Liam- You sighed and sat across from him on the opposite couch. "What do you want to do?" You asked and he ran out the door and slammed it. You started to cry and curled up into the fetal position. You felt your eyelids get heavy so you closed your eyes and went to sleep.
You rubbed your eyes and slowly sat up to look around but groaned and held you back, regretting curling into a ball. Slowly standing up, you noticed that Liam wasn't there so you slowly walked into the kitchen and found a note on the counter.
Went clubbing with the boys, be back soon.... Li xoxo
You felt your eyes water and sped over to you cabinet and grabbed all of you plates. You grabbed one at a time and threw them at the wall and at the floor until you were out of plates. You felt a little better but then realized that you were hungry so after sitting there with your head in your hands, you grabbed your keys and phone and left for the store to buy more plates. After driving for five minutes, you saw your phone light up and went to grab it when you heard a horn and saw a truck coming at you so you swerved to the side of the road and flipped into a tree. You bashed your head against the steering wheel and managed to stay conscious. You touched your head and winced when you went a gash. You undid your seat belt and slowly climbed out of the car, grabbing your phone on the way. You looked down and saw your leg gushing blood and started to cry. You grabbed your phone and saw a message from Liam and you quickly called him. After it ring three times, you heard Liam's voice. "Hello?" He asked and you cried his name. "Y/N? Whats wrong? Are you ok?" He rushed and you took short rapid breaths.
"Li, I need you.. Car accident... Four blocks from.." You managed and groaned in pain.
"I'm coming baby, don't hang up on me." He said and you started to feel tired.
"It hurts Li.." You whispered and then felt dizzy. "I love you Lia-" you said and then darkness overcame you.~Three Days Later~
You slowly started to blink and grimaced at the light. You looked around and saw Liam sleeping next to you, gripping onto your hand. You looked to behind him and saw the boys sleeping on the floor and smiled. You saw Louis slowly sit up and he looked at you and gasped. "Y/N!!" He shouted and you felt Liam stir next to you and look up at Louis and then back at you.
"Baby, oh my god. You're ok! Oh thank god." He cried and you saw Louis run over and hug you. You smiled and hugged back and noticed the other boys slowly getting up. You looked Liam in the eyes and pulled him in for a hug.
"I love you so much Li." You whispered and you felt him smile against your neck which mad you smile.
"I love you too baby." He whispered and he pulled you in for the most passionate kiss you had ever had. You looked at the other boys and noticed them all smiling and walk over to hug you separately. After they all hugged you, you felt Liam slip his hand into yours and you smiled at him.
"When can I leave?" You asked and Liam chuckled.
"The doctor said that you should be ready to leave tomorrow if you woke up today." He said and you furrowed your eyebrows.
"Woke up today?" You asked and Liam sighed.
"You have been asleep for three days babe," he said and you felt shocked, yet happy.
"At least I woke up," you said and you let out a dry laugh. You felt a remote and decided to press the bottom on it and a doctor came in.
"Miss.Payne, your awake." He said and your eyes widened but they returned to normal after Liam squeezed your hand. "You got into a car accident and broke your leg and hand. We believed the accident broke your leg which should heal in twelve weeks and you climbing out of your car caused your hand to break which should heal in five to seven weeks. We have put you on medication that should help with your head and if you have any questions, just ask." He said.
"When can I go home?" You asked and the doctor smiled.
"You could go home tonight if you would like." He said and you smiled.
"Perfect, lets go." You said and the boys chuckled and Liam helped you get dressed. After changing and getting your crouches, Liam signed your release forms and you all left.~That Night~
The boys helped you inside and they all sat in the living room with you. You heard Niall gasped and run out in front of the TV. "What happened to your plates?!?!" He said and you smiled.
"Oh yeah, I broke those." You said and Liam looked at you confused.
"Stress reliever. I was on my way to the store to get some so I could eat and I got in my accident." You explained and Harry spoke up.
"Why were you stressed?" He asked and you sighed.
"I.. I was upset that Liam left me to go to a club after he forgot my birthday." You whispered and you felt Liam stiffen next to you. "I'm over it now though, I don't give a shit anymore." You said and you felt Liam's eyes on you.
"It's my fault isn't it?" He asked and you quickly shook your head.
"No its not Li, its mine for breaking them in the first place." You said and he shook his head.
"You broke them because you were stressed over me, I'm the reason for the accident." He said and he walked away. You grabbed your crouches and hurried after him. You opened the glass doors and slowly 'walked' over to him and sat down.
"Liam, you didn't cause this, the stupid truck driver who was driving in the wrong lane caused this. So what, you forgot my birthday, I once forgot yours and you forgave me. I love you all of my heart and I know that you couldn't hurt a fly Li. Please don't blame yourself for something that was not your fault." You said and you heard him sigh.
"But-" he started and you put your finger on his lips.
"It's not your fault and I really don't care that you forgot Li." You said and he gave up.
"I love you too." He said and you smiled at him. "Hey, when did you become so good with those things?" He asked and you laughed.
"Me and my sister always got hurt when we were kids." You said and he chuckled. "Hey Li?"
"Ya?" He said with a small smile.
"We need to get more plates before Niall dies." You say and you both laughed.**************
Finally finished them!!! Sorry for the wait.... I've been sick so I only wrote like a section a day.. Sorry bout that. Today I was looking through my preference list and I noticed that I only had three parts for 'Fights' so I will try and write those later :)
I am going to to some Halloween preferences since its in two weeks :)
Vote if you enjoyed and I will see you guys in my next preference!! Bye bye!!!!!!
Oh and I am going to have a co-writer for these preferences so if you see two different names at the end of these notes, its normal, its just me and my friend Alex :) she is currently writing a preference so yeah!!! :)~SarahAlisha

One Direction Preferences =P
FanfictionRequests are open :) Preferences written by xLexiGurlx