you don't wanna read😕Are you just stalking me? Whateva, you've probably had enough of me. Enjoy!!!*
He Finds Out You Cut (Part Two)
Louis- *His POV* "Hun,the pizza is here." I said through the door and there was no response. "Baby?" I asked, now very worried, and then I heard the door unlock and a thud. I quickly opened the door and saw Y/N laying on the ground, unconscious. "No no no no." I repeated and I saw that her arm was gushing blood. I grabbed a towel and applied as much pressure as I could. "Should I call?" I asked myself and I decided to call Liam for help. "'Ello?" He asked and I put it on speaker. "My flat, please hurry." I rushed out and Liam chuckled. "Whats wrong Lou?" He asked and I heard him shut his car door. "Y/N is bleeding really badly, please hurry." I sobbed and Liam gasped, the sound of his engine got louder which meant he was hurrying. "I will be there in five seconds." He said quickly and I fumbled to end the call. I heard my flat door slam open thirty seconds later and I heard Liam's footsteps approaching quickly. "Shit." He said and he grabbed the first aid kit. "When did this happen?" He asked as he was wetting a tissue with alcohol and went over all of the cuts. "Five minutes before you got here." I cried out and he was unresponsive. "The good thing is that she didn't lose a ton of blood, the bad news is I have no idea what to do." He said after he finished going over the cuts with alcohol and I decided to take over. I grabbed a wet wash cloth and cleaned the blood off of her arm before wrapping her arm with a wrap. "Bring her to the room Lou, I will clean this up." Liam reassured me and I nodded my head, rubbing my nose lightly. I picked her up bridal style and carried her to our shared room. Crying hysterically the whole way, I wondered what made her do this, why she would hurt herself when she is absolutely beautiful. I laid her down gently and tucked her in carefully. "Cleaned." Liam sighed when I stepped downstairs and a sob erupted from my throat. He walked over to me and hugged me tightly, telling me it was gonna be ok.
Harry- "Oh my god." He whispered and he quickly rushed over to me. "Shit Y/N, what were you thinking?!" Harry yelled and you were unresponsive, still feeling numb and sad. "I'm gonna clean you up baby." He said, more calm, and you just sat there. He grabbed a wash cloth and put some alcohol on it before dabbing your wrists. You winced slightly but you didn't say anything, your mind on your sister. He continued to clean you up until all of the blood was gone and the cuts were all wrapped up. "C'mon baby, lets just go to bed." He said softly and you stood up with him, letting him interlock your fingers as he led you out of the bathroom. He opened the bedroom door and said, "Do you want me to help you get changed?" You nodded slowly and he lifted your shirt up and quickly replaced it with one of his shirts. He pulled your pants off slowly and you stepped out of them. You pulled up your shorts and he led you to the bed, getting in bed with you shortly after. He pulled you into his chest and held you tightly, making your heart flutter slightly. "Wanna talk about it?" He whispered after a while and you shook your head. "Tomorrow we will, ok?" He said and you nodded your head. "Love you." He said softly and you looked him in the eyes. "I love you too Haz." You said and he kissed your lips lightly, letting them linger before pulling away and holding you until you fell asleep in his chest.
Niall- *His POV* I looked at her back,confused at her quick exit but I guess she really had to go to the bathroom. Her phone lit up so I grabbed it and saw it was notifications from Twitter. I unlocked her phone with her password which was the say we met, 07-14, and I started to read the tweets. I furrowed my brows when I saw more and more hate pouring in and realization ran through me, along with terror. I sprinted to the bathroom with her phone and knocked on the door. "Y/N I saw the tweets, open the door." I pleaded and she didn't respond for a second. "They get what they want, Niall." She said softly and I broke open the door. She was on the floor so I kneeled down and placed her head in my lap. "Please stay awake, for me." I begged as tears fell rapidly from my eyes and she looked at me with a soft gaze. "I love you Ni." She whispered before her head fell to the side. "No, I'm not losing you." I sobbed and I called 911. "My girlfriend cut herself and one of them is deep." I said into the phone as I applied my hand with force to lessen the blood loss and they told me they would be there shortly. I called Zayn with sobs racking through me and he picked up quickly. "Niall? Whats wrong?" Zayn asked with worry and I sobbed into the phone. "Get the boys and come to my flat. Please." I sobbed before I heard the police barge through the door. They took over and I looked at my blood covered pants and hands but I didn't bother to clean it. The boys walked in my flat confused but they gasped when they saw me with blood all over myself. "What the fuck is that from?" Louis asked, frightened, and a sob erupted from my throat. Y/N was rushed downstairs in a gurney and the boys looked even more petrified. "Li." I sobbed and he hugged me tightly, not caring about the blood. "Its gonna be ok Ni, boys." He motioned for the boys to hugged us and we had a group hug for a while. "Lets go to the hospital." Liam said and when I tried to move, I fell to the floor with a sob. Liam picked me up gently and carried me to the car where he held me while Zayn drove behind the ambulance.
Liam- "Wanna talk now?" He asked as you slowly stopped crying and you nodded. "M-My best friend w-was always there for me, but now he leaves so frequently. Its his job but...I need him." You sobbed and Liam froze. "I-Is he m-" "He loves me, he takes care of me, but when I need him the most, h-he has to leave." You said and Liam stayed frozen against you. "I love him so much but, he leaves too quick for me to tell him. I need him to help me." You sobbed and Liam held you tightly into his chest. "I'm gonna talk to Management and make it so you and I can be together." Liam said and you noticed he was crying. "I'm sorry for putting it all like that." You whispered and he shook his head, tears falling from his face. "If you didn't, I wouldn't have known." He said quietly and you both held each other tightly, slightly happy everything was told and over with. "Lets go to bed, yeah?" Liam said after a long time and you yawned, nodding your head slowly. He chuckled and picked you up bridal style before walking upstairs. You both change out of your clothes and got into bed, Liam sitting up. "Where?" He asked softly and you have him one of your wrists. He looked at them and then kissed each cut, giving you a reason why he loved you after each cut. "Never again baby." He whispered and you nodded hesitantly. Liam grinned and held you tightly but all that ran through you was that you knew what you just did was a lie.
Zayn- "B-Babe?" Zayn said softly and you kept your attention to the rag, wishing you had better skills. "Sorry Z, got my period." You lied and Zayn looked at you for a long time before sighing. "I know when you lie Y/N. Wrists." He said and you shook your head. "Y/N." He warned and you stood there, your arms crossed, determined to stand your ground. "Its my time of month Zayn." You lied but you used a harsh tone so Zayn took one step towards you. "Y/N, give me your wrists." He said calmly and you took one step away from him. "Back off Z." You said and he looked at you for a while before running over to you and threw you over his shoulder. "LET ME GO." You yelled and he set you on the bed, straddling you. "I'm sorry Y/N." Zayn said and he pulled your sleeve down, looking at the fresh, clean cuts. He gasped quickly and stared at them for a while. "A-A-Are those fresh?" He asked and you glared at him before shoving him off of you. "Mind your own business." You snapped before storming out of the room. Zayn was quick behind you and he grabbed you by the waist. "No, I'm gonna care about you." He snapped and you got out of his grasp. "No you won't!! You lie, everybody has!! I can't be loved, I'm worthless, I'm ugly, I'm a waste of space!! You can't love me without suffering." You said and you broke down in sobs. "Spare me and just leave now. You are gonna anyway, just spare me." You sobbed and Zayn kneeled in front of you, hugging you tightly. "I love you, I'm gonna care about you." He whispered and you stayed there, a sobbing mess in Zayn's arms. "Please promise." You sobbed and he nodded. "I promise I will love you forever, I'm gonna care, I'm gonna help you stop, I'm gonna give you as much love as I can." He said and you nodded. He lifted your chin and kissed you with passion. Your lips moved in sync, his tongue slipping into your mouth and then he pulled away. "I love you." He said and you wiped your tears. "I-I love you too Z." You said and you knew that moment, Zayn was the one.
A/NPart three? Wrap everything up?
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-LexiGurlWE ARE ALMOST AT 100k READS 😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵

One Direction Preferences =P
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