Chapter 24 - April Showers

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“Nialllllll!” I said when I walked in his flat after I had finished reading all of Harry’s notes.

“In my room. I’ll be out in sec,” I heard him say.

I went to the living room and sat down to wait for him.

“Hey, can you tie this for me?” he asked as he walked into the living room trying to tie his tie.

Not too dressy my ass.

He had on dress pants, a dress shirt, and a tie. His hair was quiffed up and he looked super hot.

I walked up to him and grabbed the tie, then wrapped it around his neck so I could tie it.

“Not to dressy, eh?” I laughed.

“I changed my mind throughout the day. I see you got the dress.” He said looking down at my dress.

I tied his tie and took a step back from him to examine his outfit.

“Yes, I love it. Thank you.” I smiled.

“Happy Birthday, Dyl.” He said then wrapped his arms around my waist to give me a hug.

“Thanks,” I said wrapping my arms around his neck.

We stayed in the embrace for a while until I finally spoke up.

“Can I ask you something?” I said.

“Sure thing.” He pulled back so his arms were still wrapped around my waist and my arms were still wrapped around his neck.

“You know that I still love Harry, right…?” I looked down to the floor.

“Dylan, I’m not an idiot.” He laughed.

“I know but it’s just that you and I have been hanging out a lot lately and I’m unsure if I have feelings for you so I don’t want you to have feelings for me and me not know, I don’t know.” I blurted out.

Way to make the rest of the night awkward, Dyl. I thought to myself.

“Woah, Dylan. Hold up,” he started laughing. “Dyl, I know you are in love with Harry. Any one with the right mind knows it, besides him obviously. I don’t want you to have feelings for me, I don’t. If anything, I look at you like a best friend. I promise nothing more.” He finished.

Thank god. I thought.

But at the same time, I was kind of sad that he had just said that.

“Oh okay. Good. I didn’t really know what was going on between us, and yeah…please don’t make things awkward now though…” I said quietly.

“Promise I won’t,” he winked.

“Good,” I said giving him another hug.

“Now are you ready to go? I’m hungry!” he cheered.

“Ready as I’ll ever be.”


April had come quick which meant only a month and a half until I left.

The saying ‘April Showers, Bring May Flowers’ was hopefully true. Because it was more like April storms.

Everything was the same though. Everything about me. About Harry. About Niall. Nothing had changed.

Besides the fact that the boys had started working on their new album.

“We never go on our Tuesday and Thursday lunch dates anymore.” Harry broke my thoughts.

I looked over to him and pouted my lips. “I know.”

“Why is that?” he asked as he pulled the blanket over him more.

“I don’t know. A lot has changed in the last few months, wouldn’t you say so?” I laughed.

I looked out the window and the storm was getting worse. And I, being the girl I am, was not a fan of storms.

Since my classes were cancelled today, due to the storms, I went over to Harry’s and we’ve been having a lazy day all day just watching movies.

“I guess so.” He shrugged his shoulders.

I was actually counting down the days until I left for LA. 32. It wasn’t long. I had to start packing my stuff up soon and shipping it off to my house in LA.

Although it was going to be hard leaving London, I actually couldn’t wait to get out of here away from the rain and everything.

“So not long until you leave…” Harry said. It’s like he had been reading my thoughts.

“I was just thinking the same…Ha.” I lied about things not changing between me and Harry in the past month.

The closer it got to me leaving, the more distant Harry and I got. It was awkward at times when we were together. And it broke my heart.

Harry faked a laugh. “So are ya gonna help me start packing soon?” I asked trying to ease the tension between us.

“Of course.” he smiled.

“Good.” I said.

“I’m really going to miss you, Dylan…” he said.

“Please don’t start this, not now at least. We have thirty-two days left together. Thirty-two days to make memories together.” I said

“I know, it’s just what am I going to do without you?” he laughed a little.

“Live. Follow your own dreams.” I stated.

He mumbled something that I couldn’t hear.

“What was that?” I asked.

“What was what?” he raised an eyebrow.

“What did you just say before that?”

“What are you talking about?” he said.

“You mumbled something that I couldn’t hear. What was it?” I asked.

“You must be hearing things…” he shook his head.

“No, I’m pretty sure you said something. Why can’t you just tell me?” I asked.

“Why is it such a big deal?” he said.

“Why can’t you just tell me?”

“Why is it such a big deal? It doesn’t really matter.” He said.

“Yes it does. Why can’t you just tell me?” gosh, what was his deal?

“Why do you have to leave me?” he yelled. Tears started forming in my eyes.

“I-I need to go.” I said getting up quickly and running out the door.

I ran into Niall’s flat bawling my eyes out.

“Dylan? Dylan, are you okay?” he came running up to me and wrapped his arms around me.

“Please just don’t let go.” I said through my tears.

“I won’t.”

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