44) Pregnancy Series-Shopping For The Baby

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Louis- "I like this crib but I don't think it will match the zoo wallpaper." You said and Louis nodded along. "Good point, lets look for another one." He smiled and you both continued to look for baby furniture. You both picked up all essential furniture except a crib and some cute clothing. "We still need a crib Louis." You groaned and Louis rubbed your back. "We will find one baby, don't worry. Its not good for Baby Tommo." He sighed and you nodded. After a half hour, you didn't find anything. "I give up!! Lets go Lou." You said but before you could, your eyes found a white, medium sized crib. "Oh my gosh, I found it!!" You cheered and you walked over but it was more like a wobble since you were seven months and your bump was big. "Its perfect." You smiled and Louis chuckled. "Babe, I showed that one to you earlier." He said and you got confused but shrugged it off. "Whatever, lets get it!!" You cheered and Louis paid for everything, happy to see his girlfriend so happy about their baby.

Harry- "We need this, this, this, OH we need this, definitely this, this..." Harry said as you both walked through the baby store. You sighed loudly and Harry turned to look at you with a concerned face. "Are you ok baby? Does something hurt?" He worried and you shook your head. "Never mind, lets keep going." You said and Harry smiled lightly at you but then quickly turned his attention back to the stores furniture and clothing. After a half hour, your feet started to hurt so you sat down in one of the rocking chairs. You sighed in relief at the immediate comfort that you felt when you sat down. "Do you like the chair?" Harry smiled and you nodded eagerly. "Lets get it." He said and you guys paid for everything and walked out to the van. "Are you sure everything is ok? You seemed kinda upset in the store.'' Harry said and you sighed. "Sorry about that, it was just kinda boring standing back while you picked everything out." You said. "Babe, if you felt that way, you could've to-" "I didn't want to ruin your fun. Besides, you got some nice stuff." You said and Harry rested his hand on your knee. "I love you Y/N." He smiled and you kissed his cheek. "I love you too Haz."

Niall- "Ready to go shopping?" You smiled and Niall smiled back. "Lets go." He walked over to you and kissed your cheek lightly, grabbing your hand and leading you out to his car. Niall and you have already shopped for the furniture so today, you are picking out clothing and essentials. You stood up out of his car and you felt his hand slip into yours with a little shock. You both looked into each others eyes and smiled, satisfied that you guys still had a small spark. "Lets go princess." He smiled and you both walked into the baby store. "Where to first?" He asked. "The formula and diapers." You said and you walked to the baby section. "Found them!!" You said and you placed the diapers into the cart that you had grabbed when you walked in the store. "Found the formula baby." He said and he placed the package into the cart. "Lets find some bottles and wipes." You said and you both quickly grabbed them. "Alright, lets get some clothing, bibs and towels and then we are set." You smiled and you both walked to the clothing section. "Does this look good on me?" Niall asked and when you turned around, you saw Niall with a baby sized red hat on his head which made you burst out laughing. "What? Is red not my color?" Niall asked, trying to keep it together and you just continued to laugh at his cuteness. "You are so adorable babe." You said and Niall smiled. "Adorable? No no no, I am masculine." He said as he flexed his biceps and you laughed again. "Too cute." You whispered and Niall wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder. "That would look cute." He said and he pointed to a little pink dress. "It would make her look like a true princess." He whispered and you turned your head slightly to look into Nialls eyes. "Ni, we are having a boy." You laughed lightly and Niall chuckled. "Still would though." He said and you giggled. "Lets keep looking Niall." You smiled and you turned your attention back to the clothing. You ended up having tons of cute boy clothes and even a cute onesie saying "Lock up your daughters".

Liam- "Would this be cute?" You asked as you held up a navy blue onesie and Liam smiled. "Perfect." He said and you smiled at him, placing it in the cart. "What about this?" He asked as he held up fuzzy camouflage pants. "They're so cute." You smiled and Liam put them in the cart. "Its still kinda hard to imagine that we are having a baby." You said to Liam and he grinned at you. "Sometimes, neither can I." He said and you smiled slightly. "Can you promise me something?" You asked and Liam nodded as he was looking at other baby clothes. "Can you promise that you will be around." You whispered and Liam dropped the shirt that was in his hand and walked over to you, grabbing your hands in his. "Why would you think differently?" Liam asked and you felt your eyes water. "Its just that you have a job, tours around the world, interviews in other countries. Its gonna be difficult Li." You said and you felt a tear roll down your face but Liam wiped it away. "I'm gonna be here and I promise I will be around." He kissed your cheek lightly and pulled away with a small smile. "Lets keep looking alright?" He said and you nodded. "What about these?" You asked as you lifted up a onesie with the batman logo on it. "Definitely." He said with a straight face and you giggled. "After all, it does match my hat." He smiled and he pointed to his batman baseball cap. "It does doesn't it? I didn't know that." You said with a hint of sarcasm. "I'm so gonna get you for that." He chuckled and he chased you around the store for five minutes before he caught you by the waist. "Got ya!!" He laughed and you giggled. "Fine Batman, you win." You said and Liam kissed you firmly on the lips. "Damn right I won." He chuckled after the kiss and you slapped his chest lightly. You both walked back to your cart, hand in hand, and continued looking at baby clothes.

Zayn- Since Zayn was on tour, you invited your mom, your sister, his mom and his sisters for baby shopping. "Alright, since we know what to get, follow us." Tricia smiled and you all followed her and your mom to the baby section. "Ok, lets spilt up. Y/N, Y/S/N, go look at baby clothes and girls, follow me." Tricia said and you and your sister walked to the girls section of the baby clothes. "This is soooo cute!!!" Your sister cheered as she picked up a little pair of white and pink sneakers. "That is cute, lets get them." You smiled and your sister cheered, placing them in the basket that was on your arm. "Aww, it's a onesie." You smiled and you picked up a cute pink onesie that had a puppy on it. You placed it in the basket and walked over to your sister. "Find anything?" You asked and she picked up a footsie that said 'I Have The Best Aunt' on it. "Please?" She pouted and you chuckled. "Of course, its so cute and so true." You smiled and she placed it in the basket. You both shopped for ten minutes before Tricia, Your mom and the girls came over. "Alright girls, did you get everything you wanted?" Your mom asked and she chuckled at the fact that you both filled the basket. "I think so." You said and your sister chuckled. "Yeah, maybe." She said and you all walked to the checkout.



Hiiiiiiiiii!! I'm so so sorry I haven't updated in a while, I was super busy with school so I had no time to write. I had soo much fun writing the Niall and Liam one =) I hope you guys are enjoying this series, its almost over =( I think there will be possibly five or six more, I'm not sure.
Question Of The Day- What do you ship???
I ship Zerrie, Niam, Nouis and Larry. (Please no hate since I'm a Larry shipper)
Comment your answer!!!
I hope you enjoyed this preference, leave a vote if you did and I will see you guys later.

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