She's Scared Of Me

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A/N: Look how young they are, FOETUS JADESY! Also, just to clarify for the next part up until the line the normal font is Jake speaking and the italics is Jesy.


"We should do something today."

"I can't Jake, I have my fitting for the X-Factor performance."


"Want to go out for dinner?"

"Sorry Jake, the girls and I have a management meeting tonight."


"Jes, did you want to see a movie today?"

"The girls and I have press all day."


"Jes! The fair's on today, let's go!"

"Jake, I can't, we're working on our performance for the Summertime Ball all day."



Jake's P.O.V

"Danny and Jenny asked if we wanted to go bowling with them today" I tell Jes as we eat breakfast.

She shakes her head, "The girls and I are going to Jade's for a writing session, so today's not really a good day."

"When is a good day" I whisper under my breath.

"Sorry, did you say something?" Jesy says, raising her eyes brows questioningly.

"Don't worry" I mumble.

"If you have something to say, say it" she states in a slightly angrier tone.

I ignore her and continue to eat my breakfast.

"Really?" Jesy scoffs, "Don't say something under your breath if you can't say it to my face."

I look up at her, staring into her eyes, urging her to stop. I don't want to argue but she's really pissing me off right now.

She rolls her eyes, "Grow some balls."

That sets me off and I can't help but yell, "All week I've tried to spend time with you and every single time you've had something better to do."

"Jake, I've been working" she yells back.

"So have I, Jes!" I reply, angrily.

"You know how busy I've been" she shouts.

"I'm sick of hearing all your stupid excuses" I scream, standing up and punching my fist against the table.

Jesy flinches and I can see the sheer terror in her eyes; she's scared of me.

"Jes" I sigh, angry at myself.

I walk around the table to hug her and apologise but as I approach her she stands up and backs away from me anxiously.

"P-Please d-don't hurt m-me" she stutters with tears streaming down her face.

My heart sinks; she's absolutely terrified.

I stop and take a step back; "Jesy, I would never hurt you" I say softly, shaking my head.

"P-Please j-just let me g-go" she cries.

I don't want to frighten her anymore so I decide to just leave it and sit on the couch.

She grabs her phone and car keys off the kitchen bench and runs towards the front door. As soon as I hear the door shut I pick up a cushion and scream into it before breaking down into tears. How could I have done this to her?

Jesy's P.O.V

Jade opens the door; "Jes, you're not supposed to be here until-" she stops. "Babe, what's wrong?"

I break down in tears. Jade takes me inside and shuts the front door before pulling me into her embrace. I continue to sob as Jade leads me into her bedroom and we sit on the bed.

"Please tell me what's wrong, you're freaking me out" she begs.

"J-Jake" I manage to get out before sobbing into Jade's shoulder.

Jade holds me tight and rubs my back softly; "Jake?" she asks, confused.

I nod.

"What happened?" she asks quietly.

I sit up again, wiping my eyes and trying to take a couple of deep breaths, "W-we were having b-breakfast and we s-started arguing and y-yelling at each other and then he, he stood up and p-punched the t-table."

"Wait, Jake, like 'wouldn't hurt a fly Jake', punched a table?" Jade says, shocked.

I nod, "I was so scared Jade, he's never acted like that before" I say, sobbing again.

"Aww, babe" Jade sighs as she pulls me into yet another hug. "Jes, did he hurt you?" she asks, her tone more serious than before.

"No and he told me he'd never hurt me and I believe him" I tell her, my tears slowly coming to a stop.

"Does he know you're here?" Jade asks me.

I shake my head.

"Are you scared of him?"

I shake my head again, "Not anymore."

"Do you want to see him?"

"Not right now" I say, honestly.

"Do you mind if I message him, just so he knows you're safe?"

"No, that's fine" I tell her before she gets her phone out and texts Jake.

Jake's P.O.V

My phone lights up and I see a text from Jade.

Jade: Just wanted to let you know that Jesy's here with me. She told me what happened and she just needs some space at the moment. I'll message you later today and let you know how she's feeling.

Me: Thanks Jade. I honestly never meant to scare her :(

Jade: I know :(

A/N: Next chapter (part 2) will be up tomorrow :) I really enjoyed writing this chapter, even though it was hard to write them fighting! Please don't forget to vote and comment if you liked it, I love hearing what you guys have to say :)

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