Walking with Harry in the park was a casual thing that you two did once in a while. Linked hands, causal conversations, everything was perfect and you two had so much fun together. You were talking about your job at Starbucks and then you saw that fans had spotted you.
"Haz? I think the fans found us.." You say and Harry sighed.
"It's alright love, let's just stop and say hello." He said and you nodded. You both walked over to the fans and you sat on a bench nearby while Harry signed stuff. More fans came so you decided to play on your phone while you waited for Harry. After five more minutes of Harry signing stuff, you wanted to go home so you walked over to Harry.
"Haz, can we go home now?" You asked.
"Not now Y/N, I'm with fans. Just go by yourself, you're not a child." Harry snapped and your eyes went wide.
"Fine," you whisper and walk away from Harry and his fans. After finally gaining sight of the flat, you went to grab your keys from your pocket and noticed that they weren't there. "Shit," you say to yourself and sat on the stairs outside. You pulled out your phone and noticed it was almost dead so you decided to just wait for Harry. You felt something hit your hand and saw a rain drop. You looked up and saw the rain start to pour down on you and you mentally swear at yourself for forgetting a jacket even though Harry said to grab one just in case. You wrapped your arms around yourself and waited for Harry.
After five minutes of rain, you started to shiver violently. You stood up and starting walking over to Louis' house which was just a block away. After you reached the front door, you started to feel a little dizzy and knocked on the door which Louis answered in a matter of seconds.
"Shit Y/N what are you doing outside?!?" He asked and you shivered even more. "Come in!" You walked in and he ran to grab you a towel. He wrapped it around you and ushered you to the couch. "So, what happened?" He asked and you sighed.
"Harry was signing stuff for fans and when I wanted to go home, he snapped at me to just go without him." You said and Louis shook his head. "Then I forgot my key inside so I sat outside for a while thinking Harry would be quick but I guess not so I just came here." Louis nodded and went upstairs. He came back with a pair of sweats and a shirt.
"Here, some of my clothes, they should fit." He said and you nodded and went upstairs to change. You walked back downstairs to find Louis with some tea and a blanket.
"Thanks Lou, you're the best." You smiled and then sneezed. You walked over to Louis and wrapped the blanket around yourself and sat down to drink tea with him. "When do you think Harry will be back?" You asked and then someone knocked on the door. You stood up and answered it to see Harry shaking his hair.
"Thank god I found you, Y/N!! I looked everywhere for you!" Harry said and you frowned.
"Harry, you're a jackass. You fucking snapped at me in front of fans, tell me to walk home alone since you were with fans and when I did, I almost fucking froze to death! I fucking had no coat and forgot my key so I sat in the rain waiting for you! Then when you did show, I came to Louis' so I wouldn't fucking die!" You yell and Harry sighed.
"I'm so so sorry love, I saw this article online that said that I didn't spend enough time with fans so I wanted to be with them for a while." He said and you scoffed.
"That still gives you no right to treat me like shit Haz," you said. You looked behind you and noticed that Louis had left already and felt guilty.
"I know babe, I promise it will never happen again." He said and you looked on his eyes and saw honesty and guilt in his eyes. You sighed and nodded. Harry smiled and pulled you into his arms for a passionate kiss in the rain and you wrapped your arms around his neck. He pulled away and pressed his forehead against your's. "I love you Y/N, forever and always." He whispers and you smiled. "Love you too Haz, forever and always."

One Direction Preferences =P
FanfictionRequests are open :) Preferences written by xLexiGurlx