Loud Cries

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A/N: Uni and prac are over for the year so I promise updates will be more regular now! Hopefully once a week :) I skipped ahead 7 weeks because I just really wanted to write the birth chapter haha :) Please comment and let know know what you thought and if you still like this story! Also, I'm heartbroken about Jakesy but I really wanted to keep writing this so I can just pretend it's real :'( 

Jesy is 39 weeks pregnant :)

"I love you" I got in bed with Jake and cuddled up to him.

"I love you more" he smiled and kissed me softly.

I rested my head on his chest but a second later I felt something running down my leg.

"Jess!" he groaned and sat up, " You did not just pee on me!"

I sat up too and went red, "I'm so sorry, I didn't even realised it happened"

He smiled and laughed a little, "Don't be silly baby, it's okay" he helped me out of bed so we could have a shower and then changed the bedding.

We got back into bed and I sighed, "My back is killing me".

"Roll onto your side sweetheart and I'll massage it"

I smiled and kissed him softly before lying on my side and falling asleep as he massaged my back.


I woke up with horrible cramps and groaned, which woke Jake woke up too, "You okay baby?"

I nodded and rubbed my bump, "I feel like I've got period pains". I sighed and cuddled into Jakes open arms, "I thought being pregnant meant I didn't have to deal with this crap".

"What about I go make you some breakfast and we just stay in bed and watch some movies today?"

I grinned at him "That would be lovely, thanks babe"

He kissed me then got up and went to make breakfast. We ate and then spent the rest of the morning watching Taken. Once the movie was over I sat up and gripped my stomach; I swore and groaned.

"Babe, are you okay?" Jake took my hand.

"I think I might be in labour" I looked up at him with fear in my eyes and started to panic.

He just smiled and stroked my cheek, "Time to meet our little bumble bee". He kissed me softly and I felt the fear start to disappear and smiled back.

Jake helped me out of bed and got the hospital bag we had packed the week before. We headed to the car but on the way I had another contraction and grabbed onto Jake's arm.

He rubbed my back and held me close, "It'll be over soon baby".

After a minute the pain subsided and we drove to the hospital. We got there and the receptionist showed us to one of the birthing rooms so we could get comfortable.

"The midwife should be in to see you soon" I nodded and she left the room.

I got up onto the bed and held my hand out for Jake, "What if I can't do it?"

He took my hand and kissed it, "There's nothing Jesy Roche can't do"

I smiled but then got another contraction and panicked, "They're only a few minutes apart now"

"Baby, just focus on me and take a deep breath" he rubbed my bump and I nodded at him.

The midwife came in and smiled, "Hi Jesy, my name is Erin and I'll be your midwife, so if you have any questions or issues just let me know". She hooked me up to all the machines and told us that I was 6cm dilated.

"So about how long until this is all over?" I grunted as I felt another contraction begin but relaxed a little when I felt Jake rubbing my arm.

"I'd say about four to six hours but it could be more or less, it just depends on what your little girl feels like" she smiled and sat down on the stool by window.

An anaesthetist came in to give me an epidural, which took the worst of the pain away. Jake, Erin and I just talked for a while with contractions rudely interrupting every 3-5 minutes. I moved around and swapped positions regularly, went for a walk and had a bath before I got back into bed and curled up in pain.

"It hurts so much" I cried and gripped onto Jakes hand.

I heard him wince in pain but I really couldn't care less. Erin smiled and I felt Jake rub my back as I groaned in pain.

"Jesy, it's almost time to push, love" Erin set everything up and a few other people came into the room to help with the delivery.

I looked at Jake and shook my head, "No, no, I don't think I can do it"

"Yes you can baby, I know you can" he kissed my head but I just groaned in pain as an even more intense contraction began.

"Jake, shut up! You don't know what I can and can't do" I gripped his hand harder and screamed.

Jake stayed quiet and I looked at him, "Don't stop talking to me idiot!"

I could see the confusion in his face, "But... you just told-"

"I don't care! Now I want you to talk to me" I shut my eyes tightly and cried.

Jake stroked my hair and kissed my temple, "You can do this Jess, you are the strongest person I know. Come on babe, just a little longer and then our baby girl will be in your arms" he smiled at me, "her big round eyes looking up at her beautiful mummy"

I smiled as the contraction started to end and kissed him softly.

Erin looked up at me, "Okay Jesy, when the next contraction comes I'm going to need you to push as hard as you can"

I nodded and looked at Jake who smiled and kissed my hand, "her tiny little fingers wrapped around yours"

The next contraction begun and all I could think about was pushing. I could hear faint noises of all the people in the room but my mind was focused on pushing until suddenly the room was filled with loud cries. 

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