You Were Raped While Kidnapped And He Saves You (Requested)
Louis- Your hands tied behind a pole, tears streaming down your bruised cheek as you remembered the events that happened that night. You shuddered as you remembered his hands all over your body, his hand covering your mouth to mute your screams as he fucked you harshly. "Hey there baby, we had fun last night didn't we?" Your kidnapper snickered and your tears quickened down your fragile face. "I just called your brother, Lewis is it, for the ransom and he said he would bring it. He really thinks I'm gonna give you up that easily?" He said darkly and you put your head down, your tears falling onto your dirty pants. "Look at me when I'm talking to you." He angrily said and you shook your head. "Fine, its your fault whats gonna happen." He said and he untied you quickly and shoved you onto the bed that you had been raped on. He straddled you and before he could do anything, the police came barging into the room, pointing their guns at his head. "Off of her, NOW." They demanded and he got off of you, putting his hands on his head. Louis ran towards your sobbing figure and held you tightly, his hands running through your hair slowly. "It's ok baby, I got you now, you're safe." He whispered and you pulled away slightly. "He-He raped me LouBear, my hands were tied behind him and I couldn't do anything." You sobbed and Louis's face fell completely before he held you in his chest again. The police had to take you in for questioning and since you wouldn't let go of Louis, he came with you. You told them everything, every little detail and by the time you both got home, you were both crying hysterically. "I-I-I can't believe he did that to you, my baby." He sobbed and you both held each other the whole night, neither one of you getting much sleep. For months, you had trust issues and nightmares but they started to go away slowly because you knew that Louis would never let anything happen to you.
Harry- "You scream, you die. Got it?" The man hissed and you quickly shook your head in fear. He dragged you over to the dirty bed and tied your hands up on the polls connected to the bed as tight as he could. "Please don't hurt me." You pleaded and he chuckled. "Hurt you? I'm not here to hurt you, I'm here to teach you a lesson." He said and he tore your clothes off. You started crying, realizing that you were about to lose your V-Card to a monster. He raped you for hours, him laughing as you screamed out in pain, his grunts filling the room as he forced you to suck his dick, it was all fun to him. You curled into a ball after his torture, his laughs filling the room again at your fragile figure. "Round two will be when I come back baby girl." He said and he locked the door as he left. Your sobbing and heavy breathing filled the room as the pain in your lower area ached terribly. After five minutes, you heard fighting and gunshots outside the door so you ran into the corner and tucked your head into your arms. You heard the door open slowly and you curled further into a ball. Someone kneeled in front of you and touched your shoulder which made you scream in fear. "NO!! PLEASE NOT AGAIN!!! IT HURT!!!" You scream as you punched the person's chest who was in front of you. "Y/N!! BABY, ITS ME, HAZ." Harry yelled and you froze in your position. "Hazza." You cried out and he held you in his chest. "Shhh, don't worry princess, he's dead. He can't hurt you anymore." He reassured you and his hand slid up and down your leg. You yelped in pain as he rubbed your stomach and he looked at you confusingly. "He took my innocence HazzaBear, it hurt so bad." You sobbed and Harry gasped before holding you in his chest tighter. "He can't hurt you anymore princess, I'm so sorry I couldn't help you." Harry cried into your hair and tears leaked from his eyes. "It's not your fault, you could've known." You sniffled and he tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, looking you in the eyes. "I promise you that nothing like this will ever happen ever again." He said and you slammed your lips onto his. "I love you Haz." You said into the kiss and he wrapped his arms tighter so that your lips were molded together. "I love you too Y/N." Harry said into the kiss and you both sat there, kissing until the police came in the room.
Niall- "Princess?" Niall said from the other side of the phone and you quickly wiped your tears. "Ni? Please help me, it hurt." You cried out and your captor put the duct tape on your mouth again to shut you up. "What hurt? Princess? Put her back on." He said and the man chuckled darkly. "I don't think so, her throat is probably sore from the screaming that took place in my bed last night." The man said and you heard Niall gasp. "Yo-You raped her?" He said and the man laughed loudly. "Good job Horan. Now, you can have her back if you bring 20 million dollars to the abandoned warehouse on Fifth Street." The man instructed and he winked at you, making your tears fall faster down your face. "Fine fine, just please don't hurt her." Niall pleaded and the man shook his head. "I will, don't worry." He said darkly and he hung up the phone. "Now, lets get back to work." He said and he grabbed his whip again.

One Direction Preferences =P
FanfictionRequests are open :) Preferences written by xLexiGurlx