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Jake's P.O.V.

I open the door and my eyes grow wide, "Perrie?"

Perrie's standing in front of me, sobbing and her mascara's running down her face; she looks so broken.

"Perrie, what's wrong?" I ask, pulling her into my chest.

She continues to cry and I don't really know what to do. I shut the door behind us and lead Perrie towards the living room couch.

"Is Jesy here?" she asks, wiping her eyes.

"She's in the shower, do you want me to get her?" I ask, moving to stand up.

"No, it's okay, don't bother her" Perrie replies, her tears finally slowing.

"If you don't want to talk to me about it just say but what's wrong Perrie?" I ask cautiously.

She whimpers softly. "I was driving and Little Things came on the radio, I didn't even realise until he started singing" Perrie cries harder.

I pull the blonde into my arms, "It's okay to be upset about it Perrie"

"But it's been over six months! I thought I'd be over him by now but I never stop thinking about him, about us. I've tried to be strong but it hurts Jake and I don't know if I can take it much longer" she sobs into my chest and her body shakes violently.

"Perrie," I sigh sympathetically, "you were together for nearly four years, you were engaged, it's going to take more than six months to get over him but I know you'll get through it. You've been so strong and hurting and needing to cry doesn't make you weak, not in the slightest! I know it's been hard but you've done so well. You know that the girls and I are always here to support you" I explain as Perrie slowly stops shaking and her sobs turn to soft whimpers.

"Where can I get a Jake?" she laughs weakly.

I laugh, "I promise you'll find someone who treats you like a queen and loves you as much as you deserve"

"I'm so happy that Jesy has you" she smiles.

"I'm so happy I have him too. Hey Pez." I hear Jes say as she enters the living room.

Perrie turns her head to face Jesy and replies quietly, "Hey Jes."

Jesy's eyes go wide when she notices the dried tears and mascara stains on Perrie's face, "Perrie, what happened?" she asks in a concerned tone.

"Nothing, it's fine" she tries to smile. I assume she either doesn't want to talk about it anymore or she doesn't want to bother Jesy with her troubles but I don't know for sure; I really don't understand girls sometimes.

Jesy obviously sees straight through her fake smile "I wasn't born yesterday Perrie."

Perrie looks at the ground and plays with the hem of her skirt.

"Anyone want a cup of tea?" I ask, giving myself an excuse to leave the two girls to talk.

"Yes, please" they both reply.

I rub Perrie's arm as I stand up to leave the room.

"Jake" Perrie calls faintly.

I turn back to face her.

"Thank you" she smiles.

I smile back and nod as I leave the room.

Jesy's P.O.V.

Jake leaves the room and I walk straight over to the couch and sit beside Perrie, "Pez, please tell me what's wrong" I persist.

She picks up the cushion beside her, playing with the corners, "I just miss him but I don't really want to talk about it. I talked to Jake and he cheered me up" she sighs deeply.

"Are you sure?" I question, just waiting for her to burst into tears at any second.

"Yeah" she nods and attempts to smile.

I put my arm around her and pull her into my side, "You know you can always talk to me" I assure her.

"I know. It was nice talking to Jake though, it felt good to talk to someone else for a change" she smiles and this time it's genuine.

"And he gives the best hugs" I add, trying to lighten the mood.

I smile as Perrie lets out a small laugh, "He does, doesn't he."

"Do you wanna watch a movie or do you have to go somewhere?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'd love to watch a movie" she replies.

We both jump slightly when we hear a loud noise coming from the kitchen.

"Can't even trust him to make some tea" I shake my head and we both laugh. "You choose a movie and I'll go make sure he doesn't burn the house down."

As I go to stand up Perrie wraps her arms around me and pulls me close to her body, "Thanks Jes."

I wrap my arms around her neck and return the hug, "Anytime Pez."

A/N: Hope you're still enjoying this story! If you could ship Perrie with anyone (besides the LM girls), who would you ship her with? Next chapter up Christmas Eve :)

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