You Missed Me That Much?

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Jesy's P.O.V

"Can't get with me, now I'm grown" the girls and I finish singing Grown.

"Great job girls! We'll finish sound check after lunch" one of the sound technicians calls out to us.

"I'm so ready for food" Perrie groans, shaking Jade's shoulders.

We all laugh and start walking off stage.

I hear Tenerife Sea start playing through the stage speakers. I smile and the memories of being in this exact spot last year when Jake proposed to me come flooding back. I stop walking and turn around to smile at the girls behind me.

"Haha, nice one guys" I laugh.

"Soz babes, I'd love to say it was us but we didn't organise it" Perrie frowns slightly, rubbing my arm.

The girls all suddenly break out into huge smiles.

"What?" I ask, looking at them confused.

"Nothing" the reply in unison.

I raise my eyebrows, "Okay?" I say unconvinced.

"I organised it" a familiar voice says from behind me.

My eyes widen and a huge smile forms on my face. I turn around and see Jake standing behind me, smiling cheekily.

"Jake!" I scream, running up to him and jumping into his arm.

I hear the girls 'awwing' and giggling behind us.

He laughs, "Hey beautiful. I missed you"

"I missed you too" I say before kissing him passionately.

"Pass me the sick bucket!" I hear Perrie joke.

I lift one of my hands from Jake's neck and give Perrie the finger while continuing to kiss Jake.

"I definitely missed that" he winks, cupping my face with his hands and giving me a quick kiss.

"Do you girls mind if I take Jes out for lunch?" Jake asks the girls as he wraps his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his side.

"Go ahead, we didn't want her anyway!" Perrie says in her American accent.

I gasp, acting hurt, before the girls and I all burst into fits of laughter.

"Just be back by 2, so we can finish sound check" Leigh explains.

I hug the girls before Jake takes my hand and leads me off stage.


"Thank you, Manchester!" Perrie yells as we finish our last song of the night.

"You were unbelievable tonight" Leigh says next.

"We love you so much" Jade says after Leigh.

"Goodnight!" I shout as the stage lights go out and the girls and I run off stage.

I run straight into Jake's arms, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him.

"You were absolutely incredible" he smiles, "I love you so much"

"Thanks, babe. I love you too" I say as he kisses my forehead and I remember just how much I missed having him here over the last two weeks.

Jake's P.O.V

After Jesy and the girls have packed up all their stuff from their dressing room we walk outside and get on the tour bus.

Dave, the tour manager walks in after us, "Alright, girls. Listen up" he says loudly, getting the girls' attention. "In about an hour, we're leaving for Nottingham. If you want to go anywhere that's fine but you need to be back here by 11:30 or we're leaving without you. We've got press tomorrow at 9am."

"9AM!" Perrie shouts.

"Yeah, 9-11 we have press and then you start sound check at 2:30" Dave explains to the four of them.

"Okay" the girls groan and Dave leaves again.

"I dibs the shower first!" Jesy yells before kissing me and running to the back of the bus.

Jade and Perrie decide to go get some Nandos and Leigh-Anne goes to her bunk to FaceTime Jordan so I just relax on the couch and watch TV while Jesy has her shower. About 15 minutes later I hear Jesy exit the bathroom.

"I'm so tired" she yawns, walking over to the couch and resting her head on my shoulder.

"Do you want to go to sleep?" I ask, kissing her temple gently.

Jesy looks up at me, "Can we just go to bed and cuddle?" she asks.

"Of course" I smile.

We lie down on Jesy's bunk and she snuggles into my chest.

"I love your hair like this, you know?" I say, running my fingers through her natural curls.

She looks up and smiles at me but her expression slowly turns to sadness. "Jake, I have to ask you a question but I don't know if I want to know the answer" she looks away.

"What is it, love?" I ask, slightly concerned.

She sighs.

I lift her chin up until our eyes meet again, "Jes, what's bothering you?"

She takes a second to respond, "How long before you have to go again?" she asks and I can see a few tears forming in her beautiful green/hazel eyes.

I let out a small laugh, "Babe, I'm staying for the rest of the tour."

"Really!" Jesy gasps, her tears suddenly disappearing.

I laugh again, "Yeah and don't tell Perrie but Charley's coming to see her next week."

"But I thought you were supposed to be recording until the 10th?" she says.

"I missed you so much that I made the boys record all day everyday so we could finish recording a few days earlier" I explain, stroking her cheek.

She smiles and whispers, "You missed me that much?"

"Jes, I don't think I could have missed you more" I say, kissing her softly, knowing she's about to fall asleep.

"I love you so much, Jake" Jesy says sleepily, placing her arm across my body and resting her head on my chest.

"I love you more, Jesy" I whisper, kissing the top of her head as her eyes flutter shut and she falls into a peaceful sleep.

A/N: I'm thinking I'll have one more chapter before the wedding, so please comment and let me know what you want to see happen in the next chapter because I'm a little stuck :( Don't forget to check out my one shots book and comment/pm requests! Thanks x

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