Chapter 1 - Our Normal Routine

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I slipped on my combat boots, zipped them up and looked at myself in the mirror.

Today’s outfit consisted of leggings, combats, bunched of mid-calf socks, a beige knit sweater, and a scarf.

I grabbed my brown leather jacket from the stool and made my way out the door.

I was meeting my best friend for our weekly Thursday lunch.

We did this every Tuesday and Thursday, because it worked around our schedules. At our normal time, a different place every day.

Today we were meeting at the café we first met at almost 2 and a half years ago.

Wow, did time fly by.

Today I start my junior year of college, and I couldn’t be more excited. Although I was nervous, I was proud of myself for making it this far.

I walked into the café and found my best friend sitting at a table in the corner, with a coffee for me, and a coffee for him.

“Hey, Dyl.” He smiled as I sat down across from him.

“Well hello, Styles. How are you on this chilly fall day?” I laughed as I put my purse and jacket around the back of my chair.

“Pretty good, and yourself?” he asked.

“I’m just great,” I laughed. “Nervous for my first day of junior year though.”

“Oh, please Dylan, you’ll knock ‘em dead.” I smiled and took in my surroundings.

To the left of me, an old couple was sitting, enjoying a cup of tea. To the right, a woman around my age was frantically trying to get three children to behave and sit down. I laughed. “I ordered our food, knowing that our time was limited today seeing that you're a big girl now and you're already a junior in college. .” Harry laughed and then winked at me.

“A big girl, huh? Last time I checked, I think I am twenty. Been a big girl for a while now.” I laughed

The waitress came right after he said that and placed our food right before our eyes.

A sub for Harry, and a strawberry salad for me. He knew me so well.

“Thank you,” I smiled shyly to the waitress then turned to look at Harry, “so what’s on the agenda for this weekend?” I asked him as I stuck my fork into the salad and began eating.

We had our weekly routines. Tuesday and Thursday lunch. Wednesday night’s dinner at either my place or his. Friday through Monday were left until the day for us to decide what we were going to do.

“Hmmmm,” he started, obviously thinking, “Movies tomorrow? Or we could go skating? Or we could go shopping? Or I don’t know, you decide, my friend” he said as he took a bite of his sub.

“Did you just say shopping?! Count me in!” I exclaimed as he rolled his eyes playfully, regretting what he had just suggested.

I looked him in the eyes and smiled with content.

I was happy.

It had been about four months since I first ran into Harry after a year of not seeing each other.

It took me a while to get used to him again, but I was glad he was around.

We became best friends over the past four months, not lovers. And I was glad. I was glad I could make amends with him after everything that had happened. 

“What are you all smiley about?” he showed both dimples with his cheeky smile.

“Ohhh, nothing.” I said as I took a drink of my coffee.

We continued to eat and chat and it was finally time for me to go to my first class of my junior year of college.

“Thank you for lunch,” I started and he smiled, “no problem.” He said.

“See you tomorrow! What time are you picking me up at?” I asked as I gave him a quick hug goodbye.

“I’ll text you in the morning. Good luck at class,” he laughed, “I know you’ll do great” he winked, and with that we parted our separate ways.

Here goes nothing.

Hello lovelies! Soooo here's the sequel to PDLMH! :) Sorry this chapter is so short! I just need to start off short so I can bring the story somewhere! So, what'd y'all think?! Comment, vote, fan! What do you think of Dyl and Harry being best friends? What do you think will happen in the end? I really hope you all enjoy this fanfic as much as PDLMH, maybe even more than it?? Tell me your thoughts! Thank you all for reading! I will be updating once a week until school starts, then it will just be whenever I have time! Hope you enjoooyyyyy! xx

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