It's Perfect!

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"Jake, wake up!" I say excitedly.

"What's wrong?" he asks, still half asleep.

"It's the first of December, we have to go get a Christmas tree."

"Can't you go by yourself or take one of the girls? I really can't be bothered" he whines as he rolls back over.

"Seriously!" I raise my eyebrows. My shock quickly turns to anger. "Fine, whatever" I say as I get out of bed and storm off to the ensuite, locking the door behind me.

Jake senses my anger, "Jes," he sighs, walking over to the bathroom door. "Jes, I'm sorry, I'll go with you to pick a Christmas tree."

"No, I wouldn't want you to HAVE to go" I say, annoyed, through the door.

"Jes, I'm sorry. Please just open the door" he says and I give in, opening the door.

I look at him and then down at the tiles, hurt that he doesn't want to help me pick out our Christmas tree.

"If you want me to come with you, I will. I didn't realise it was such a big deal to you and I'm sorry" he walks towards me but I shake my head, not in the mood to be hugged by him. He understands and takes a step back, leaning against the doorframe.

"I just thought that seen as it is our first Christmas together, you would want to do all the traditional Christmassy things" I say, looking at anything but him.

"What do you mean? We were together for Christmas last year" he replies.

"I know we were together for Christmas last year but this is our first Christmas like really together, together. Last Christmas we'd only been dating for six months, this year we're engaged, living in our own home, soon to be married" I explain.

"I didn't realise it meant that much to you" he replies, walking towards me again; this time I don't turn him down. He hugs me tightly before moving back and looking into my eyes. "If you'll let me, I would love to help you pick out our first Christmas tree."

I can't help but smile.

"I'll take that as 'of course you can Jake, I'd love to have you there'?" he lets out a slight laugh before grinning at me.

"Don't push your luck, Mr. Roche" I roll my eyes, still a little annoyed with him.

He kisses my lips lightly, as if they would break if he put even the slightest amount of pressure on them. "You get ready and I'll cook you breakfast" he turns around to go downstairs.

I open my mouth to tell him what I want but he cuts me off, "Choc chip waffles with maple syrup and vanilla ice-cream, I know"

He looks over his shoulder and winks; we smile at each other before he disappears downstairs.

After breakfast, Jake and I get ready to go and pick out our Christmas tree.

"Jake!" I call from the bottom of the staircase, "Hurry up! I'd like to get this tree before Christmas!"

"Yeah, yeah, I know" he says, finally making his way downstairs.

"I still don't understand why it takes you longer than me to get ready" I shake my head, laughing lightly.

"Hey! You got ready while I was making you breakfast" he defends himself.

He steps off the last stair and I kiss him, "I know; thank you."

"It was my pleasure" he replies, resting his forehead against mine and smiling happily.

"Let's go" I say, getting excited all over again.

20 minutes later we arrive at the Christmas tree farm and walk towards the entrance.

I gasp as we walk through the gate, "Look at all the Christmas trees!"

Jake just looks at me and smiles, "I love that you're so excited about this."

"So what kind of Christmas tree do you want?" I ask him as we walk down the first aisle of trees.

"I honestly don't mind, I'm sure whatever you pick will be great" he says.

"No, you need to pick" I tell him.

Jake sighs, "Uhh, what about this one?" he points to a Christmas tree that is about as high as his shoulders.

I stare at him for a second, "Was that meant to be some kind of joke?" I ask in disbelief.

Jake just looks at the tree and then back at me.

"Jake, this tree is literally shorter than you, its way too thin and look at it, it's practically dead!" I explain, walking off to find a better tree.

He laughs.

I turn around to face him, "What are you laughing at?"

"Just you" he says, continuing to laugh.

"Me?" I ask, confused.

"Yeah, you. I knew you'd do that" he smiles, walking over to me.

"Do what?" I ask, still confused.

Jake cups my chin and lifts my head slightly, "Ask me to pick a tree and then completely insult the one I choose" he kisses me as I give him a guilty look.

"Sorry" I apologise.

"Don't be sorry. I do think you need to pick the tree though; I want this Christmas to be perfect, which includes having the perfect Christmas tree and I have absolutely no idea what the perfect Christmas tree looks like" he smiles, kissing me again.

I gasp as I see a tall, dark emerald tree out the corner of my eye, "It's perfect!".

I hug him tightly and tuck my face into his chest.

"I wish you knew how much I loved you" he whispers, kissing the top of my head.

A/N: Do you guys want to see Jake's P.O.V. at all or just Jesy's? If you have any ideas or things you want to see happen in this story, let me know in the comments. If you liked this chapter, don't forget to vote and/or comment and feel free to add my story to your reading list! Next chapter will be up this weekend :) THANK YOU X

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