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Jake's P.O.V

I smiled at Lillian as she drifted off to sleep, "Sweet dreams baby girl". I put her gently into her bassinet and went downstairs. I heard Jesy coming in the front door then saw her walk through into the lounge.

"Hey baby", I held my arms out and she hugged me. I kissed the side of her head then took her hands and sat down on the sofa with her. She curled up beside me and smiled a bit.

"How was your appointment?", I played with her fingers as I spoke.

"It was good, it was kind of just a meeting to find out what's been happening and what I want to get out of our sessions"

I nodded and smiled, "Was the psychologist nice?"

Jesy nodded and rested her head on my shoulder, "She wants you to come with me next time so she can help you help me"

"Alright baby, that sounds like a good plan", I stroked her hair and kissed her forehead.

"Where's Lil?"

"She just went down for a nap"

She nodded and smiled as it started to rain, "I love the rain"

I smiled at her, "I know you do", I kissed her softly and she kissed back. Her phone started ringing so she pulled away and answered.

"Hey Pez, how are you?", her smiled suddenly disappeared and turned to a look of worry. "Is she okay?", she kept listening and I could make out the faint voice of Charley. She nodded and took my hand, "Alright, I'll be there as soon as I can. Bye Charley, I'll speak to you soon". She hung up as she got off the sofa and ran to the kitchen.

I followed her and saw her grab her handbag and keys, "What's wrong with Perrie? Is everything okay?"

"They need to do an emergency cesarean, the umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby's neck. She's only 30 weeks along, what if something happens to the baby?"

I took her hands, "Babe, breathe. If you go there you need to be calm for Perrie"

She nodded and took a deep breath.

"Perrie must be petrified right now so you need to go there and try to keep her as calm as possible. The more stressed she is the more stressed the baby will be" I kissed her hand then hugged her.

"I love you" she hugged me back then kissed me, "I better go".

"Good luck, give Perrie and Charley my love" I walked her out to the car and kissed her again.

"Bye babe" she smiled and I waved as she drove off.

You Are My Sunshine (Jakesy)Where stories live. Discover now