No Japan (Part 1)

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A/N: This chapter was too long so I split it into two parts. Part 2 will be up on Sunday and will be where Jesy tells the girls she can't go to Japan. Chapter after that will be a cute Jakesy one! I miss writing those cute Jakesy chapters but I wanted to incorporate the girls more than just through texts and also don't want every chapter of this story to be sickly sweet Jakesy scenes.

"Yep. It looks like an ear infection to me" Dr. Rivera says as he takes the otoscope out of my ear and sits down.

"Can I still fly?" I ask, praying he says 'yes'.

"Not until it clears up" he replies.

"Any possibility that it will be gone by Tuesday?"

"As in tomorrow?" he asks, raising his eyebrows.

"Uhh, yeah"

"Unfortunately not, well unless we surgically remove your ear canal" he laughs.

Did he seriously just try to make a joke? Now is definitely not the time for jokes!

"The girls and I are flying to Japan tomorrow night though" I say, as if it's going to magically change his answer.

"I'm afraid you're going to have to miss this one. Absolutely no flying! It could do permanent damage, Jesy" he says in a more serious tone.

"So, no Japan?" I persist; I don't know why, I already know the answer.

"Not unless you find a way to drive there" he jokes.

Really? Again! Just stop with the jokes already!

"Fine, can I leave now?" I stand up and cross my arms in front of my chest.

"Sure, here's your script. Take two tablets a day, one in the morning and one at night, with food. Oh, and get some ear drops while you're at the pharmacy" he says, holding the piece of paper out towards me.

"Yeah, whatever" I say as I snatch it from him and storm out of the clinic.

Why now? Why couldn't this have happened a week ago? I call a cab and ask them to pick me up from the pharmacy down the road. While I walk to the pharmacy I get my phone out of my bag and message the girls.

(11:21am) Jesminda: We're meeting at Nandos for lunch. Need to talk!

(11:22am) Poopey: Sure, what time? Hope everything's okay <3

(11:22am) Jesminda: Yeah, I'll talk about it at lunch. 12:30?

(11:22am) Leigh: Sounds good!

(11:23am) Pez: Yes! Did you read my mind? I have been craving Nandos all morning! After lunch, do you lovely ladies want to come over and help me finish packing? I'm so excited that I keep getting distracted!

I wish she would just stop talking about the trip. I lock my phone and toss it into my handbag as I enter the pharmacy. After the pharmacist gives me the antibiotics and ear drops I stand outside to wait for the cab. I get my phone out and look at the time, 11:29am. I scroll through my contacts and tap on Jade's number.

It rings twice before she answers, "Hey, Jesy. What's up?"

"I'm just around the corner from your place, can I come over?" I ask trying to sound excited.

"Of course! Then I'll take you to lunch" she says in her typical cheerful tone.

"The cab just got here, so I'll be there in five" I say as the driver pulls up next to me.

"Alright, see you soon" she replies, before making a sound that I assume was meant to be a kiss and hanging up.

I open the cab door and take my sunglasses off as I get in.

"Where can I ta-" the driver suddenly stops talking as he turns around and notices who I am. "Are you from Little Mix?" he asks, sounding slightly unsure.

"Yes, I am" I smile; I would hate to seem rude to a fan.

"My daughter is a huge fan! Sorry to ask but would you mind signing this for her?" he asks nervously as he rummages through the centre console and passes me a small notepad.

"Sure, what's your daughters name?" I ask as I open to a free page.

"Zoe" he says, smiling widely.

I write 'Zoe! Thank you so much for all your love and support. Love Jesy x' and sign underneath.

"There you go" I say, handing him back the notepad.

"Thank you so much, she will absolutely love it! You're all she talks about; I think you're her biggest inspiration" he says with an even bigger smile than before.

"Thank you! It was my pleasure" I smile back, now in a genuinely good mood.

"So where can I take you?" he asks.

I give him Jade's address and he types it into his GPS, before driving the short distance to Jade's house. I pay him and he thanks me again for the autograph as I get out of the car.

I walk up to the gate and press the buzzer, "Jesy's the best in Little Mix!" I say in my Scottish accent.

I hear Jade laugh through the speaker at the gate "You're such a wally! It's open."

I push the gate open and walk up the pathway to Jade's front door, where she's standing with her arms out in front of her, waiting for a hug.

"Hey, Poopey!" I smile as we hug.

"Hey, babe. So what is it you have to tell us?" she asks; my smile fades as I remember what the doctor had said.

"I'll tell you at lunch when the other two are there" I say, sighing as I walk inside.

A/N: Don't forget to vote and/or comment if you liked this chapter! Thank you all x

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