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- 12 WEEKS -

Jake's P.O.V

I lean against the doorframe of the bathroom and see Jesy standing in the front of the mirror, running her hands over her small bump. She looks upset and sighs as she pulls her shirt down.

"What's wrong, gorgeous?" I ask, which makes Jesy jumps a little.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you" I apologise.

I walk over to Jesy and stand behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist before tracing my fingers over her stomach and kissing her neck softly.

She shakes her head lightly, "It's okay. I just didn't see you there."

"So, what's bothering you?" I ask as our eyes meet in the mirrors reflection.

"Nothing" she replies but I can tell she's lying.

I turn her around to face me and run my fingers up and down her spine, "Jes, I can tell that you're upset."

Jesy just looks down sadly and shrugs her shoulders.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" I say, lifting her chin and giving her a reassuring kiss.

I see tears forming in Jesy's eyes so I take her hands in mine and walk her over to our bed. I sit against the headboard and position Jesy on my knee, embracing her in my arms. I brush a few stray hairs behind her ear and see a single tear make its way down her face.

"Babe, please tell me what's wrong" I beg, wiping the tear away with the pad of my thumb.

Jesy takes her phone out of her pocket and opens Instagram, tapping on her most recent post. She passes me the phone and stares off into the distance. I look down at the screen and see a photo of Jesy, Leigh-Anne, Perrie and Jade from when they went to lunch yesterday.

"What about it? You look beautiful" I say, confused as to why this made her upset.

Without saying a word, Jesy taps on the comments before focussing on the same spot she had been previously.

I start reading through the comments, which are all kind and supportive but as I continue to scroll I come across a nasty comment. I feel like my heart is being ripped out of my chest when I read it.

'These girls are so fit, except Jesy, she's fat and unpleasant to look at'

I put the phone beside me and pull Jes into my body just holding her as she breaks down.

"Jes, you know there are people out there that are just trying to make you upset. I know it's hard getting a comment like that but look at the hundreds of other comments saying how beautiful you are and how much of an inspiration you are to people. You're pregnant, what do people expect?" I say, rubbing her back and running my fingers through her curls.

"I know but they don't know that, they just think I'm fat. The comment doesn't even bother me that much, it just reminded me that I'm going to gain weight. I really don't want to get fat, Jake" she confesses, her voice breaking at the end.

"Jes, look at me" I whisper.

She looks at me as a few tears continue to fall.

"Your belly's going to grow and your boobs are going to grow, not that anyone's complaining" she giggles a little, "but our baby's growing in there too, so of course everything else is going to grow. Jesy, I will love you no matter how much weight you gain, you'll always be beautiful in my eyes and the fact that you're carrying our little bumblebee in there" I place my hands on her stomach, "makes you even more beautiful" I explain before kissing her cheek.

"Thank you" Jesy sniffles, a small smile appearing on her face.

"And that pregnancy glow is making you even sexier than usual" I wink.

She laughs and the sound warms my heart.

"I love you both so much" I smile.

"We love you too" Jesy smiles back before kissing me. "I know we've already told family and friends but do you think we could announce it to the world now?"

"I don't see why not" I smile excitedly.

"Let's post it at the same time" Jesy says, picking up her phone off the bed.

I take my phone out of my pocket and open Instagram.

"I really want to do a cute announcement photo" Jesy tells me.

"What about that Olaf onesie Perrie bought us the other day?" I suggest.

Jesy laughs, "She just couldn't help herself could she!"

I laugh as I walk over to the wardrobe and get the onesie.

Jesy sets the timer on her phone camera and we take a picture of us kissing while holding the Olaf onesie. Jesy sends me the photo and we both write the same captions underneath.

'We are thrilled to announce that we are expecting a new addition to our family in May 2018. We are over the moon and cannot wait to meet our little bumblebee. P.S. Can you guess who bought this little outfit? ;)'

"Ready? 1, 2, 3... Post" Jesy says as we both post the announcement.

"No matter what anyone says, you are the most beautiful person, inside and out" I smile.

Jesy blushes when I start singing, "You are beautiful, no matter what they say, words can't bring you down... no, no. You are beautiful in every single way. Yes, words can't bring you down, oh, no. So, don't you bring me down today."

You Are My Sunshine (Jakesy)Where stories live. Discover now