There's No Place I'd Rather Be

900 40 14

Jesy's P.O.V

Jake and I had decided to have a New Years Eve party at our house this year. It's just a small gathering though; we'd only invited the Little Mix girls, the Rixton boys, Ella, Jenny and Jordan.

It's 11:45pm on New Years Eve and I can't find Jake anywhere.

"Jake? Jake?" I call out, walking around aimlessly.

"Jes, he went to the bathroom" Jade calls back, laughing at me as I stumble over my own feet.

I really hadn't meant to get this drunk but I hadn't seen the girls for over a week and we hadn't celebrated Jade's birthday together because she was in Newcastle; I guess it just kind of happened.

I walk down the hallway, stumbling every couple of steps and falling against the wall. Just before I get to the bathroom, I see two people making out on the bed in the spare bedroom. I know my vision isn't 100% at the moment but I swear it's Perrie and Charley. I take a step closer to investigate but stub my toe against the doorframe.

"F**K!" I say loudly, bending over to put pressure on my throbbing toe.

Thanks to the amount of alcohol I'd consumed, I have absolutely no balance and fall backwards and land on the floor against the wall.

The bathroom door opens, "What happened?" Jake laughs as he helps me stand up.

I don't answer him; I look back into the room but now no one's there.

"Jes? What happened?" he asks again.

"Charley and Pez were just making out in there" I reply, pointing to room in front of me.

Jake turns around and looks into the room, "Jes, there's no one in there" he looks at me like I'm crazy.

"I saw them!" I persist.

"Okay, let's go find them and ask then" Jake smiles.

Jake's P.O.V.

I can tell how drunk Jesy is by the way her eyes are glazed over and the way she's looking through me rather than at me, that and she's slurring half her words. I take her hand and take a step forward but she doesn't move. I go to ask what's wrong but as I turn around I notice that her face is pale and instantly I know what's about to happen.

"Bathroom. Bathroom. Bathroom!" I repeat, guiding Jesy into the bathroom and towards the toilet.

As soon as we reach the toilet Jesy collapses to the floor and vomits into the porcelain bowl. I pull her hair back from her face just in time.

"You're okay" I soothe, sitting down beside her and rubbing her back gently. "That's it, get it all out" I say as she continues to throw up.

Jesy stops vomiting but starts crying and coughing.

"You're alright. I'm right here, baby" I reassure her, resting her head on my chest and continuing to rub her back.

"I'm sorry, Jake" she utters weakly.

"You don't have to apologise Jes" I say, combing my fingers through her hair.

Suddenly Jesy lurches forwards and throws up again. I don't have a chance to grab her hair this time and it falls in front of her mouth. I wince silently as I pull it back and get Jesy's vomit all over my hands.

"Babe, I'm going to put you in the shower, okay?" I say, hoping it will make her feel a little better.

I see Jesy nod slightly.

I quickly stand up and turn the shower on, grabbing two towels from the cupboard and locking the door before walking back and kneeling down beside Jesy. I unzip her boots and pull them off, placing them beside us.

"Jes, I'm going to carry you over to the counter so I can undress you. If you need to be sick, just throw up into the towel" I pass her a towel before placing one of my arms under her knees and the other around her back.

As soon as I sit Jesy down on the counter she vomits into the sink beside her. She leans back to rest on the mirror and I can see the tears roll down her cheeks. I don't think I've ever seen her this unwell, it's horrible.

"I promise it'll be over soon, my love" I say softly.

I undress her as quickly as possible before undressing myself and carrying her over to the shower. I stick my foot under the stream of water to check the temperature. Perfect.

"Do you think you can stand up or do you want to sit down?" I ask as I step into the shower.

Jesy throws up down the front of us.

"Sit down it is" I laugh to myself as I carefully lower the both of us onto the shower floor.

"Sorry" Jesy cries, she's so weak that it only comes out as a whisper.

"Don't worry, babe. That's why we're in the shower" I tell her.

She nuzzles her head into my neck and I brush my fingers through her hair under the running water.

"I don't want to throw up anymore" she sobs into my chest.

"I know" I sigh and kiss the top of her head, "I know it's awful but I promise it'll make you feel better, you just need to get all the alcohol out of your system."

I hear chanting in the distance "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Happy New Year"

"Happy New Year" I say to Jesy as I hear everyone cheering.

"I'm sorry" Jesy looks up sadly.

"Jes, I'm sitting in the shower, with you curled up into my chest; there's no place I'd rather be" I laugh and kiss her forehead.

A small smile appears on her face, "Even though I threw up on you?" she asks.

"Where ever you are is where I want to be. If that means I have to be vomited on then that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make" I kiss her forehead again, "I will take a raincheck on my New Years kiss though, once you've brushed your teeth."

Her smile grows, "I love you Jake."

"I love you too, Jesy."

A/N: Hope you liked this chapter! If you have any suggestions for the story line, I'd love to hear them :)

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