79) BSM- He Favours Your Twin

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BSM-He Favours Your Twin


Basic Abbreviations-

BSM- Brother Sister Moment

Y/T/N=Your Twin's Name

Y/F/M= Your Favorite Movie

Y/N=Your Name

@Y/T/N= Your Twitter Name, not your twin name


Louis- (Age 6)

At your age, you should be hyper but you were a very non-demanding kid and your parents loved that. Your twin on the other hand, she was so hyper and loud that sometimes, you wanted to just run away from her and her loud mouth. Louis LOVED Y/T/N to death and whenever he got a chance to be home, he would spend all of his time with her and not you. You felt like Louis despised you and today, he really proved it. You had just woken up from your nap and you were really hungry so you wobbled downstairs and found Louis playing house with Y/T/N. You walked over to them and tapped on Louis's shoulder but he just shrugged your hand off.

"Lou!!" You said and Louis still ignored you. "LOU!!" You shouted and Louis turned at glared at you.

"What." He snapped and you pointed at your stomach.

"I'm hungry." You whimpered and Louis just rolled his eyes.

"Then go bother someone else." He snapped and he turned his full attention back to Y/T/N. You heard the houses doorbell ring so you wobbled over and opened the door.

"Harry!!" You cheered and Harry chuckled and picked you up.

"Hey sweet pea, where's your brother?" He asked and you pointed to the living room. Still holding, you both went into the living room to see Louis playing airplane with Y/T/N. You pouted and you saw Harry look at you with a smile. "Wanna play airplane?'' He asked and you cheered. He was about when Louis walked over to Harry, glaring at you the process but still smiled at Harry.

"Whats up mate?" He smiled and Harry set you down. You walked over to your twin and she pushed you to the ground. You slowly sat up and you saw Y/T/N crying while laying on the floor. "Y/T/N!!!!! What happened?!" Louis panicked and Harry rushed over to you.

"Are you ok? I saw her push you." Harry asked worried and nodded your head.

"Y/N!!!!!! Go to your room NOW!!" Louis shouted and you felt your eyes water.

"Lou, it wasn-" "Shut it Haz, this is a family matter." Louis interrupted and ripped you out of his arms. "You are in a load of trouble you little brat." Louis spat at you and he brought you to your room. "You are staying in here for the rest of the day!!" Louis shouted and you started to cry into your teddy bear while Louis just left you in the room, hungry and hurt.

Harry- (Age 19)

Seeing Harry with Y/T/N wasn't a shocking nor rare event. Ever since you both had to stay with Harry, its always been about Y/T/N. She constantly gets what she wants and you learned to accept that, even though it made you sad and depressed. Today, Harry and Y/T/N were watching a movie and you saw it was one of your favorites.

"Oh!! Y/F/M!!! Can I watch?" You asked and Y/T/N just glared and scoffed at you.

"No, go talk to your lame ass friends. Oh wait, you don't have any." She said and Harry chuckled.

"Nice one." He said and they cuddled closer together. You felt your eyes water and you ran upstairs. You fell onto your bed and decided to call your best friend, Niall.

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