Louis- You started showing at your two month mark and you loved it. You got to show the world that you were having a baby and you couldn't be more happy. "What's with the smile babe?" Louis chuckled and you showed him your bump. He grinned at you and walked over to you. His hand rested on your stomach and you both looked in the mirror in front of you. "Sexiest girlfriend ever." He smiled and you rested the back of your head on his shoulder. "I couldn't ask for a better father Lou. You and I will be great parents." You whispered and Louis kissed your neck. "Can't argue there babe. Lets watch some TV." He whispered and you two spent the day chilling, watching TV.
Harry- You slid against your bedroom door and sighed. Since the fans didn't know that you were pregnant, they assumed that you were fat so whenever you went anywhere, fans would use fat jokes on you. You heard a car pull into your driveway and you sighed, knowing that it was Harry. You crawled into your bed and grasped onto your stomach, wishing that the world would leave you alone. After a minute of laying there, you felt Harrys side of the bed sink down and you felt Harry looking at you. "Hey babe, how was your day?" Harry smiled and you sighed. "Can we tell the fans Haz? I'm sick of the fans calling me fat." You whispered and you saw Harrys face soften. "I'm so sorry baby, but if I do, management will flip out. I'm so sorry." Harry said and you felt your eyes water but nodded your head understandingly. "I'm so sorry Y/N. If I could do anything about this, you know I would." Harry said and you heard a sob come from your mouth. "I know." You whimpered and you cried into Harrys chest, wishing that he could do something but knowing he can't.
*Five Hours Later*
You slowly sat up when you heard someone yelling and you walked out of your bedroom to see Harry on the phone. "I don't give a shit. I'm telling everybody and you can't fucking stop me." Harry snapped and he ended the phone call. You sat next to him and you saw his eyes land on your stomach. "I'm gonna tweet later Y/N." Harry sighed and you pulled him in for a passionate kiss. After your kiss, you felt him smile and pull away. "Until then, may I say how sexy you look with that baby bump." Harry grinned and you chuckled. "Thanks Harry, for everything." You smiled and he pulled you onto his lap. "Of course my lady, why wouldn't I help you?" He said and you kissed his jaw. "No clue Haz, no clue."Niall- Once you cried in Niall's arms, you knew that your hormones were gonna kick in and you knew that Niall was worried. You two were walking in the park, hand-in-hand, when you saw fans following you. You sighed and choose to ignore them since you just want a walk with Niall. You heard screaming coming from behind you and when you both turned around, you saw about 30 fans running towards you two. When they got close, they shoved you back and attacked Niall. You lost it and when you were about to yell, you saw a little girl walk up to you and smile. "Your baby bump is pretty." She said and once she did, half of the fans looked at you but you ignored them and smiled at the little girl. "Thank you. Whats your name?" You asked. "My name is Tia." She smiled and you pulled her in for a hug. "Tia, you made me the happiest person today. Thank you." You grinned and she waved at you and ran to her mom. You saw Niall make his way over to you and he smiled when he saw you smiling. "Happy babe?" He chuckled and you two walked around while you explained what happened.
Liam- You walked into the bathroom and grabbed the brush to fix your hair. When you finished brushing your hair, you dropped your hair tie and when you crouched down to get it, you saw a little bump start to form and smiled. "Li!!" You shouted and you heard him rush into the bathroom. "What's up baby girl?" He asked and you pointed at your stomach. "Our baby's growing." You grinned and Liam smiled. "It's so beautiful to see you happy about our baby." He said and you jumped up and down. "We are having a baby Li, how could I not be happy?!" You cheered and Liam chuckled at you. "Never mind, it's just amazing to see you like this." He smiled. For the rest of the day, you both watched Fantasy Factory and ate cookies.
Zayn- You felt your eyes water when you noticed that you started to show. "Soon, you will be in my arms baby Malik." You whispered to your bump and decided to Skype Zayn to show him. You grabbed your laptop and soon after, you saw a tired Zayn with a bare chest smiling at you. "Hey sweetie, what's up?" He asked and you felt guilty knowing that you probably just woke him up. "Sorry if I woke you up Zayn, I can call back later if you want." You smiled softly and Zayn shook his head. "No, its fine. We actually just finished a concert and we were changing but I would rather talk to you." He smiled and you smiled back. "What did ya want to show me?" Zayn asked and you stood up. "Look!!! Baby Malik is growing!!" You cheered and you saw his smile grow into a grin. "Baby Malik is gonna be strong, girl or boy." He grinned and you two talked for another ten minutes before he had to go. You turned off your laptop with a smile and you went to sleep, knowing that you and Zayn would be parents soon.
Hey guys!!! Happy New Years!!!! Its actually New Years Eve but whatever, its fine. I'm so sorry for the what but it is the holidays so I was traveling around a lot. I will update very soon with: You Tell The Boys. Love you guys and I will see you guys very soon!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!

One Direction Preferences =P
FanfictionRequests are open :) Preferences written by xLexiGurlx