Bumble Bee

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A/N: I'm back! Thank you all for being so patient :) This chapter is set in August 2017 (About a year after the wedding).

Jesy's P.O.V

I sit on the couch and smile as I open one of our photo albums and see the first photo; it's of Jake and I on our honeymoon in Santorini. I turn the page and laugh when I see photos of the girls and I joking around on set when we were filming our movie last year. I continue to flick through seeing photos from Leigh and Jordan's wedding, Perrie and Charley's engagement party, Jade and Jed's engagement party, the night the girls and I won our Brit Award earlier this year and finally Jake and I's first wedding anniversary in the Maldives. As I place the album back on the shelf a wave of nausea hits me and I quickly run to the bathroom before vomiting into the toilet. I hear Jake run after me from wherever he had been.

"You okay, babe?" he asks, sounding concerned.

I turn my head to face him; "I'm late" is all I can say.

He shakes his head trying to comprehend what I'm saying, "What do you mean you're-" he stops, his eyes widening and a small smile appearing on his face, "You're pregnant".

I smile back, "I think so. Give me a minute, I'll take a test."

I grab a pregnancy test from the cupboard under the sink and pee on it before sitting it on the edge of the sink and setting my phone timer for two minutes. I feel Jake's hands on my hips as he gently turns me around to face him. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into his chest.

"A watched pot never boils" he whispers before kissing me softly.

"Yes it does" I reply smartly, even though I knew what he was implying.

He rolls his eyes, smiling, "HA HA, very funny. You know what I mean."

I giggle and kiss him again. I go to turn back around but Jake stops me.

"What did I just say?" he laughs.

I groan, "But Jake, two minutes has to be over by now."

Jake looks over my shoulder at my phone screen and shakes his head, "Still 45 seconds."

I slump my shoulders and pout wishing time would hurry up. Jake cups my face and kissed me until I hear the timer start beeping.

He pulls away and smiles at me, "Now it's been two minutes. You ready?"

"I'm nervous" I say when I realise that what is about to happen could potentially change our lives forever.

"Jes, it's okay to be nervous" Jake kisses my forehead reassuringly.

"Can you look?" I ask.

He nods, "Of course."

Jake picks up the test and looks at it from over my shoulder before putting it down.

"What does it say?" I ask when Jake looks at me with a blank expression on his face.

He breaks out in a huge smile and I see a tear roll down his cheek.

"We're having a baby!" he says excitedly before kissing me and pulling me into a tight hug as we both cry happily.


Jake's P.O.V

I take the waffle out of the waffle iron and place in on a plate, drizzling it with chocolate sauce and scooping some ice cream on top. I thought it would be nice to make Jesy a special treat this morning because she's been really sick the last few days. One thing I've learnt since Jesy's been pregnant is that morning sickness should be called all day sickness. As I walk up the stairs I hear Jesy laugh at whatever she's watching on TV.

I open the door and smile, "Hey beautiful, I made your favourite."

Her face drops, "You really think waffles with chocolate sauce and ice cream is healthy for our baby?"

I freeze and look at her waiting for her to start laughing; surely she's just messing with me, right? I wait for a second but her half angry-half annoyed expression doesn't change though.

I laugh lightly, still thinking she's joking, "You're a great actress."

"You think this is some kind of joke?" she spits out, looking furious.

"Uhhhh" I look around the room for some kind of support.

"Jake, did you seriously think I would eat that kind of crap while I'm pregnant?" she groans, rolling over and focusing her attention towards the TV.

I remain in the same spot, still stunned by Jesy's outburst when I hear her start whimpering.

I place the waffles on top of my drawers and walk over to sit on the edge of the bed.

"I'm sorry for making you waffles, I just thought it would be a nice treat" I apologise.

Jesy shakes her head before rolling back over to face me. Her eyes are glassy and a few tears roll down her cheeks.

"I'm so sorry Jake" she cries.

"Aw, babe" I sigh, knowing her hormones are all over the place at the moment.

"I just scared that I could do something to harm the baby" she says as I wipe the tears from her face.

"I know it's scary but you can't be stressing over waffles, that's not good for the baby either" I kiss her forehead, "What do you want for breakfast, I'll make you whatever you like."

"I want the waffles" she says, sitting up against the headboard.

"Jes, you don't have to have the waffles" I tell her.

She laughs a little as a few more tears fall, "But I really want the waffles."

I laugh at her mix of emotions before giving her a peck on the lips, "I love you so much." I lean over and kiss her stomach, "And I love you too, my little bumble bee."

A/N: If you haven't already, make sure you go check out beth_dx, she is incredibly talented and I'm obsessed with her stories, 'True Love (Jadesy)' and 'Love Me Like You - Pesy'. Both stories are in my reading list, 'Favourites' so go check them out!

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