BSM-Someone Close To You Dies
You are 18 in all of them :)
Louis- "Y/N?" Louis asked as you slammed the door shut and you shook your head. "H-He's gone LouBear." You whispered before breaking down in front of him. "What happened baby?" He asked while he held you and you locked your arms around his neck while your sobs filled the room. "Just one week ago, he said he loved me. Now he's g-gone." You said while crying and Louis rubbed your back lightly. "Who's gone?" Louis asked quietly and your heart broke when you thought of his name. "J-Jake." You said before breaking into a sobbing mess. "I'm so sorry." He whispered and you didn't respond. He picked you up bridal style and slowly walked to your room. He lightly kicked your door open and gently placed you on your bed but before he had the chance to walk out of your room, you pleaded, "Please don't go." He quickly nodded his head and shut the door before laying next to you, pulling you closely to his body. "Why did he have to die Lou?" You sobbed into his neck and Louis sighed. "I don't know baby, I'm so so sorry." He whispered and you both laid there, the only noise being heard was the sound of your sobs.
Harry- "FUCK YOU." You screamed as you flipped the coffee table and then pushed the couch over. "Woah woah WOAH, calm down." Harry said and you ignored him, throwing glass and vases everywhere. Harry rushed over and wrapped his arms around your torso so that your arms were stuck in his arms and then he pulled you backwards. "LET ME GO!!" You screamed and Harry ignored you, continuing to pull you backwards until you were in your backyard with an angry Harry. "Why the FUCK are you destroying my flat?! What are you, stupid?!" He screamed at you and you back handed him. "FUCK YOU HARRY, I DONT NEED YOU." You screamed back and he looked at you for a long time. "What happened sweetie?" He whispered and you laughed darkly. "Now you care?! Seriously?! No, fuck you." You snapped and stormed away from him. He grabbed your arm and you kept trying to pull your arm free but he wouldn't let you go. "Let me go!!" You shouted and you kept pulling and pulling until a sob slipped past your lips, another falling after until you were balling your eyes out. Harry pulled you into his chest and hugged you as tight as he could. "What happened Y/N?" Harry whispered into your ear and you sobbed into his chest. "Y/B/F/N (your best friends name) died in a c-car accident." You sobbed and Harry's chest froze but his hand never stopped rubbing your back. "Oh baby." He whispered and you were unresponsive. "I'm so sorry." He said and your knees weakened, your body limp in Harrys arms. He picked you up bridal style and carried you into his house, opening and closing the door quickly. He stepped over all of the glass that was scattered on the floor and safely made it to the stairs where he carried you up to his bedroom. He laid you in his bed and quickly went over to his side, laying next to you and you snuggled into his chest, still a sobbing mess. "Shh, its all gonna be ok." Harry whispered and you shook your head. "N-N-No it won't." You sobbed and Harry didn't say anything, knowing that you were right.
Niall- You have locked yourself in your room for one week after losing your girlfriend at a bank robbery gone wrong and you haven't moved your spot on your bed unless you needed to use the bathroom but luckily, you have a bathroom connected to your bedroom so you never had to leave. No eating, no sleeping, only drinking little amounts of water to stay hydrated enough. Niall and the boys have been worried sick about you but you couldn't care less, all you cared about was the fact that your girlfriend, Kelsey, was died. "Hon, Kelsey's funeral is today. Are you going?" Niall asked quietly through the door and you started to cry again. "I can't." You said quietly and Niall sighed, walking away from your door. You heard shuffling going on in your house and then the front door shut so that meant they had left. You slowly opened your door and looked around, seeing that no one was in the house. You walked downstairs and saw a picture of Kelsey and you on the table, hugging tightly with a smile on both of your faces. You picked up the picture and thought back to that day. You knew that she'd want you to go. You quickly went upstairs and put on a black high-low with a pair of black ankle booties, running a brush through your hair and then leaving the flat. You locked the door and quickly walked to your car, starting it and quickly driving to the funeral home. You walked to the door and quickly opened it, looking through the people to try and find Niall. He was in the front with a seat open next to him so you slowly walked up to Niall and sat next to him. He rested his hand on your knee and ran his thumb against it lightly. "Kelsey's mother would like to say something." The man said and her mom, Carley, stood in front of everybody. "Thank you all so much for coming today. Its terrible what happened to my daughter, and to Y/N's girlfriend," she said, her eyes on your watery ones. "But I guess God wanted her beautiful soul in heaven. Kelsey got bullied alot for being a lesbian but thank goodness she had Y/N. Sweetie, she loved you with all of her heart and I know she would want me to remind you of that. It took alot for you to come today, but I know she would be grateful." Carley said directly to you and you looked at her casket the whole time. She kept talking about her family and friends but you ignored it, keeping your attention on Kelsey's casket. "I love you baby." Niall whispered to you and you looked him in the eyes before breaking down in his arms. "Kelsey." You whispered and Niall hugged you tightly, wishing he could take the pain away.
Liam- "Y/N, I need to talk to you." Liam said quietly and you nodded your head, patting the spot that was next to you on your bed. "Its about mum and dad." He said, his voice cracking slightly and you realized he had been crying. "What happened Li?" You asked nervously and Liam started to cry again. "Li?" You asked and he cleared his throat and rubbed his eyes. "Theygotinacar accidentandmumdied." He said quickly but you couldn't make out what he said. "What?" You asked and Liam started to cry harder. "Mums dead." He sobbed and you froze. "T-T-They were trying to visit us a-a-and a trunk s-smashed into t-their car. D-Dad broke his leg, arm, and jaw but mum was d-driving so she got the worst i-impact and she d-died." Liam explained and you started to cry into your forearms. "I'm just so happy you came on your with me. You c-c-could've-" Liam stuttered before he started to sob hysterically. You saw Louis and Niall walk into the room and they rushed over to you both. "We know what happened guys." Louis whispered. "Its all over the news." He finished before you hugged him tightly while Niall hugged Liam. "I'm sorry Y/N." Louis said into your ear but you could barely hear him over yours and Liam's loud sobbing.
Zayn- "Z, c-can we talk?" You said to him and he looked at you with concern. "Whats wrong pumpkin?" He asked and you started to cry so he rushed over and hugged you tightly. "What happened Y/N?" He asked again and you shocked violently in his arms. "Cass d-died." You sobbed into his neck and he hugged you tighter. Cass was your best friend who had a brain tumor that was terminal and it finally killed her. "How did you find out?" He asked and you slowly sat next to him on his bed. "Her mom called me." You said quietly after you calmed down and he sighed. "I'm sorry baby. Do you wanna go home?" He asked and you shook your head. "I wanna stay with you." You whispered and he pulled you into his lap and hugged you tightly by the waist. "I'm really sorry baby." He whispered into your ear and you started to cry again at the thought of your best friend, died in a hospital at that moment.
Hiiiiiiii 😊 I have been writing this for a while and I finally ha the time to finish it so.....yeah.
We are at 80,000 reads and I am REALLY happy right now!!! I say 'we' because I wouldn't be writing if it wasn't for you guys reading and leaving feedback by either voting, commenting, helping me when I fuck up, adding to your lists, anything and everything you guys do makes me write more and more each day so its basically a teamwork type thing. I never thought I would get 1 read, let alone 80,000!!! I love you guys!!!❤
Vote, comment, PLEASE request, add to your list, and I will see you guys soon with another preference!!!
-LexiGurlP.S. I fixed the You Tell The Boys pregnancy preference because I got it wrong and thank gosh someone pointed it out. Its the Niall one, I just fixed it so check it out if you want some memory of my pregnancy series :)

One Direction Preferences =P
FanficRequests are open :) Preferences written by xLexiGurlx