The Day's Not Over Yet

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A/N: I wrote a little bit in Jake's P.O.V. and I really enjoyed being able to show from his own perspective how much he loves Jesy. Let me know if you liked it and want to see more.

Jesy's P.O.V

"Leigh, stop taking selfies, we have to be on stage in ten minutes!" I hear Perrie call out as she follows Jade out of our dressing room.

I'm checking my makeup in the mirror when I hear Leigh-Anne laugh loudly and I jump a little.

I turn my head slightly, "What?"

Leigh-Anne runs over to me, still laughing and passes me her phone. I look down at the picture Leigh-Anne just took and see Jake in the background, looking like he's picking his nose.

"Eww, Jake! What the hell!" I say, trying not to laugh.

"What?" he asks confused.

"Come here and look at this" I reply, laughing quietly to myself.

Jake gets up off the chair and walks over to where Leigh-Anne and I are standing. I pass him the phone; Leigh and I both burst out laughing as Jake's eyes widen.

"I wasn't picking my nose, I swear!" Jake tries to explain.

"Really? What were you doing then?" Leigh laughs again, raising her eyebrows.

"Because it looks like you are to me, babe" I add.

"I was just scratching my nose" he says, rolling his eyes.

"I was just scratching my nose" I mock.

"Leigh-Anne, please just delete it" Jake begs.

"Don't even think about it!" I say to Leigh-Anne before she even has the chance to process what Jake said, "That one's a keeper."

"Jes" he pleads.

"Sorry, babe!" I kiss him passionately.

"Okay you two love birds, that'll have to wait until after the performance. Come on Jes, we better go" Leigh smiles.

"Good luck, babe. I love you" Jake says before giving me a quick kiss on my forehead.

"Not as much as I love you" I reply, kissing him slowly.

Jake pulls away slightly, "I doubt that's humanly possible" he says before returning to the kiss.

"Jessica Louise Nelson, do you want to miss this performance!" I hear Leigh-Anne yell from the door.

I look into Jake's beautiful blue eyes and pout.

"I'll be waiting for you as soon as you step off that stage" he whispers in my ear.

"You better be" I smile and give him one last kiss.

As I turn around to leave I feel Jake tap my butt. I laugh as I run out the door and down the corridor to meet the girls.

Jake's P.O.V.

"I wish that we could be like that," 

I smile as soon as Jesy opens her mouth.

"Why can't we be like that?" 

My cheeks hurt from smiling so wide.

"Cause I'm yours, I'm yours" 

I break out in goose bumps as Jesy hits her note flawlessly.

I'm so in love with her that sometimes I think it's impossible to be more in love but then she'll do something and I feel like I'm falling in love all over again, this is definitely one of those moments.

The girls join hands and bow before running off stage. I smile proudly, clapping and cheering as the four of them run into the wings where I'm waiting. Jesy runs straight into my arms and I hug her tightly.

"You were incredible, babe. That note in Secret Love Song... I got goose bumps!" I tell her.

"Thanks" Jesy blushes and looks down, slightly embarrassed.

"You don't even realise how amazing you are" I whisper into her ear and kiss the top of her head.

She grins at me, still blushing and grabs my hand as we walk back to the dressing room.

Jesy's P.O.V.

The five of us walk back to our dressing room and I can't seem to wipe the smile off my face; I honestly don't think this day could get any better.

Jake opens the door for us, "Ladies first."

We thank him as we walk through the door. I gasp when I look over at my dressing table; I see a single red rose, a box of chocolates and a giant teddy bear sitting in front of my mirror. I walk over and pick up the rose, smelling its sweet fragrance. I turn around and run back over to Jake, wrapping my hands around his neck and kissing him passionately.

"Aww, we got one too" I hear Jade say.

I turn my head and see the girls each holding a yellow rose. I look back at Jake and get lost in his eyes. Suddenly I feel three more sets of arms wrap around Jake and I; it take me a second to realise that Jade, Perrie and Leigh-Anne are hugging us.

"Thanks Jake" they all say before returning back to their benches.

I rest my forehead against his, looking into his blue eyes and grinning from ear to ear. He is honestly the most amazing man in the universe and he's all mine.

"I was wrong" I say softly.

"About what?" he asks, stroking my cheek.

"When I came off stage and saw you, I thought that this day couldn't get any better but it definitely did" I brush my fingers through his hair.

"Oh trust me, the day's not over yet." he kisses my nose, "You just wait until we get home" he whispers into my ear and winks.

I blush profusely and feel my cheeks beginning to hurt from the massive smile plastered across my face, not that I'm complaining.

"Now, let's pack your stuff so we can leave; I don't know how much longer I can wait" he says quietly. He kisses my lips, biting my bottom lip softly and squeezing my ass.

"If you keep doing that, I don't think I'll be able to wait until we get home" I whisper before slowly turning around and walking back to my dressing table, making sure to swing my hips.

I look over my shoulder and wink at him as I quickly pack away all of my make-up, wanting to be alone with Jake as soon as possible. I already know that tonight is going to be a long night and I honestly can't wait.

A/N: I'm so surprised, this story has over 80 votes and is close to having 400 reads! I can't thank you enough, each and everyone one of you are truly amazing! Unfortunately I'm really busy over the next couple of days so I probably wont be able to publish the next chapter until Tuesday; I'm hoping for Monday night but I can't guarantee anything. Thanks again x

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