You Break Up -Part Two-
Louis- After two months, you came back. You went to your hometown in Arizona to clear your head and figure out what to do which you did. Even though you caught him cheating with one of his ex's and one of your friends, which were both Eleanor, you knew you still loved him with all your heart. That's why you are standing at his front door, facing your demons. You opened the door with your key that you had and walked into the most disgusting flat you had ever seen. Beer bottles, most empty, broken lamps, broken glass, your flat screen had food on it, wrappers everywhere, it was revolting. You heard whimpering from upstairs so you stepped over a broken bottle and made your way upstairs to his bedroom. You stepped past the clothes and scrunched your nose when you smelled a moldy substance but you quickly learned to ignore it, knowing Louis was more important. "Mate, its been two months. We tried but you are too broken. See ya later Lou, hopefully." Zayn said and they walked towards the door that you were standing outside of. You quickly hid in the closet and saw the boys all walk out and shut the door slightly behind themselves. "Why even live?" You heard Louis whispered and you knew you needed to make yourself present. "Cause we are in love." You said and Louis jumped at the sound of your voice, looking at your body in shock. You had gotten your hair dyed brown because you didn't want people to recognize you so you understood his shock. "B-Baby?" Louis whispered and you smiled softly at him. "Hi Lou." You said softly and he pounced out of bed and pulled you into his arms quickly. "Y-You're back!! I mean, you're back right?" Louis asked and you giggled. "I'm sorry I ever left." You said honestly and he placed his hand on the back of your neck before pulling your lips onto his. His lips moved in sync with yours while your hands laid on his chest, just like before you left. "I'm so-" "I know Lou. As long as it doesn't happen again, everything is ok." You said and he grinned, kissing you again like his life depended on it.
Harry- "Are you sure Y/N? What he did was low." Louis asked after you told him you were going back. Its been a week and you've heard Harry felt terrible and was spiraling down into depression. "I have to Lou, I love him." You whispered and Louis sighed. "If you are positive, I can drop you off." Louis said and you nodded your head. "Lets go." You grabbed your bag that you brought and headed towards his car. He turned on the radio and 'All Of Me' by John Legend started to play so you sat back and listened closely to the lyrics. Once the song was over, you noticed Louis pulling into Harry's flat and then parking the car. "Good luck love." Louis said and you smiled at him before getting out of the car. Your heels clicked against the cement ground and on the stairs. You stopped in front of the the door, your high-low dress swaying in the air, and listened through the door. You heard a man in the room, talking to someone who was crying softly. "Mate, it's gonna be ok. She's gonna come back, you both have a special love for each other." You heard and you heard a car door shut. "You ok love?" Louis asked and you had him put his ear against the door with you, your heads facing each other. "You don't know that Niall, she hates me now and I'm never gonna get her back." Someone said and your eyes watered. Louis wiped a fallen tear from your cheek and his thumb slid under your eye slowly. "She loves you Harry, you know that. And you know that you love her. This was a drunken mistake and she knows that, its gonna be ok." He said, repeating the last line. You decided to go in now so you decided to go in through the back. Louis followed you and slid the door open without making a noise, shockingly. You walked into the living room and saw Niall smile at you from the couch where he was sitting next to a crying Harry. You motioned for him to get up and you quickly took his spot, hugging Harry tightly. Harry sobbed into your shoulder and kissed the exposed part lightly. "I'm so sorry." He whispered and you sniffled, pulling away slightly to wipe a fallen tear. "I know Hazza, its ok." You whispered into his ear and he pulled away, connecting your lips with his immediately. His hands were on both sides of your face and yours were on his thighs. "I love you." He said into the kiss and you heard the door shut, indicating the boys left. "I love you Harry." You said back and he pushed you onto the couch and hovered over you, his lips never leaving yours once. Your hands slid under his shirt and when they did, you knew you both loved each other and that both of you were meant for each other.

One Direction Preferences =P
FanficRequests are open :) Preferences written by xLexiGurlx