100) BSM-You're Dating A Band Member but Something Goes Wrong -Request-

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BSM-You're Dating A Band Member but Something Goes Wrong

Louis- (Niall) You and Niall have been dating for two years and thankfully, Louis was very supportive and was actually very happy that you two were together because you two were perfect for each other. It was a chilly August afternoon and Niall hasn't texted you all day which concerned you but you thought he was just busy. You went onto Twitter and furrowed your eyebrows when you saw the trend "#NiallCheated" which made your heart drop. You tapped on the trend and saw pictures of Niall and some brunette and they were kissing in the park that was close to the flat you shared with Louis. "Louis!!" You shouted to him from downstairs and you heard him quickly come down the stairs. "What's wrong sis?" He asked with worry in his eyes and you have him your phone that had the picture on it. His eyes widened with disbelief and his face dropped when he saw the picture and he looked at you with the same disbelief. "H-How could he do this to you?! I trusted that bastard to NOT hurt you and he did the exact opposite?!?!" Louis shouted, his fist pounded on the wall. "Lou." You croaked out and he saw pure hurt on your face along with many tears leaking from your eyes. He quickly pulled you into his arms and held you tightly, kissing your head lightly. "That bastard won't go anywhere near you Y/N, don't worry." Louis said while you sobbed into his shoulder which made him tighten his grip on you. After five minutes of Louis holding you, you heard the front door open and close. You saw Niall walk in with a smile but it fell when he saw your face. "Baby, what's wrong?" He asked softly and Louis quickly pinned him again the wall. "Don't you EVER come near either of us if you wanna live." Louis spat at Niall and he looked at Louis with confusion and slight terror. "What are you talking about Louis?!" Niall asked and Louis quickly slammed him against the wall again, a groan coming from Niall's lips as his shoulders hit the wall. "What did I tell you would happen if you hurt my sister? I would never let you see her ever again. That's what's gonna happen now you piece of shit." Louis growled at him. "Why did you cheat on me?" You whispered to Niall and he looked at you with shock. "What?! Who told you that?!" Niall yelled and Louis pushed him against the wall again. "There are pictures everywhere with a number one trend on Twitter Niall." You said with absolutely no confidence and his face dropped. "Just get out." You whispered and Louis grabbed him by the back of his shirt and pushed him out the door before slamming it shut. A sob escaped your lips so Louis quickly went back to your side and held you tightly again, whispering sweet things into your ear until you fell asleep from crying so much.

Harry- (Zayn) Zayn had asked you out after knowing you for over a year and Harry was hesitant but let you two date because he knew how close you two were before. Today was your six month anniversary and you were waiting for the boys to come home from the studio so you and Zayn could celebrate. You heard the door open downstairs, followed by laughing and then the door closing so you quickly went downstairs. You saw all of the boys walk in and sit on the couch except for Zayn who hugged you tightly, kissing your cheek lightly. "Hey Z, can we go upstairs for a second? I've got something for you." You said and Zayn followed you upstairs and into your bedroom. You pulled your present out from under your bed and handed it to him. He grinned and took the present, quickly opening it and finding the art supplies he had wanted for so long. "Thank you so much babe!! What's the special occasion?" He smiled and your face dropped. "I-It's our six month anniversary Zayn. Did you seriously forget?!" You said, your voice raising with each word. "Babe, calm down please." He said and you scoffed. "I'm not gonna calm down because you forgot our anniversary!!" You screamed at him and he scoffed back at you. "It's only six months Y/N, it's not like fifty years!!" He screamed back and you rolled your eyes. "It doesn't matter if it had been a week, it's still our anniversary and you shouldn't have forgotten!!" You shouted and he growled, his hand going across your face. A yelp fell from your lips and you held your stinging cheek. The boys nursed into the door to see an angry Zayn and your shocked figure. Harry looked at you first and got immediately angry when he saw you holding your cheek. He got into front of Zayn and growled. "What the fuck did you do?!" He yelled in Zayn's face and Zayn rolled his eyes. "She's mad about our stupid anniversary Harry, can you believe that?" He said and Harry started punching him in the face. "Are you ok love?" Louis whispered and you shook your head, your hand slowly falling from your face. Liam and Niall pulled Harry off of Zayn while Louis slowly and lightly ran the back of his hand down your cheek. "Oh my god.." He whispered and he turned around to see Harry trying to go at Zayn again. "Harold." Louis yelled and Harry looked at Louis and you, sighing as he shrugged himself out of Liam and Niall's hold. "Let's get some ice for your cheek love." Louis said softly and he and Harry brought both of you downstairs while Niall and Liam helped clean a bloodied Zayn.

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