It's My Pleasure

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I'm sitting around the table at my Mum's house enjoying Christmas lunch with Jake, my mum and step dad, my brothers Johnny and Joey, Joey's girlfriend Emma, my sister Jade and her husband Tom. Everyone's commenting on how well Get Weird is doing and asking about the tour.

"Jesy, that's amazing" my mum says proudly.

"Jesy, Jesy, Jesy, that's all I ever hear" Johnny exclaims, standing up from his seat opposite me.

The whole room is silent and everyone looks up at Johnny, shocked by his outburst.

"Johnny, sit down" I hear my mum whisper from beside him.

"No mum! Jesy wins the X-Factor, it's all you talk about, Jesy releases an album, it's all you talk about, Jesy goes on tour, it's all you talk about, Jesy gets engaged, it's all you talk about!" He yells, he slurs some words and I instantly know he's been drinking, not that his words hurt any less. "In case you forgot, you have three other children!" he continues and I feel the tears forming in my eyes.

Jake stands up, "I think you need to leave" he says protectively.

"Why don't you leave; you're not part of this family anyway!" Johnny spits out rudely.

Joey and Tom both stand up and escort Johnny out of the house.

"No you're not having the keys, you can call a cab" I hear my younger brother yell before slamming the front door shut.

Everyone remains silent, looking in my direction.

Jake sits down again but turns on his seat to face me, "Babe?"

I just stare at the wall, silent tears streaming down my cheeks. I can feel myself about to break so I stand up and run towards the spare room at the end of the hallway.

Jake's P.O.V

Jesy suddenly stands up and runs down the hallway. Jade, Janis and I all stand up to run after her.

"I've got it" I say, knowing how much Jesy hates when people see her cry.

The two of them nod and sit down as I walk down the hall. I notice the door of the spare bedroom is the only one completely shut, so I assume that's where Jesy went.

I knock on the door but get no response. I open the door slightly and call her name; she doesn't reply but I can hear her muffled cries. I enter the room and shut the door behind me before walking over to the bed where Jesy's crying into a pillow.

I sit beside her, "I'm so sorry, babe" I whisper, knowing how much her brothers words would have hurt her.

Jesy stays face down and continues to sob into the pillow. I know that there's not much I can say to her while she's in this state so I decide to just lie next her and rub circles into her back. It kills me to watch her cry but I know she needs to get it out rather than try to hold it in.

She cries for a minute more before her sobs fade into small whimpers. I figure now is a good time to speak, or sing rather because I know that it comforts her.

"You are my sunshine," I begin, brushing the damp hair from the side of her face and placing it behind her ear.

"my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey," I continue as Jesy lifts her face from the pillow and rests her cheek against it, looking at me sadly.

"you'll never know dear how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away" I finish and kiss her forehead, leaving my lips there for a few seconds.

I move back and rest my head centimetres from hers; she smiles briefly but the usual light in her eyes isn't there.

"He hates me" she utters quietly.

"Jes, he doesn't hate you. I can guarantee you if he hates anyone right now, it's himself" I reply, wiping the remaining tears from her face with the pads of my thumb.

"Why would he say that?" she asks sadly.

"He'd been drinking, you know what he's like when he drinks" I answer.

Jesy frowns and sighs, "So much for the perfect Christmas, hey"

"Please don't let this ruin your day" I whisper as I stroke her cheek.

"Can we go home? I want to clean myself up before we go to your mum's for dinner" she explains.

"Jes, we don't have to go to mum's if you don't feel up to it" I tell her.

"No, I do. I wouldn't want miss your mum's famous Christmas dinner" she lets out a little laugh, causing a wide grin to appear on my face. "I just want to go home and relax for a bit first, if that's okay?"

"Of course, sweetheart" I smile and kiss her lovingly.

"I don't want to go back out there" she sighs.

"I'll do the talking, all you have to do is say goodbye" I assure her.

"Thank you" she says, smiling and looking into my eyes.

"No need" I smile back.

"Seriously though Jake, I don't say it enough. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me" her gaze moves from my eyes down to my shoulder.

"Babe, look at me" I whisper softly and her eyes meet mine again, "Every single thing I do for you is my pleasure, there's no need to thank me" I kiss her nose and see her lips form a small smile, "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, too" her small smile turns into a wide grin.

Jesy sighs, "I guess we should go."

"Come on" I say and we both sit up. "What about when we get home I run a nice hot bath" I add as I walk over to the other side of the bed and pull Jesy into a tight embrace.

Jesy looks up at me, "That sounds wonderful, thank-"

I press our lips together before she can thank me. "It's my pleasure" I say, reminding her.

She smiles happily and I see the light in her eyes return.

I wrap my arm around Jesy's waist and she nestles her head against my neck as we walk out of the room.

A/N: Do you think Jesy and Johnny will reconcile? Next chapter will be up Sunday! Merry Christmas and happy holidays to those who celebrate differently ❤️

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